A Not So Meet Cute

: Chapter 15

I can still taste her on my tongue.

I can still feel the beat of her clit pulsing with pleasure.

I can still hear her cries of ecstasy as she came all over my face.

And, fuck, I can’t think of anything else.

This is exactly why I didn’t want to get involved. Why I knew crossing that line with her would be a bad idea, because she’s too consuming. Because she’s the type of woman you don’t have one taste of and say take care.

No, she leaves a lasting impression. An imprint. She doesn’t fade away.

I find myself checking the clock, seeing what time it is, counting down the goddamn minutes until she texts me a question, waiting desperately to see her today for the meeting with her sister.

And all it took was one goddamn taste. Now I’m a fucking mess.

I want her.

I didn’t see her this morning. I snuck out early with my gym bag, came to the office, got a workout in, and showered here, too worried that if I did see her, I’d bury myself between her legs again, searching out her sweet taste, wanting to hear her cry out my name again.


What is wrong with me?

I never should have crossed that line. I never should have even considered her an option, and the big reason why is because I think I’m developing feelings for the girl, and I know those feelings most likely are not returned.

Yeah, she’s getting to know me, though not because she likes me—fuck, I sound like a teenager—but she’s getting to know me so she’s not doing business with some jerk-off who doesn’t know how to act around women.

And if she was really into me, she’d have followed me upstairs last night. I didn’t expect her to and I’d never expect a woman to return the favor, but if she had any draw toward me, she’d have been at my bedroom door, at least listening as I came all over my stomach, my hand pumping like a goddamn workhorse while my mind focused on the sounds and taste of her orgasm.

But she didn’t, and I need to be conscious of that. I need to remember exactly what I’m doing. Trying to secure a deal.

I turn my attention to my computer just as my phone beeps with a text message. I squeeze my eyes shut, attempting to have some self-control, but I fail miserably as I reach for my phone and open up the text from Lottie.

Lottie: What’s for lunch today?

I lean back in my office chair and text her back.

Huxley: Is that one of your questions?

Lottie: Consider it a freebie. Inquiring minds are curious.

Huxley: Not sure. Probably nothing. Getting a lot of work done.

She doesn’t need to know that what I really want for lunch is her goddamn pussy, and if she were here right now, I’d be feasting on her before she could even take her next breath.

Lottie: How can you not eat lunch? I had a donut an hour ago, a huge breakfast burrito for breakfast, and I’m starving, ready to gnaw my arm off. And you skipped out on dinner.

Huxley: I recall it differently. I had my fill of dinner.

Fuck, I can’t help myself. I can’t stop myself from reminding her of how I make her feel, hell, how she makes me feel.


Lottie: Question—have you always been this dirty?

Huxley: When you know what you want, you go after it. There’s nothing dirty involved, just the truth.

Lottie: Well, that was a scapegoat answer that worked really well for you. Now ask me a question. Distract me while Kelsey fetches us lunch.

Huxley: Do you feel as though you know me a little better?

Lottie: I do, but I’m not sure I would’ve without these questions. I’m glad you’ve been open to them.

Huxley: Your turn.

Lottie: That’s all you’re going to say on the matter?

Huxley: Yes.

Lottie: Okay, I see that I’m getting the closed-off Huxley today, that’s fine. Hmm, question—when was the last time you had sex, and with who?

Huxley: That’s two questions.

Lottie: It’s a two-parter, linked together. It passes.

Huxley: Why do you want to know?

Lottie: Is that your question?

Huxley: Consider it linked as well.

Lottie: Just interested in what your life was like before I rolled in.

Huxley: Last time I had sex, probably three months ago, with a girl I’ve known for a few years. Occasionally we get together just for the hell of it, no strings attached. Don’t have time for anything else.

Lottie: A booty call. I wouldn’t have expected anything less. But three months seems like a long time. I would’ve thought once a week for you.

Huxley: No time. Plus, I told you, when we’re in contract, I don’t seek out anyone else but you.

