A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1256

Chapter 1256
Eleanor took a cool moment to think, figuring she didn’t need to sweat it as long as she didn’t spill the beans about her real
identity. If he was going to be straight with her, she decided to return the favor.
“I’ve got one sibling,’ she confessed.
Yates showed no reaction when she admitted being a part of the Pine family, he simply asked again, “Where’s this sibling?”
“I wouldn’t know, we lost touch as kids and still haven’t found each other.”
No one had a clue that Emilia was dead. The secret was kept by Ethan, Bernard Laurence, and the three families: the Pine, the
Spencer, and the Hooper families, including Yates himself.
He only knew that the woman named Vanya Pine, who wasn’t a part of the Pine family, had two kids named Emilia and Elena.
And the Emilia standing in front of him...
She did bear some resemblance to the person in his memory, but she wasn’t the spitting image of her mother, Vanya. Could this
Elena kid look like her?
Lifting her head, Eleanor asked curiously, “Mr. Sharp) why are you asking about my sister?”
Sipping his coffee, Yates merely smiled, “Just curious, that’s all.”
Eleanor shot back, “Mr. Sharp, I noticed the photos downstairs were all cut in half. Some sort of break-up memento?”
If he could dig into her personal life, she was entitled to do the same. Fair is fair, right?
Yates wasn’t ruffled by Eleanor’s question, he calmly explained, “That was my old flame. We had a falling out and she cut herself
out of our photos. She also took our child and left.”
Eleanor was taken aback. His old flame had his child. “Did you ever find her?”
Yates replied with the same matter-of-fact tone, “I found her after she passed away.”
Eleanor rushed to apologize, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know...”
Yates waved it off, “That’s old news. Don’t worry about it.”

Eleanor didn’t plan to pry further, but Yates continued, “She had two kids for me. I brought them back and put them under my
wife’s name.”
So, Peterson Sharp’s real grandmother was Yates’ first love.
Eleanor felt a bit sorry for Yates’ wife. “Your wife sure is understanding, accepting your old flame’s kids.”
Yates didn’t take offense to her sarcasm, “My wife doesn’t love me. Our marriage is nothing more than a business deal.”
So, they were just using each other.
Eleanor felt their family situation was a bit of a mess, “Do your kids know they’re not your wife’s children?”
Yates nodded, “They know.”
With that answer, Eleanor understood why Peterson refused to acknowledge that Yates’ first love was his grandmother.
Even though they knew the truth, they couldn’t admit it. After all, the kids were under the name of the legal wife. Admitting the
truth would just make them a laughingstock and a disgrace.
They made the kids bear such a burden for a business marriage. It was too cruel, but it wasn’t Eleanor’s place to judge.
Yates asked her, “What would you feel if your mother was my child?”
Eleanor hesitated for a moment before replying, “If you couldn’t marry your first love, you shouldn’t have gotten her pregnant and
she shouldn’t have had the baby.”
He knew it was wrong, but he did it anyway. He hurt his first love, himself, and his children.
Of course, if his legal wife didn’t love him, then at least there was one less person to hurt.
Yates’ deep eyes became even more intense, “You’re quite bold.”
Feeling his intense gaze, Eleanor swallowed unconsciously, “Mr. Sharp, please understand, I didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t
take it to heart.”
She had only been considering things from the perspective of Yates’ children, not considering that she didn’t have the right to
judge Yates.

Compared to Blake of the Laurence family, Yates was much more tolerant. He didn’t mind Eleanor’s rudeness, “I heard your
mother isn’t from the Pine family, so which family do you belong to?”
Seeing the conversation shift back to her, Eleanor’s confusion deepened, “Mr. Sharp, I can’t answer that. I don’t know myself.”

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