A Ranger From Adamnar

Chapter Prologue

The five Ranger lords made their way virtually silently through the moonlit forest. The man in front stopped every ten feet or so to look up into the trees. Then he closed his eyes, let out a long slow breath and stood perfectly still for a few seconds. This went on for more than an hour. Finally, the woman behind him said, “Van, we’ve been tracking the Scepoli for two days now. I don’t think we’re going to find them.”

“Patience Maralene,” he said softly, “They’re close.

“This the outer edge of where they were last seen,” one of the men said.

“Thank you Greg,” Van replied.

“Maralene’s right, Van,” another lord said. “Scepoli travel in the trees. We won’t find any tracks here on the ground.”

“I’m not looking for tracks Aidan,” Van replied. “And I’m not giving up. These creatures attacked three of my patrol groups and killed six Rangers and a trainee. I will not let it stand another day.”

“And maybe if you two shut up, the man could do his job,” came a rough voice from behind them.

Maralene turned around and said, “We’re not trying to stop him from doing his job Waylan, we’re just being realistic.” Before the argument could escalate, Van put up his hand for silence. A shadow passed above them. The Rangers formed a back to back circle and silently drew their swords.

The first attack came with blinding speed from just above Van’s head. The creature flew at them, the claws of all fours limbs extended. Although it didn’t have wings, the extra skin between its front and back legs enabled it to glide for long distances. Its razor sharp claws were efficient and deadly weapons. Van sensed the creature just before it dropped down on him. He raised his two swords and slashed at the Scepoli when it glided near him. The thing shrieked in pain and dropped to the ground.

A cacophony of shrieks and whistles filled the air around them. “Get ready,” Van said.

A dozen more of the creatures launched themselves at the Ranger lords. The five fought at lightning speed but still had difficulty making contact with the agile beasts. Aidan let out a strangled cry as the claws of one of the Scepoli raked his back. Maralene caught the creature as it leapt away from Aidan and sliced into its underbelly. Van’s swords flashed and danced as he fought their attackers. Waylan’s two long swords swung in wide arcs above his head. The Scepoli quickly learned to avoid those deadly blades.

So far five Scepoli lay dead on the forest floor, but the remaining creatures were getting better at avoiding the Ranger lord’s swords and still inflicting damage. All five of the Rangers were bleeding from various wounds. As the fight raged on, Van caught the sound of someone running very quietly in their direction. He heard the sharp twang of a bowstring as it loosed its missile and an arrow struck one of the Scepoli right in the eye. Another arrow quickly followed and another creature went down.

The tide of battle quickly turned as the bewildered Scepoli tried to attack the Rangers lords and escape the arrows at the same time. Before long fourteen of them lay dead in the soft dirt of the forest. Van turned toward the source of the arrow volley. “Who is that?”

Another Ranger came out of the shadows of the trees. His dark eyes were wide with battle lust and for a moment Van thought he saw the stars reflected in those eyes. The Ranger bowed, “Lord Berol, it’s me Pellou. I was out here checking the perimeter for my next training run and I heard the sounds of your battle. I’ve been trying to track down those damned things for a week.

Van smiled. “Pellou, we’re lucky you came along when you did. Thank you.”

“Any time, my lord,” Pellou replied. “Well, I’m off. I’ll see you in the stronghold.”

And just as quickly as he came, Pellou was gone again. The other Rangers just stood and stared where he had been standing.

Aiden said, “He is either the luckiest or craziest Ranger I’ve ever met.”

Maralene shook her head. “I’m not sure he’s in the same world as the rest of us.”

“Well, I’m pretty glad he was here tonight,” Waylan said.

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