Lottie: I don’t know how to respond to that.

Huxley: No need. My last question before I go—are you nervous about the pitch today?

Lottie: Honestly?

Huxley: Always.

Lottie: I am. I’m nervous because we’ve been working hard on this. I know we offer a great service, I know a lot is riding on this, and I know you’re not going to just give us something for the hell of it, you’re going to make us earn it.

Huxley: That’s correct.

Lottie: This means a lot to us. Even the opportunity to pitch means a lot. We’ve been practicing, making sure everything is perfect, and when the time comes, I really hope we can show you how beneficial we’d be for Cane Enterprises.

I already know they’re perfect for the job. I’ve done my research on Kelsey, but I’m going to make them pitch anyway, because I’m not the only one who makes the decisions. Breaker and JP have to be a yes as well. More so, this is good practice for Kelsey and an excellent boost in confidence for Lottie. She needs to find her niche in business, given it’s what she’s studied. I see the potential in her. She needs to prove it to herself more than to me.

Huxley: We look forward to your presentation. We’ll see you then.

I set down my phone and turn back to my computer. I look through my emails, but the letters become all jumbled and mashed together. Nothing makes sense.

My mind is unfocused.

Because even though I don’t want to admit it, the only thing I can think about is this: will I be able to go down on Lottie again and . . . when?

“THEY SHOULD BE HERE any minute, right?” JP asks, adjusting his suit.

“Yes,” I say. I can see one of the elevators climbing toward our floor. That has to be them.

“Do we know if the sister is single?” JP asks. “She’s really hot.”

“No idea, but if we sign a contract with her, it wouldn’t be a good idea to pursue her,” I say.

“Uh, says the guy who ate out Lottie on the dining room table last night.”

“What?” Breaker leans in. “Why the hell did I not know about that?”

“I conned him into telling me,” JP says. “I could tell he was in a good mood when he came in this morning, so I needled him until he told me.”

“Dude, what the hell are you doing?” Breaker asks.

“Not the place or time,” I say to Breaker as the elevator dings with their arrival. I set my shoulders back and prepare to lay my eyes on Lottie and whatever dress she chose to wear today.

But when the elevator doors open, it isn’t Lottie and Kelsey I see, but rather Dave.

“Wow, what a greeting,” Dave says as he steps off the elevator, taking us all in. “I wasn’t expecting to see all three of the Cane brothers waiting on the other side of the elevator.”

What’s he doing here?

Better yet, where are Lottie and Kelsey—

The elevator on the far left dings and the doors slide open, revealing Kelsey and Lottie, both with feminine briefcases in hand. Kelsey is wearing a deep purple dress that shapes to her torso and flares ever so slightly at the hips, while Lottie—hell, is she trying to distract me? She’s wearing a navy-blue dress that hits her midthigh, fits like a glove, and cuts just low enough on her chest to make me want to rip the dress right off her with my bare hands. And then those heels.

My teeth wander over my bottom lip as my eyes stay fixed on her. On her . . . confused face.

“Would you look at that? Lottie, how nice to see you,” Dave says, pulling me out of my daze. “You look fantastic.”

Shit, should she be showing?

Hopefully not.

I had no idea Dave was going to come to the office. I thought he couldn’t work anything into his schedule and that’s why we never heard from him. I guess I was wrong.

“Thank you,” Lottie says. “Nice tie, Dave.” Smoothly, she walks toward me, and I watch her every step in those heels as she marches right up to me, places her hand on the back of my neck and says, “Hey, handsome.” Then, before I can catch my breath, she’s bringing my mouth toward her. It feels like hours as she closes the space between us, but when her lips meet mine, something possessive runs deep through my veins.


Her lips on mine are giving me life.

My hand snags around her back and I pull her in close to anchor her against me. Her other hand holding her modern briefcase falls to my chest as she steadies herself. My lips get lost in hers.

The fact that we’re in the office fades to black.

The peering eyes are non-existent.

And the meeting we have planned goes on the back-burner as I taste Lottie’s lips for the first time.




