A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273
Eleanor’s body instantly tensed up, she didn’t answer Robin’s question. But Robin went on, “How much longer were you
planning to keep this from me? My sister’s fiancé is dead.”
Eleanor lifted her head to look at Robin, saying, “I’m sorry.”
Robin wanted to snap at Eleanor, could a simple sorry solve everything? But when he saw how red and puffy Eleanor’s eyes
were, he couldn’t bring himself to say it.
He chose to avoid Eleanor’s gaze and coldly said, “Go find out the truth first, then I’ll have you answer me.”
He knew that Bernard had been missing for three months, and now Evan had come back with Caleb’s urn, but no Bernard.
Which meant something serious must have happened to Bernard. What exactly happened, Robin didn’t know, but Evan definitely
Eleanor nodded and then left the hospital. Under Scott’s protection, she quickly returned to Fiord Roundabout. Evan hadn’t left,
he was still sitting in his original spot, caressing the urn, waiting for Eleanor’s return.
Suppressing her grief over losing Caleb, and fighting to keep her body from trembling, Eleanor walked up to Evan, “Can you tell
me now, what exactly happened?”
The urn held Caleb’s ashes, but that didn’t mean that nothing had happened to Bernard. If nothing had happened to him, he
wouldn’t have left that note to Garett. Eleanor had already realized this deep down, but like Katharine, she didn’t want to believe
Evan removed his hand from the urn to look at Eleanor.
“There’s a place called Area Opaca, similar to the Siren Organization. Only, their target is the Siren Organization. I don’t know if
the mastermind behind Area Opaca has a grudge against my foster father or Mr. Law, but once you go in there, you never come
Upon hearing ‘never come out’, Eleanor’s heart felt like it was being squeezed.
“So, the place you guys went to, was Area Opaca?”
Evan nodded, fear evident in his eyes.

Three months ago, Mr. Law and I went to Area Opaca, Caleb arrived later, but he quickly caught up with us. In the seventh round
of the game of life and death, Mr. Law walked into the door of death, Caleb chose to sacrifice himself to protect him...”
Evan caressed Caleb’s urn again,
“When the door opened, Caleb fell into a pit of snakes, he was bitten to death, his flesh all eaten by the snakes, what’s in this
urn, are the bones Mr. Law and I risked our lives to retrieve...”
All that was left, were fragments of bones.
Hearing the cause of Caleb’s death, Eleanor’s blood seemed to freeze.
She saw in her mind the image of her and Caleb sitting at the ship’s dining table, admiring the sea view while complaining about
Bernard’s terrible cooking.
Back then, Bernard, hearing their words, had forced Caleb to eat everything he had made with a cold face. After a few bites,
Caleb couldn’t stand it anymore, he jumped onto the railing, yelling at Bernard that his food was so bad he’d rather jump into the
sea than eat it.
Caleb was always so full of life. How could he die in such a horrific way in just a few months?
Eleanor couldn’t accept this fact, “Could it be a lie? Could Caleb still be alive?”
How could such a terrible game exist in the world? How could such a cruel place exist?
She didn’t want to believe it, but Evan told her seriously, “Mr. Law and I saw it with our own eyes.”
A few months ago, Caleb had called him, asking him to let him know before they set off, and Evan had agreed.
If he had known then that Caleb would secretly follow them and die there, he would never have sent Caleb the message.
Eleanor felt completely numb, her heart slowly tightening, then choked by a suffocating feeling, making it hard for her to breathe.
After a while, she moved her numb fingers, slowly looking at Evan across from her, “And him?”
Caleb was forever left there, what about Bernard, was he... left there too?
Evan removed his fingers from the urn, seemingly not knowing how to explain, he was silent.

Eleanor didn’t rush him, she just quietly watched the much thinner Evan.
After a while, Evan finally lifted his head, “His situation was even worse than Caleb’s.
Eleanor’s heart seemed to stop beating, her ears buzzing, her vision blurring, it felt like the world had stopped, like her soul had
been sucked out, she lost
all sensation.
Evan was prepared for Eleanor’s retaliation, but she had no reaction at all, just blankly staring at him, this look of desperation
made Evan’s heart hurt so
Eleanor sat still for a while, she opened her mouth, tried several times before finally speaking, “How... did he die?”
Evan lifted his hands, covering his face in agony, “They cut open his skull... the final round of the game of life and death, those
who walk into the door of death, they all get brain surgery, then they have everything in their brains scooped out.”
Eleanor’s tears, suddenly started falling again.
“Mrs. Laurence, I’m sorry.”
Evan stood up from the couch, then knelt in front of her.
“The one who was supposed to walk into the door of death was me, but Mr. Law chose to sacrifice himself to keep me alive.”
Evan bent his tall body, his entire figure trembling from guilt, apologizing over and over again.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry......

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