A Princess Reborn

Chapter 11

"We need to go in there," Rune gestures toward my father's butcher shop.

I expected my journey to save Hannah would lead me to dangerous and unknown territory, but the last place I thought it would lead me to is here.

I'm not supposed to be wandering around town. I didn't even say goodbye to Mother before I made a dash for the festival... which I was strictly forbidden from attending! What on earth could he want in Father's shop? "That shop? Are you sure?"

Luckily, Rune doesn't notice my shock. He's already making quick strides towards the entrance. "Yes. It's a crucial part of my mission."

Rune looks determined. I realize that no objection in the world will dissuade him from entering the shop. What am I going to do? I can't just walk in there with Rune. I have no chance to think of a way out. Rune is in a hurry, and I need to keep up.

How am I going to explain myself out of this one? If Father sees me with Rune, he'll be disappointed. Not only did I disobey Mother, but I'm walking around town with a stranger. I take a deep breath and follow Rune into the shop. The aroma of cured meats, herbs, and spices permeates the air once the door closes behind us.

It smells like Father.

My heart is beating irregularly. As luck would have it, no one's behind the counter to greet us. The shop's empty, except for us. The village people are all at the festival.

"I guess we should alert someone we're here." Rune's attention is elsewhere. I need to act quickly. I can't risk Father's possible disappointment right now... not in front of Rune. It would be completely embarrassing. "Good day!"

As Rune calls out for attention, I jump behind an oversized wicker basket close to the exit of the shop. I've got no clue what I'm doing, but it's better than just standing there like a complete idiot when Father comes walking out. "Good day. How can I help you?"

"Are you the owner of this shop?"

"That I am."

"Your name is Patrick Ashdown?"

"Indeed, it is."

"I'm looking for your daughter, sir."


"What would a fine gentleman like you want with my daughter? Unless it has something to do with her studies?"

"I am here on very important business. Might I speak with her urgently."

"Well, isn't this good luck? She's here. I'll call her for you. Brianna! Someone's here to see you!"

I wonder why Rune is looking for Brianna?

"Yes, Father?"

"This fine gentleman has something very important to discuss with you."

"Oh... good day, sir. Are you looking for me?"

Ugh, Brianna sounds way too overeager for my liking.

"Are you Sarah, daughter of Patrick and Elith Ashdown?"

But... that's me.

"Oh... no, I'm Brianna Ashdown."

"I'm sorry. You're not the one I'm looking for. Sir, do you have a daughter by the name of Sarah?"

A loaded silence descends on the butcher shop, and I try to keep my breathing under control. Rune has no idea what my last name is. We've been so wrapped up in each other's presence, it was the last thing on our minds. But the issue right now is: what have I got to do with his important mission? I NEED TO BREATHE!!!!

Before I can go into full-blown hyperventilation, the conversation continues. "Forgive me, but why are you looking for my younger daughter?"

"Yes... I'd like to know that as well. Please don't tell me she's brought shame on our family?"

"Well... if you must know: I have a message for her... from the queen."

"A message from the Queen...?"


From the queen????

"As I was saying..." Rune tries to continue.

"Did you just say a message from the queen, sir, for Sarah?"

"Yes, our Queen sent me with an important message. Please, tell me where I can find her?"

"She ran away from home."

Oh no... I'm in so much trouble.

Father looks to my sister, "Brianna..."

"Is this true?" Rune asks with a frown.

"I'm afraid so. We don't know where she's run off to, sir."

"I see."

"Uh... if I may be so bold: what message does the queen have for Sarah?"

"I'm sorry, but I cannot say."

"Of course. A knight is bound by his word-"

"You're a knight?"

"I am."

The next moment, Brianna bursts into tears. "Oh, I've been crying my eyes out all day over my dear sister. No one knows where she is. I'm worried sick. You see, my sister and I, we're so close!"

How shameless of Brianna! Anyone with two brain cells can hear that's fake crying. I'd love to see her expression if I got up from behind this wicker basket and joined Rune. But I dare not. I can't let vanity be my downfall. Being seen with a knight won't help me when my hands are aching from scrubbing the slaughter slab for the next decade. Besides, I don't think I'd be able to stand on my own feet right now. I can't believe that all this time Rune's been looking for me...

"But perhaps I can help you? I'll be glad to take my sister's place should you want to take me to the royal court to address the Queen."

"Thanks, but that won't be necessary. I need to be on my way."

Father quickly jumps in, obviously embarrassed at my sister's brazen offer to run away with the knight. "We didn't make a good first impression, sir. Please, you may take your pick from my prime selection of meats. I deliver to the nobles on a daily basis."

"That's kind, but there's no time. My companion and I have a long-"

"Your companion?"

There's a short silence, and I know that Rune has now noticed I'm not behind him anymore. "Yes, she must have left while we were talking."

"she?" Brianna asks angrily.

"Brianna... I insist, sir, that you take some provisions for the road. Call your companion, and you can have the pick of my produce."

"Thank you for your kindness. Let me just call... uh... my lady!"

Ugh, if I wasn't in such a pitiful state, Rune calling me 'my lady' would bring a smile to my face. But as things stand, I'm so done for!

I ignore Rune's call and stay in hiding. Just then a large group of chatty village women enters the shop. This is my chance. I should get out of here without being seen. I take the opportunity to crawl out from behind the wicker basket, concealing myself among the women's swishing skirts as they pour into the butchery. They're loud and completely focused on themselves. No one should notice if I just...

I make it out of the shop on all fours. This wasn't the most elegant of exits, but it worked.

A few minutes later, Rune exits the butchery, a varied selection of Father's produce in his hands. "There you are. Why did you leave the


"I recognized a friend of mine that I haven't seen in ages. I just had to say hello."

"Oh, I see. I hope the reunion was good?"

"Oh yes. Just... lovely."

He kicks at a stone and sighs. "I'm afraid I'm not succeeding in my mission."

"What's wrong?"

"I need to deliver the queen's message to the butcher's daughter. And she's run away from home-so where do I begin to search for her?"

This is crazy! What on earth does the Queen want from me?! "Why do you need to find this girl so urgently? And what's so important about this message?" I try to say the words with an even tone, but to me, my voice has a distinct quiver to it.

"I just know that this girl is very special-and that it's important for the Queen that I find her. I gave Her Majesty my word."

"But why is this girl so special?"

"I don't know much more. I just know it's crucial that I return with her to the palace, and a knight's word is his bond."

"Return with her to the palace?"

"Yes. And what makes it even harder: it's a secret mission. I can't alert the entire village that I'm looking for this girl, otherwise I would have."

I need to get away from the butcher shop, before Father or Brianna see me outside.

I watch Rune's forlorn face, and feel guilty for not confessing who I really am. But I'm not sure who or what to trust right now. I don't even know if the Queen is a good person. The village people never really talk about the current royal family. "Shouldn't we be on our way to the stone gods?"

"Uh... yes, I guess you're right. I just wish I could fulfill my mission."

"I'm sure the girl will return home soon." Is it just me, or is my voice terribly high-pitched?

"One can only hope. Do you know her? Such a small village... I bet everyone knows everyone around these parts."

"Uh, not terribly well."

Rune studies my face, a slight frown appearing. "Say, I'm sorry for this question, my lady, but what's your last name?"

My throat is tightening. I've never been much of a liar. "My name is Sarah... Cooper. My father's a bucket maker..."

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