A Second Chance at Forever

Chapter 1228

Chapter 1228
Bernard gave him a cold glance and said indifferently as he walked into the office building, “I’m not interested in your good
His aloof personality was something Cedric had long gotten used to. He shrugged it off and quickly caught up with Bernard,
“Guess where I went yesterday, bro?”
“I don’t know,” Bernard replied coldly, stepping onto the stairs, “All I know is you’ve been neglecting the Lawrence Group for Ms.
Cedric had been busy and hadn’t been to the company for a while, he felt a bit guilty about it, “I’ll be punctual in the future, bro. I
promise I won’t miss out.”
After making that promise, he leaned in towards Bernard and whispered, “Wanna know why?”
Bernard, finding him annoying, replied with a chill, “Did you finally get Ms. Vulpe to fall for you?”
Cedric praised Bernard for his intelligence and grinned from ear to ear, “Not only did I win her over, but she’s also not leaving
Bernard, who had already figured out the good news, played along and asked, “How can you be so sure she’s not going
anywhere when you haven’t brought her home?”
Cedric’s smile widened at the returned question, “I’ve married her. We just registered our marriage yesterday. What do you think,
Expecting Bernard to be surprised after keeping the big news a secret for so long, Cedric was taken aback when Bernard didn’t
even bat an eyelid.
“Bro, are you not surprised at all?”
“I knew it!”
He figured Bernard must be used to keeping a poker face.

Just as he thought this, Bernard turned to look at Cedric.
“I’m surprised that Ms. Vulpe would be so reckless as to marry you.”
Cedric was speechless.
“She was forced by you, wasn’t she?”
Cedric, stung by his words, glared at Bernard.
“Absolutely not. I won her over with my charm, that’s why she agreed to marry me.”
Bernard paused, took a good look at him, and even though his expression didn’t change, Cedric felt insulted.
“Bro, what’s with that look? Are you looking down on me?”
Bernard didn’t reply, just turned away and headed towards the elevator. Cedric quickly caught up with him.
“Bernard, now that I’m married to Hailey, shouldn’t you consider me your brother-in-law?”
At this, Bernard halted.
He turned to face Cedric, eyes fixed on him.
“What did you just say?”
“Is there something wrong with my logic?”
Bernard gave him a deep look in response to Cedric’s challenge.
“Do you want to die, or want to be expelled from the Laurence family?”
“Can I choose neither?”
Bernard tilted his head slightly, staring at Cedric in a way that gave him the creeps.
“I take back what I just said. Pretend you didn’t hear it.”
Cedric, a master at playing dumb, then pressed the elevator button and with a smile, gestured for Bernard to step in.

Bro, you said you wanted to have a meeting with me, right? Come in.”
Only then did Bernard shift his gaze and step into the elevator.
There was still one piece of news he hadn’t shared with Bernard and keeping it to himself made Cedric a bit uneasy.
He stealthily cast a glance at Bernard who was standing like a statue in the elevator.
Given the choice between being scolded by Bernard and suffocating with a secret, Cedric didn’t hesitate to choose the former.
“Bro, I have another piece of good news. Hailey is pregnant. I’m going to be a dad!”
Bernard had anticipated the marriage news but the pregnancy was a shocker.
“Is it from that time?”
“Yes.” Cedric confidently patted his chest.
As if telling Bernard, see, I hit the bull’s eye, cool right?
Bernard’s handsome face gradually turned sour.
Aidyn, who married later than him, was going to be a dad.
Cedric, who married even later than Aidyn, was also going to be a dad.
Who’d be next, Caleb?
Or would everyone else get pregnant and then hit him with the good news?
Seeing Bernard’s gloomy face, Cedric cheerfully nudged him with his elbow.
“Bro, if it wasn’t for you convincing mom to apologize to Hailey, I’d probably still be at home fighting with them and wouldn’t know
about the baby.”

Bernard gave him a look and ignored him. Cedric didn’t see that. He continued his words.
“How about this, to thank you, I’ll let you name the baby?”
Bernard scoffed, “The baby isn’t even born yet, we don’t know the gender. What name should I give?”
Cedric didn’t mind at all, “Then you can come up with one for a boy and another for a girl, right?”
Bernard looked at him impatiently, “Do you really want me to name them?”
Cedric, “Of course!”
Without giving it a thought, Bernard said, “If it’s a boy, name him Boy Laurence. If it’s a girl, Girl Laurence.”
Cedric responded, “Are you kidding me? You’re way too casual about these names!”

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