A Princess Reborn

Chapter 16

At the break of dawn, we set out for the Stone Gods, and my mind is haunted by the lingering echoes of my eerie dream. It felt so vivid, as if I was standing right there beside them. If it's true that dreams hold messages, then what could be the meaning behind it all?

"Did you manage to rest well?"

"I... got some rest, thank you."

How could I possibly convey my tangled thoughts to Rune? Attempting to do so might make me seem quite mad.

"Don't let the hunter disturb your peace. Once we've ensured Hannah's safety, I will take care of him."

"And I'll be right there with you!" Eric adds, offering his best effort to calm my nerves. His sincerity is touching, yet my current turmoil is something he can't readily assist with. After all, it was just a dream. Given the recent series of strange occurrences, it's understandable for me to have an overactive imagination. "Rune, have you ever heard of dreams or visions carrying messages?"

"What an unusual question, maiden."

"I'm afraid not much on that topic."

"Knights aren't typically occupied with flights of fancy, right, Rune?"

"Why do you inquire, Sarah?"

"I had a disquieting dream."

"My father's wisdom suggests that eating too much meat before bedtime can lead to nightmares."

I suppose that's another plausible explanation. Truth be told, I'll take any explanation other than it being... real.

"Is there something you want to share with us?"

"I... no, it's nothing."

"Perhaps there were knights in your dream?" Eric interjects.


Rune turns to him, "She mentioned a disturbing dream, Eric. She could have been dreaming of annoying village boys."

"Good point, knight."

I knew I shouldn't have brought it up.

"As you can see, Sarah, neither Eric nor I would be particularly adept at interpreting your dreams."

"Seems that way."

Upon reaching the Stone Gods, our party rests at the base of three imposing stone pillars. I gaze curiously at the inscriptions carved into their surfaces.

"We'll wait here for the hunter."

"Why are these pillars called the Stone Gods, knight?"

"It's a reference from ancient times. Those who believe in the Stone Gods say they house the spirits of three wise kings."

Laya trots toward one of the grand stone figures, contentedly munching on the lush grass growing nearby. "Could the grass be the secret to the lamb's happiness and relaxation? Perhaps I should sample it too."

I turn to Eric, "Are you feeling nervous too, Eric?"

"I was just wondering for future reference."

"Don't worry. Everyone feels afraid from time to time. It's natural."


"On guard!"

"Well, well, look who finally decided to make an appearance." The hunter steps out casually from behind the middle stone figure.

"May the gods be with us," Eric mumbles.

"What is it you want with a simple village girl, hunter?"

"The same thing as you, knight!" Rune's gaze narrows. "Before we proceed, show us Hannah."

I'm amazed at how composed Rune is. "If you don't reveal Hannah, there's no further discussion."

"And do you think that fazes me at all, knight?"

"Perhaps you're misunderstanding me." Rune calmly rests his hand on the hilt of his sword. The hunter hesitates, then retreats behind the stone figure. He reemerges moments later, dragging Hannah into our view. "Hannah!"

"By all the gods..."

She's bound by ropes and unable to move. "Sarah! Oh, I'm so relieved to see you. I feared I'd never see you or anyone from our village again. Heck, I even missed your insufferable mother and Brianna..."

"How about me?" Eric chimes in.

"Even you, Eric."

"My day is complete."

"This is quite the sight," the hunter remarks.

"Oh, Hannah..." I'm beyond relieved to see her, but if she keeps rambling, Rune will surely realize I lied about my last name. She's already mentioned Brianna. "Hannah, don't say anything more. We don't want to provoke the madman. We don't know what he's capable of."

"Who do you call a madman?"

"I don't care. If these are our final moments, I'd rather make them count."

Rune warns, "Stay back, Sarah. You mustn't get too close to the hunter."

It's killing me not to run to Hannah's side, but Rune is right.

"I thought about so many things. Our tree, Laya, and even how you'd spend the rest of your life in your father's butcher shop... I was scared I'd never see you again." Blast it. Rune will never trust me again.

He glances at me, his gaze full of disbelief. "The butcher shop? But I thought your father was a cooper."

"No, her father is Patrick Ashdown, the most renowned butcher in the kingdom."

This is entirely my fault. Lies always catch up with you.

"So you're Sarah Ashdown?"

"Yes... I'm sorry, Rune."

"Wait... you lied to me?"

"You seem surprised, knight," the hunter sneers. "I told you we're after the same thing. And that thing is Sarah."

"By the flames of hell! This is too much," Eric mutters.

I turn to the hunter with an incredulous expression, demanding answers. "What do you mean, you want me?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Tell me now!"

"I don't have time for this! You've seen Hannah. Let's continue."

