A Princess Reborn

Chapter 13

We've been traveling for several hours under the relentless sun.

"I'll strike him down with one final blow - and he'll rue the day he ever laid eyes on me!"

"Are you talking about the shapeshifter again?"

"Aye, knight. Who else?" If words could kill, that madman would be dead by now.

Rune has come to a halt and surveys the picture-perfect area where we've arrived.

A turquoise-colored lake's crystalline depths lie spectacularly before us. Sunlight dances over it, creating the illusion of thousands of diamonds resting upon its velvety surface. In the distance, a cascading waterfall beckons, like an entrance to paradise.

The air even smells different.

"We'll stop here."

"Looks as good a place as any, knight."

"It is beautiful, isn't it, Eric?"

"Sure is, maiden." Eric tosses down his knapsack and stretches out on the ground. "I could use some rest."

"Sarah... I'm going to search for a suitable place to spend the night. We can't travel much further today."

It's so hard to read his thoughts. I have no idea what he thinks of me. At this point, he probably dislikes me tremendously.

"Is something wrong? You look upset."

"I just feel bad... about our quarrel."

He's about to say something, then stops, takes a deep breath, and gives me a hasty answer. "Don't worry too much."

"Don't worry too much?"

"Yes... it's not important."

"But... it's important to me. I mean, for you to know I'm sorry. And that I'm grateful you're taking us to the Stone Gods."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have questioned you about Hannah." With that, he turns on his heels and walks off. I'm not sure what that reaction was. And I still have no idea what he's thinking.

Eric is on the verge of falling asleep, and my gaze wanders to the forest of emerald-green trees nearby. It's as if the gently-swaying branches beckon me, and I decide to answer their ancient call. Perhaps I should take a walk too. It's the perfect way to ease my troubled mind... and sort out all these emotions inside of me.

Moments later, I step into the damp plushness of the forest...

Choirs of birds and crickets greet me, creating the perfect ambiance. How wonderfully peaceful it is to be in the shade of these giant trees.

My feet barely make a sound on the mossy, leaf-strewn ground. Sunlight is muted by the sky-scraping trees, and through the dusk, it almost feels like the forest creatures are whispering their secrets to me. I run my hands across the rough bark of a nearby oak.

I never would have thought in a million years that I'd meet someone like Rune.

My mind is free to explore the inner depths of my soul, the place where all my secrets lie hidden, even from myself.

From the way he carries himself and the way he speaks, it's obvious that he's from a noble family. I try to imagine where he grew up. I bet it was a castle, adorned with the finest furniture and exquisite fabrics, and too many rooms to count.

I sigh, and on the roots of a particularly large and imposing oak tree, I sit down.

Our worlds are so far apart, yet our connection feels so strangely familiar.

My fingers trail across the exposed roots of the ancient tree. A bird suddenly flutters down from above, landing before me. Startled, I look into its inquisitive eyes. It cocks its head to the side and watches me intently. "Hello there, little bird. Have you come to keep me company?"

"Well then... what shall we talk about?"

There's a rustle in a nearby bush, and the cutest hare with wide, trusting eyes makes its appearance. "Oh... are you joining us?" It scurries over to stand next to the bird and stares at me. "Aw, how sweet."

My heart skips a beat when I see a beautiful pale-brown fawn peering around a nearby tree. It looks shy, unsure if it's welcome. "Come on..." The fawn approaches slowly and lays down before me.

I take a deep breath, savoring the moment as I stare into my newfound friends' eyes. I begin to talk to them. They listen attentively as I tell them about my village, about Mother and Father and Brianna, and Laya who now happily lives in mad Betsy's yard.

"...but Rune promised to take me to the Stone Gods, so that we can save Hannah from that evil man."

"Yes, little bird. Isn't it wonderful that I should meet such a kind man? I'll tell you a little secret: he makes my heart beat faster. When I look at him... I can't seem to look away, but at the same time... I can't look. It's so difficult to explain."

"And when we stare into each other's eyes..." Warmth simmers through my body. "...it's as if we're the only two people in the entire world."

"I agree... it is wonderful. But... I'm sure it's just me dreaming. I'm certain he doesn't feel a thing for me."

"Most of the time, I don't even know what he's thinking. And our worlds... they're too far apart."

I gaze at my friends and sigh. "I wish you could truly understand what I'm saying... and I wish I could understand you."

A new, barely audible sound catches my ear. I stand up, brushing forest duff off my dress. "That's the sound of cascading water. It must be that beautiful waterfall I saw in the distance."

I head in the direction of the sound, with my animal friends following me. It leads me to a clearing in the forest wall where sunlight momentarily blinds me. The sound of rushing water fills the air, and the waterfall appears before me in all its glory.