I knew, just from the way she gets lost in my touch, that she’d be a good kisser, but this reaction, this press of her body against mine, fuck . . . it’s so much better than I ever expected.

When she finally pulls away and looks up at me with searching eyes, she slowly swallows and says, “Hey, you.”

I pinch her chin with my forefinger and thumb. “Hey.” When I finally look away from her, I catch Kelsey’s look of total disbelief, followed by Dave’s excited response.

“I love you two together,” Dave says, as if he’s known us for years and finally got us to hook up. The man is kind of weird, I’ve grown to find out as we’ve spent more time with him. He claps his hands together. “I’m sorry to interrupt, though. Huxley, are you ready for our meeting?”

“Meeting?” Lottie asks quietly. I glance at her. There’s a confused look in her eyes and I know how this might seem.

Like once again I’m skipping out on her and her sister.

“I wasn’t aware you set up a meeting with Dave as well,” Lottie says and there’s defeat in her shoulders. She knows how hard I’ve been trying to get Dave to talk to me about the properties.

“We didn’t,” Dave says. “I was hoping to sneak in before the weekend. You know how I don’t like to talk business after hours.”

Didn’t know that, but now I do.

“Oh.” Lottie pats me on the chest. “Then I won’t keep you waiting, Dave.” Lottie steps away. I see the protest on Kelsey’s lips as Lottie slowly shakes her head and moves her sister toward the elevator. “It was great seeing you, Dave.” She gives him a gentle wave and presses the down button on the elevator. The doors open right away.

But, before they can step on, I say, “Lottie, Kelsey, meet us in the boardroom. We’ll be right with you.”

The look of surprise on Lottie’s face gives me all the confirmation I need. I just did the right fucking thing.


“We’ll be right there. Go set up.” I let her know with my eyes that I mean business.

Without arguing, she leads Kelsey into the conference room, but I can feel her eyes on me the entire time.

I turn to Dave and say, “Man, you know I’d love to have this conversation with you more than anything, but I promised Kelsey and Lottie I’d listen to their pitch.”

“Pitch?” Dave asks. “You make your fiancée pitch to you?”

I smirk. “She wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Pardon my intrusion, but can I ask what they’re pitching?”

I stick my hands in my suit pockets and say, “They own an organizational business that focuses on using sustainable and earth-friendly organizing products. We’re thinking of having them go through our properties, especially this office, to make our spaces more efficient.”

“Wow.” Dave blinks a few times and glances toward the conference room. “I had no idea Lottie was a hustler.” He slowly nods. “With all the money you have, she doesn’t want to just sit around and enjoy it, she wants to make something of herself. I respect that, a lot.” He keeps his eyes on her and a spike of jealousy . . . possession . . . pulses through me.

“I’m a lucky man. It’s really sexy seeing her work as hard as she does.”

“I can imagine.” Dave rocks on his heels and says, “Well, how about I set up a time with Karla to speak so we don’t have a run-in like this again?”

“Great, and I’m sorry about today.”

Dave waves me off. “It actually makes me respect you even more, sticking to your prior commitments, realizing when something is important.” Dave nods. “You’re a good man, Huxley Cane.”

Hell, if he only knew.

I turn to Breaker and ask, “Can you help Dave find Karla to set up that meeting?”

“It would be my pleasure,” Breaker says as he guides Dave to the back of the office. When they’re out of earshot, JP turns toward me, mimicking my stance.

“You’re fucked.”

“What do you mean?” I ask. “Dave said he respected me more.”

JP shakes his head. “Nah, man, not with Dave. You’re just fucked, because that girl in there, the one in the blue dress—yeah, she has you by the balls. The Huxley I know never would’ve passed up on the opportunity to meet with the guy he’s trying to strike a deal with. As a matter of fact, he’d drop pretty much anything to make it happen.” He glances behind him. “Who knew a girl in a blue dress would be your kryptonite?”

“I made a promise to her,” I say, my jaw clenched tight. “I’m not about to walk back on that promise.”

