A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Frustration and Aggravation

Spencer’s POV

“Will you stop it?! You can’t keep doing this Nick! I’m fine!” I yell at him, hobbling away as fast as I can.

I can’t help it.

He’s pissing me off and pushing me to the point of breaking. I know he means well, but he’s hovering and refuses to let me do anything!

“Spence, I’m sorry. You know I just want you safe.” Guilt eats away at me at the sight of his disheartened face. I sigh and try and soften my voice.

“It’s been 4 weeks Nick. I can walk on my leg without crutches or much pain. My ribs are practically healed, I just need to be able to live my life. I can’t stay cooped up in the house. You won’t even let me do dishes, for Christ sakes!” I plead with him.

“Spencer, you’re still healing. You shouldn’t push yourself.” I shoot him an annoyed glare, gritting my teeth.

“Kneeling on a chair doing dishes, is not pushing myself!” He rolls his eyes.

“Nick, enough. I can’t do this with you. I can’t keep fighting about the same thing. I feel fine. If I felt any pain, I wouldn’t do it. I get my cast off in another two weeks and the doctor said it was fine to walk on it.” I can see the tension in Nick’s face as I talk. I know he’s doing it out of worry for me. I just can’t take not doing anything anymore. He literally makes me sit on the couch all day and tries to carry me everywhere. The most he lets me do is fold laundry while I’m sitting. I am an active person.

His jaw clenches. “Fine. Sorry for loving you enough that I’m worried about you.” He growls out.

“Nick that’s not-” I try and back track. He’s blowing this out of proportion. All I’m asking for is a little freedom. He’s acting like I’ve told him I want to go jump in the saddle and sort cattle.

“I’m leaving for a bit. The men are doing chores.” He grumbles before grabbing his keys and walking towards the door.

“Nick.” I try and stop him so we can just talk. I just want a little freedom. All I wanted to do was go out to the barn and see the horses and muck out their stalls. It wasn’t like I was hopping on a horse and doing back breaking labor.

“I’ll see you later. I just need a break.” He slams the door before I can respond, and I watch helplessly as his truck heads towards town. My heart hammers away in my chest with the irrational feeling that he now wants to end things with me.

I knew it was too good to be true. I’m pathetic.

My emotions are getting the best of me. A tear slips from my eyes as I watch the dust settle from being stirred up by his tires. Why can’t he just see where I’m coming from? How would he like it if he wasn’t allowed to move more than ten feet without assistance? My doctor cleared me for light activity. But apparently “doctor” Nick thought it was too soon.

He’s being childish by leaving. We could have just talked about it and compromised; found a solution that worked for both of us. Now he wants space from me, from us. At least that’s how it feels.

I heard the faint ding of a phone. Searching, I find his phone on the counter. He didn’t even take it. God, what if he got into an accident? He’d have to say of reaching someone.

I glance down at the message on the screen. Immediately I feel bile rising in my throat.

Hey baby. I miss you and that hot body of yours. Wanna meet up?

My stomach tightened and churned. Bile rose in my throat. I knew who it was. His crazy ex. The fact that she’s texting him doesn’t sit well with me though. I know he hates her and wouldn’t let anything come of it, but after fighting with him the past few days, I’m letting my insecurities get the better of me.

What if he thinks I’m too much work? What if he can’t take the fact that we are fighting? I’ve ruined our relationship just by wanting a bit of freedom. I’m such an idiot. I should have just kept my mouth shut for two more weeks.

I bitterly punch the couch cushion next to me. Who am I kidding? I’m nothing special. I can’t even make one man happy for more than a few months.

His phone dings again.

Baby. Text me back. I know you miss me. 💋

I’m about ready to chuck his phone in the garbage disposal.

My own phone ringing cuts off my self-loathing and bitter thoughts.


“Hey hun! Do you know when Nick was planning on picking up Jay? He’s been asking for you guys.” Jayden had a sleepover with Pops because he missed him.

“Uh. No..... We got in a fight and he left without his phone. I can come get him.”

Judy pauses for a minute. “Are you okay?” Her voice soft and caring.

“Yeah. Nick is just being overprotective. He wasn’t letting me do anything. I get where he is coming from but when I went to talk about it and wanting to be able to do more, it just ended in a yelling match and him walking out.” I sigh wearily. “I don’t even know when he’s coming back. I don’t know where he went, and I have no way to contact him since he left his phone here.”

“I’m sorry sweetie. He can be hotheaded, that one. I’m sure he just needs to cool off a bit. He probably just didn’t want to make it worse by letting words fly from his mouth.”

“I know. I just wish he would stop and talk it through. I know I didn’t make it easy though. I got annoyed and snapped at him. I’m not good at relationships.” I choke up slightly. This is the best relationship I’ve ever been in. I’ve never felt this sort of connection with someone before. What if he wants to end it? I would not be dating again. Not anytime soon.

“He will be back once he cools off a bit and is more levelheaded. He loves you tremendously Spencer. Don’t think otherwise. Every couple fights. It’s natural. It probably wouldn’t be healthy if you never fought. Plus, you know.... make up sex.” She giggles as I sputter out in shock.


“Well, it’s true!” She cries. “Why don’t you come join us for dinner. That way both you and Nick can cool off and discuss things later.”

“That sounds good. Thank you, Judy, I appreciate it. I’ll be there soon.”

I disconnect and rush around to get ready. I quickly make a salad and grab a bottle of wine to bring before heading out. I just hope Nick gets home safely. I have this nauseous churning in my stomach that I know will not leave until I know he’s safe and we can talk. I leave his phone on the counter, so he finds it easily and make sure to bring mine.

Once I reach Judy and Richard’s house, I hobble inside with my arms full. Judy quickly unburdens me just before Jayden launches into my arms.

“Mommy!” He shrieks. Hugging me tight. I fight to control the tears already threatening to fall down my face. Just having my baby in my arms after the fight with Nick is making me very emotional.

“Hey baby! Did you have fun?” He pulls back, nodding before glancing around me. His smile dimming slightly.

“Where’s daddy?” I glance at Judy, who gives me a sympathetic smile.

“He went to run some errands buddy. You’ll see him later.” I hope.

“Well! Let’s go eat.” Judy claps her hands and ushers us into the kitchen. I push my emotions to the back of my mind, determined to keep myself calm. Nick will be fine and will get home safely.


No relationship can be sunshine and roses all the time.

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