Rune regards me with disbelief, momentarily distracted from the hunter. "You knew I was searching for you."

"I never meant-"

"Look out, Sarah!"

The hunter takes advantage of the moment and attempts to grab me. I quickly sidestep, narrowly escaping his grasp. I watch from a safe distance as Rune and the hunter engage in fierce combat. Eric stands to the side, mouth agape in shock. The hunter is a skilled swordsman, driving Rune back several steps. Eventually, Rune loses his footing on some loose stones. "Oof!"

He narrowly evades the hunter's sword, which was aimed at his chest. Eric recovers and leaps into the fray. "You evil, shapeshifting madman. You're about to meet your end!"

The hunter's expression shows annoyance as he easily deflects Eric's attack. Eric refuses to back down, but the hunter's skills are clearly superior. Eric ends up falling to the ground.

If Eric survives this, it'll be a miracle.

"The games are over. Time to bring this to a close."

I close my eyes, fully expecting Eric to be struck down with a fatal blow. But when I open them again, I see the hunter transforming into... another Rune! "Holy heavens..."

No! I have to keep track of the real Rune.

"Watch Rune's movements, Sarah!"

I take mental note: the genuine Rune lightly circles his sword to the left before launching into an attack. As Eric stares helplessly, the two Runes enter another bout of combat. Eric's completely lost in distinguishing between them. "Sorry,

knight. Forgive me."

"All isn't lost, Eric. The real Rune circles his sword to the left before he attacks. Keep an eye out."

Eric nods and charges forward. "Today's the day you die!"

However, the imposter Rune quickly repels him, causing Eric to lose his sword yet again. The two Runes continue their battle, both appearing exhausted. "Ugh!"

I can't tell who's who anymore. If nothing is done, Rune might perish. The thought fills me with immense sadness. I close my eyes, lift my arms higher, and mentally call on my forest allies for assistance. A lone eagle soars overhead, its cry resounding through the air. It's telling me there's no need to worry, that help is on the way.

"Look at that majestic bird!" The eagle swoops down, narrowly missing the Runes. A pack of wolves starts to howl in the vicinity. The leader approaches me first, its teeth bared and growling. It conveys its willingness to serve me and its ability to sense dark magic. Thank you, my loyal friend.

The leader sniffs the air and launches itself at one of the Runes. I hold my breath, watching the hunter revert to his true form. "Aargh! Get off me, you savage creature!"

Eric and Rune seize the opportunity and jointly attack the hunter. "Ugh!" "Yeah!" As I witness the battle unfold, with Eric and Rune finally gaining the upper hand, I sense the wolf pack retreating, vanishing into the shadows. I lock eyes with their leader. Thank you, brave one. I am forever indebted to you.

The blow only fuels the hunter's fury, and he lunges at Eric, causing him to fall swiftly. "Ugh!"

He then corners Rune, pressing him against one of the stone gods. Rune's sword slips from his grip.

No! I can't let him die. "Leave him alone, Ryder!"

The hunter whirls around to face me. "You know my name?"

"Yes. And that's not all I know. Pass on my greetings to your mistress."

"My...? How do you know?"

"Whatever your scheme is, it will never succeed."

"You have no idea who you're dealing with, girl!"

"No! You're the one who underestimates me!"

In an instant, the air around Ryder transforms into a dark vortex, an unseen force enveloping him. Slowly, he raises his hands, aiming them at me. "No! Sarah, he's going to harm you!"

Eric stands beside Hannah, having just freed her from her bonds with his father's sword. The hunter hurls a bolt of lightning at me. Just before it strikes, Hannah interposes herself, using her body as a shield. "Hannah!"

"No, my love!"

She collapses at my feet, struggling to breathe. "Your friend was foolish to defend you. She sacrificed herself for nothing!"

I won't let the raving madman provoke me.

He laughs before vanishing into the swirling vortex surrounding him, as if a portal has consumed him whole. I kneel down, cradling Hannah's head. "Hannah! Speak to me!"

Her eyes flutter weakly.

"My love! Is she...?"

Rune rushes over to us. "She needs help."

"I'll do anything!"

"She's been struck by dark magic. There's little we can do for her."

"If I have to travel to the ends of the earth to save her, I will! Anything!"

"You might just have to. We need someone skilled in healing and with knowledge of dark magic."

The darkness Mara foresaw... she knew this was coming. "There's no need to journey that far."


"The old woman from the herb shop..."

"The wise one?"

"Yes. She might have something in her shop that can help Hannah."

"You're right, Sarah. If not, she doesn't deserve her title!" Eric declares.

"She's perhaps our best, and closest, option."

Rune lifts Hannah gently. "It's decided, then. We're taking her to the wise one."

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