JP pats me on the shoulder. “Keep telling yourself that, man.”

He heads toward the conference room, and when he opens the door, both girls look up, but Lottie doesn’t say anything to JP. Her eyes stray to mine through the glass windows. There it is, plain as day—she’s grateful.

The surge of pride that pummels me in the chest from that one simple look is scary.


EXHAUSTED, I flop onto my large bed and let out a deep sigh. From the lack of sleep this week to the tension-filled moments I’ve shared with Lottie, I’ve never felt more tired in my entire life.

When I got home, I sat at the kitchen island and scarfed down the sandwich Reign made for me, and then I spent a good ten minutes in the shower, washing the week away, then slipped into a pair of boxer briefs and lay on top of my bed.

Lottie and Kelsey delivered today. There didn’t seem to be an ounce of nerves when they were presenting. They were confident, knowledgeable, and when we drilled them with questions, they had an answer for every single one of them. But not just answers, answers that were well-thought-out and informative.

There was no question. After they finished, I looked at the boys, they gave me the nod, and we told them they were hired. We’d start with the main office and then work our way out from there. It’s a huge contract for them. A contract that’s going to put them at the next level.

They held their composure as they packed up their things and thanked us, but after we left, Lottie sent me a text message full of emojis and said she and Kelsey were going to celebrate. She asked if it was okay if she missed dinner.

As if she needs to ask my permission. I told her to have fun.

Which leaves me here, alone, in my bedroom, contemplating my decisions.

Knock. Knock.

My eyes glance over to the door.

I sit up on my bed, hands gripping the edge as I say, “It’s open.”

The door cracks and Lottie pokes her head inside. “Can I come in?”

“Yes,” I answer as my eyes drag over her body in that dress. What I wouldn’t give to peel it off her body right now and celebrate her victory with her, the only way I know how—by worshipping her body.

“Hey.” She waves shyly.

“Hey,” I say as I wet my lips. Lottie looks like a juicy piece of meat, standing there in front of me, waiting to be devoured.

“I just thought I’d stop by before I went to take a bath. I wanted to personally thank you again.”

“No need to thank me, Lottie. You and Kelsey put on one hell of a presentation. It was an easy yes for all of us.”

She shakes her head. “No, I mean, thank you for the sacrifice you made. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Do what?” I ask, confused.

Her head tilts to the side. “Huxley, I know you’ve been waiting to talk to Dave about business for a while now, but when the opportunity presented itself, you didn’t back down on your promise to us.”

“I told you, I can be an honest man. Dave could wait.”

“Well, I know what a sacrifice it was and I’m really grateful.”

“You’re welcome,” I say simply. And when she doesn’t leave, I ask, “Did you have fun with your sister? You’re home sooner than I thought.”

“We went for celebratory drinks. Some guys bought us a few drinks.” My jealousies rise, my anger taking root. “Kelsey was vibing with one of them, and the other guy was trying to get my number.”

My jaw tenses, my fingers grip the side of the mattress tightly.

“But I told him I was engaged.” Lottie smirks and holds up her hand, showing off her ring. “When he saw the size of the diamond, he knew there was no competition.”

Damn fucking right.

“He doesn’t need to see the size of the ring to realize there’s no competition. Especially when I’m the man who gave you the ring.”

She folds her arms over her chest. “Am I sensing a hint of jealousy, Huxley?”

“Not jealousy, just protecting what’s mine.”

“I’m yours now?”

“Until we’ve fulfilled our duties spelled out in the contract,” I say, my fingers itching to let go of this mattress and bury themselves in Lottie’s long, dark locks.

“Well, you have nothing to worry about, my loyalty lies with you.” She walks toward me, those mile-high heels of hers clicking across the floor. My eyes fix on her toned legs, and when she stops in front of me, her chest rests just at eye level. And then she squats to her knees, right between my legs.

“What are you doing?” I ask, my body erupting in excitement from her position.

Her hands fall to my thighs. “Thanking you.”