It's so beautiful.

The water calls out to me, and I imagine how soothing it would be to surrender to its cool embrace. A larger boulder, one of many that line the water's edge, offers just the right amount of privacy for me to get undressed. Once naked, I walk into the lake. The water gradually becomes deeper, and when it reaches my waist, I submerge myself completely and swim.

Just as I imagined : heavenly.

After a while I come up for air, wipe my face, and... look straight into Rune's surprised eyes. The water barely covers his buttocks, and he's completely naked too. Shiny drops glisten on his perfect skin. "Oh!..."

I didn't see him here!


I can't help but look at the muscular terrain of his upper body. It's perfectly formed, just like the rest of him. Drops of lake water drip from his wet hair onto his shoulders, run down his toned chest, cross his well-defined abdomen, and travel towards his...

"I...I'm sorry. I was just washing the dust off me." He gestures towards the bar of soap in his hands.

"Its fine. I... you were here first."

Gentle waves of crystalline water push against the curve of his buttocks. It's impossible not to look. "I should probably..." His cheeks are flushed, and I realize the water only reaches my waist. Rune's eyes travel swiftly across my cleavage and the peaks of my breasts...

It seems my appearance has pleased him just as much. But for the sake of my modesty, I should cover myself. I place my arms over my breasts, trembling slightly at the look I saw in Rune's eyes.

"I'll be on my way."

I will myself to look into his eyes. My knees threaten to give in when he matches my stare. "Rune...don't go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I mean... you probably want to wash off all that soap and..." Goosebumps form all over my body as I follow the soapy trail across Rune's chest.

"Thank you." He turns around in an effort to give me privacy and continues to bathe.

I wish I was one of those droplets running down his stomach... whoa, that was a random thought...but completely true.

Rune speaks without turning around. "Should I pass you the soap? I mean, you're probably in need of a bath too. I mean, not that you're dirty... oh, never mind." I smile at his uncomfortableness. "Yes, please."

He moves backwards towards my direction and holds out the soap without looking around. He's so sweet, worrying about my modesty like that.

Our fingers touch as he passes me the soap.

I don't know what's happening to me, but I've got this overpowering urge to be close to him. "Can I ask you a favor?"


"Would you wash my back? I can't reach." Oh, my word... I can't believe I managed to say that out loud. Actually, I'm quite proud of my bravery. He hesitates for a moment, and I wish I could read his expression. "Yes... of course."

Before he faces me, I turn around, throwing my hair over my one shoulder. As soon as his soapy hand touches the small of my back, my stomach contracts. "Are you okay?" he asks me.

"Yes, perfect."

I can't believe I'm in one of the most beautiful lakes I've ever seen, completely naked with the most gorgeous man I've ever met. His hands glide over my spine, working the soap into my shoulders with a gentle massage. "Let me know if I'm pressing down too hard."

My head falls back slightly, and I feel pleasure wash over me. His touch us so confident, so soothing. As his hands glide up my neck, a new wave of goosebumps hit me. I've got this uncontrollable desire for him... something I've never experienced before.

My lips part, and I yearn for his mouth to touch mine. Without warning, I turn to face him. His hands drop to his sides. Sunlight surrounds him in some kind of halo, and it makes him even more irresistible. "You truly are a vision, my lady."

Our bodies are almost touching... slowly gravitating towards each other. Then he reaches for my face, brushing my cheek with the back of his hand. "Your skin... its luminous."

I close my eyes, offering my lips to him. He accepts the offer, and his full lips press tenderly on mine.

This feels unbelievable.

Rune cups my face in his hands, and his kiss becomes more urgent, more passionate. The tips of my breasts gently brush against his chest, and I feel a rush of warmth dampening my tender parts.

I've never felt this intense physical yearning before.

Rune's grip on my face becomes stronger, his breathing more irregular, and his tongue dances with mine in perfectly harmonious movements. Just before I get completely swept away, he presses his lips once more on mine, letting it rest for a second, before lifting his head.

He looks shocked... amazed. Is that the same look I've got in my eyes?

"If I don't stop now, I might lose control of my good senses... my lady."

Eric's voice rips me back to reality. He's standing on the water's edge, waving frantically at us. "Helloooo! Finally, I've found the two of you!"

I tense up, dropping my body below the water so that just my head sticks out. Thank God Eric is standing quite a distance away.

"We'll meet you back at the resting spot!" rune shouts.

"Alright, but hurry!"

After Eric disappears, we both make our separate ways out of the lake and get dressed - not once addressing the intense moment we just shared.

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