Her hands slide up to my already stiff cock, but I stop her before she can touch anything. “I don’t need your thanks. I told you, you earned everything you got today. It has nothing to do with our situation and everything to do with your ideas and merit.”

Her eyes match up to mine. “Do you not want me to suck you off?”

“Not like this,” I say, offended. “Not with the thought in your mind that you’re thanking me for hiring you. I don’t want your mouth like that.”

I move my hand to her cheek and caress her lips with my thumb. She opens her mouth, capturing my thumb, and she sucks on it, hard. Her cheeks hollow out, and fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have my dick replace my thumb.

But not like this.

Not when there’s the possibility that she thinks she’s repaying me.

No fucking way.

When she releases my thumb, she smooths her hands up my thighs and stands. She pushes at my chest until I’m lying down and then crawls on top of me, her legs spread, her heated warmth connecting right with my aching cock.

I’d love to fuck this woman, to peel her out of this dress and show her the kind of lover I am.

And I don’t want to fuck her just because she’s beautiful, or because her smart mouth turns me on, but because I saw a side of her I haven’t seen before. A professional side, a spark of excitement for her goals, for her achievements. It was really fucking sexy. It’s making me see her in a completely different light, which is so goddamn dangerous, because I’m already sticking my toes over the line here. I’m already crossing into damaging territory.

“Lottie, what are you doing?”

Her hips rub against my cock and she smiles. “You’re hard.”

“What’s your point?”

Her face falls and her hand braces on my chest. “Why are you angry?”

“I’m not angry.”

“You’re pulling away. I know when you’re shutting down and that’s what you’re doing right now. You’re shutting down. Why, Huxley?”

“You’ve already asked your questions for today.”

She shakes her head. “Not my dinner questions.”

“You didn’t have dinner with me tonight, so you forfeited that right.”

Growing angry, she lifts off me, and I sit up as she rights her dress. “Just when I think you might not be an asshole anymore, you prove me wrong. You’re the most infuriating man I’ve ever met.”

Yeah, I’m pretty fucking annoyed with myself as well. But when I remain silent, she huffs and turns toward the door.

Before exiting my room, she says, “I’m meeting up with Ellie on Tuesday at ten to look at breast pumps. Thought I’d let you know. I’m still keeping up my end.”

“I told you, you don’t have to do that.”

“Apparently it’s the least I can do,” she says with such venom that I grow irritated.

“You owe me nothing, I told you that,” I say as she reaches for the handle of my door.

“Consider it part of the contract.” She goes to leave but then pauses. She looks over her shoulder, her petite frame tense, causing her movements to be jagged. Exhaling deeply, she lowers her head and barely above a whisper, she asks, “Could you at least do me a favor and unzip my dress for me?”

“You can’t reach it?”

She shakes her head. “No, Kelsey helped me earlier.”

I stand from my bed and close the distance between us, my cock hard in my briefs as I approach. When only a few inches separate us, I swipe my hand across her long hair and swoop it over her shoulder, exposing her back. I reach up to the small zipper and slowly pull it down her back, painfully revealing that she’s not wearing a bra. When I reach the end of the zipper, I keep my eyes fixed on her back as she pushes the dress down until it pools at her feet, revealing her bright white lace thong and her round, perky ass.



Arm clasped over her breasts, she turns toward me and drops to a squat to pick up her dress. As she stands back up, her shoulder grazes my cock and I nearly jump right out of my briefs from the touch. Her eyes meet mine and she blinks those long lashes before she says seductively, “Thank you.”

I wet my lips.

My hands itch to reach out and grab her.

My cock begs for relief.

But I don’t move. I don’t even flinch.

With a disappointed look in her eyes, she heads out of my bedroom but doesn’t shut the door. She crosses into her bedroom and leaves her door open as well as she drops the dress on her bed and sashays to the bathroom.

Fuck. An open door. That’s an invitation.

She’s tempting me, not giving up in her pursuit. For the life of me, I don’t think I can hold back.

Not after seeing her perfect ass.

Not after undressing her.

Not after that kiss we shared earlier.

Not after seeing her on her knees, cheeks hollowed.

Not after knowing she wanted my cock in her mouth.

My will has cracked, my strength is wavering, and all my rules are jumbled in my head, not a single one making sense.

I hear the shower turn on in her bathroom. Hell. My cock grows even harder as I stand still, staring into the other room, pleading with myself to make a move, but to also keep it the fuck together.

But then . . . she walks across the bedroom . . . completely naked.

Tits, the perfect handful.

Hips, just enough to grab on to.

Pussy, waxed and so goddamn tempting. One taste was not enough.



She looks over at me, flips her hair over her shoulder, and then goes to her nightstand. She opens a drawer and pulls out her dildo with the suction cup at the end. Turning toward me, she offers a full-frontal view, and my mouth goes dry as my eyes take in her tight nipples, hard and craving my mouth. Aware of my staring, Lottie takes the end of the dildo and rubs it across her chest, allowing her head to fall back as she brings it up to her mouth.

Her tongue peeks out . . .

And she licks the goddamn top.

I’m fucking gone.

My cock jolts in my briefs.

Sweat breaks out on my lower back.

And just like that, my willpower snaps.

Satisfied with herself, she moves toward her bathroom, dildo in hand, with me crossing the barrier between our rooms and following her inside.

The moment I step into her bathroom, she shuts the door to the shower, and I catch her watering down the dildo before she suctions it to the wall. I built this house to include two-person showers in every bathroom, so there’s plenty of room in there. Especially if I wanted to join her. She steps away

and wets herself down in the shower as well, but instead of just letting the water soak her, she puts on a show.

Seductively, with purpose, her hands cascade down her breasts, where she pauses and pinches her nipples. A low moan falls past her lips as her hands continue to move south. Water runs down her chest, off the tips of her nipples, and all the way down her flat stomach, to her smooth pussy.

My mouth waters.

My hands itch to touch her. Feel her.

My body aches to be in that shower with her.

Once she’s doused in water, she turns her back toward the dildo and then bends at the waist, angling herself just enough to . . . oh . . . fuck.

My teeth bite into my bottom lip as she slowly backs up onto the dildo, inserting it into her tight hole.

“Yesss,” she moans softly as she pulls her wet hair to one side.

Intently fixated on what she’s doing, I watch her pelvis move around in soft circles.

Fuck, my cock grows so tight that it’s painful. I swore I wouldn’t masturbate in front of her, that if I were to come, I’d come inside of her.

But seeing her like this, wanting so badly to touch her goddamn nipples and suck them into my mouth . . . it drives me crazy.

It makes me snap.

It causes me to want to go against everything I’ve said.

“God, Huxley,” she says in such a satisfied tone that my ears perk up from the use of my name. “Yes, Hux,” she says, pumping a little harder. “So good. Feels . . . so . . . good.”

My cock jumps.

My body tenses.

My arms tremble at my sides as one of her hands snakes between her legs and she begins to massage her clit.

“Yes, right there. Right there, Hux. God, I love your hands. I love how they make me feel.”


Her eyes slide open and her head tilts to the side as her gaze connects with mine.




“Mmmm, yes,” she moans, her eyes never leaving mine.

I take a step forward, my need possessing me.

“Your tongue. I love coming on your mouth.” She sticks her finger past her lips and sucks. “I love it when you taste me. Lick me. Suck me.” Her other hand goes to her breast, where she pinches her nipple hard. “You’re so good at making me come, unlike any man I’ve ever been with,” she groans.

Her hips pulse in and out.

The finger once in her mouth drags down her chest.

Fucking hell . . .

Another two steps forward.

“Ahh, ahhh, yes. Oh God, you’re so huge. I knew you would be, I knew your cock would be just what I needed.”

Her head falls forward.

Her hips pulse faster.

Her fingers pinch her nipples, pulling a hiss past her lips.


I want that to be me.

need that to be me.

The last thread of resistance snaps, and before I can stop myself, I strip out of my briefs and throw the door to the shower open. The water pelts me in the back as Lottie smiles up at me right before her hand reaches out and grabs my cock, which is standing at attention.

“Just what I wanted for dessert,” she says before taking my cock into her mouth.


I reach for her hair and gather it to one side so I can watch as her mouth descends over my thick cock. Her plump lips suck me in and her hand strokes me at the base of my cock. But it’s her mouth that’s making me drive my hips forward, begging for more.




She takes me deep in her throat. My eyes roll to the back of my head and I move closer so she can keep pleasuring herself as well.

Just as I thought—allowing her to touch me, suck me—it’s everything I dreamed of. So fucking good. I move my hand over her cheek and stroke her soft skin with my thumb. “Take my cock, deep, into that dirty mouth.” She sucks me harder. “Just like that. Fuck, yes, Lottie.” My hand goes to the back of her head and I help her keep pace, moving her over my erection again and again, building the pleasure deep within me.

“Oh God,” she mumbles against my cock as she swivels her hips against the dildo.

Can’t say I particularly like her getting off with something other than my hand or mouth, but it is hot having her fuck herself while she fucks me with her mouth. I’ll allow it this time. But it’s my name she’s been saying. My hands she’s imagining on her body. My tongue on her clit and pussy.

Her mouth drags to the tip of my cock and her hands reach for my balls, which she gently rolls between her fingers. I spread my legs so she has better access, because I want to be played with. I want her to be able to do whatever the fuck she wants to me. And she does. She smooths her palm over my balls and plays with my tip, sucking just the end, licking, flicking.

Fucking teasing.

And I love it.

I love the buildup.

The way she focuses on one particular area and then takes a part of me in her mouth again, pressing me to the back of her throat . . .

“Fuck,” I mutter when my cock jolts against her luscious lips.

“I love your cock,” she says when she removes me from her mouth and licks my length. “It’s so big, Huxley. So thick.” Her tongue flicks the underside of the head, teasing that sensitive part, and I swear I grow another inch from how she’s holding my balls, gently, and I mean gently, tugging on them. It’s just enough to drive me crazy, to send a chill of pleasure up my spine.

“I want to come in your mouth,” I say as I grip the base of my cock, but she swats my hand away.

“This is mine, you don’t touch it.”

My brow raises from her demand, and if I wasn’t so desperate for her to finish me off, I’d tell her exactly what is hers, but I need her perfect mouth all over my cock. And I need it now.

“Then fuck me with your mouth,” I say through clenched teeth.

She stops pulsing on her dildo and, instead, focuses on my cock, taking me deep in her throat.

She sucks.

She gags.

She repeats the process until I can’t feel anything but her sweet mouth.

I grip the side of the shower wall as pleasure rips up my legs and pools at the base of my cock.

“Fuck, I’m going to come.” I brush my hand over her cheek. “Take every last drop.”

Her eyes turn hazy and, in that moment, she finishes me off, pumping, sucking, giving me the best head of my entire life. My balls tighten, my cock swells, and I explode with a roar that erupts from my chest as I come in her mouth.

And she takes it all.

Every last drop, like I said, until I’m completely spent and trying to catch my breath.

She releases me and smirks up at me.

It takes me three seconds to grab hold of her, flip the shower off, and then lay her across the built-in bench. I spread her legs, get down on my knees, and press my mouth to her pussy.

“Yesss,” she draws out as her hand falls to my hair. She grips the strands tightly and moans as I lap up her already aroused pussy.

She’s so close. Her legs squeeze at my shoulders, the tremble in her hands, which loosely grip my hair.

“I won’t ever get over how you taste,” I say while taking long, lapping strokes and inserting two fingers inside of her. “I could eat you all goddamn day.” Stroke after stroke, the tension in her core grows tighter and tighter until her fingers dig deep into my scalp and her hips shift.

“Huxley, I’m going . . . oh fuck, I’m coming,” she shouts as I hold her pelvis down, making it impossible for her to move as I eat her out, pleasure her how I want her to be pleasured.

She moans, her voice echoing off the tile.

She yells my name when I don’t let up, taking every last ounce of her orgasm from her.

And when she slowly relaxes, I give her a few more strokes before pulling away slightly, only to give her a kiss on her pussy.

When I stand, she looks up at me, her eyes showing disbelief. Her hand shakily moves up her body, to her neck. She searches me as she catches her breath, and I’m not sure what’s on her mind, what she might say, so I decide to beat her to it.

“Have a good night,” I say, before stepping out of the shower. I have to cut it off here. I have to get the fuck away, or else I can see myself taking her back to her bed and fucking her through the night until she can’t take my cock anymore.

Regret for leaving her pulses through me, but I push past it and grab one of her spare towels, wrap it around my waist, and head toward my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

Dazed, confused, and unsure of what came over me, I enter my bathroom, where I flip on the shower and rest under the hot water, trying to gather myself.

What the actual fuck am I doing?

I’m blurring lines all over the goddamn place, and now that I’ve had her mouth on me, I don’t think I’ll ever be the same. Not after seeing her take me so deep, after the way she drank every last drop of my come.

I won’t be able to get that image out of my head. Not for a very long time.

And as I step out of the shower to dry off, all I can think about is how I want to go back across the hallway and explore Lottie’s body. How I want to thank her for putting up with my shit. For opening me up when I don’t really want to be opened up.

I stare at myself in the mirror and slowly drag my hand over my scruff, the same scruff that marked Lottie on her inner thighs as mine. What the actual hell are you doing, man?

And why do you look . . . happy?

Happy in a moment when I shouldn’t be happy, because chaos is swallowing me whole. The deal, the lies, the blurred lines . . . it’s all up in the air—something I don’t normally put up with—but here I am . . . dealing with it.


My phone beeps on my nightstand and I glance over at it, wondering what the hell time it is.

I take a seat in my towel on my bed and read it.

Lottie: Your mouth is absolutely decadent. I love coming on your tongue.


Is she trying to get me hard again?

Huxley: I can’t get enough of your pussy or your trembling clit.

I drag my hand over my mouth, willing my body to not get excited again. Once tonight is enough. Crossing the line more than that is asking for trouble.

Lottie: I’ve only come like that for you. No one else. Only. You.

Yup, she’s trying to get me hard again, she’s trying to entice me. She wants more. I can feel it deep in my bones.

Huxley: Are you naked on your bed right now?

Lottie: How did you know?

Huxley: You’re trying to get me to come back to your bedroom.

Lottie: I want your dick inside of me, Huxley. My legs are spread, my nipples are hard, my body is heated just thinking about it.

My cock jolts and I grind my molars, trying to keep it together.

Huxley: I’m not coming back over there.

Even though I want to. Fuck do I want to sink myself between her legs. But I’m growing addicted, and that needs to stop. I have no idea where her head is at, if this is just fun for her while we pass the time, but I can see that it would be more for me, and I’m not about to risk it. I place my phone down, thinking that Lottie won’t respond after that last text. Is she angry? Frustrated? Confused? Everything I feel too?

Lottie: If you won’t come back over here, then will you reconsider answering my two questions?

I let out a deep sigh and push my hand through my hair. She still wants to know me . . .

But I still need to keep boundaries.

Huxley: Those are dinner questions only.

Lottie: Please, Huxley?

And just like that, the conversation switches from sexually charged to innocent. I can hear her voice saying those two words, asking me, begging me, to participate.

I apparently have no willpower, because I nod even though she can’t see me and text her back.

Huxley: What are your questions?

Lottie: Thank you. How about I ask the two questions and we both have to answer?

Huxley: Fine.

Lottie: Your enthusiasm is infectious.

Huxley: You’re on borrowed time . . .

Lottie: Okay, question number one—what would you say is your favorite quality about yourself?

Huxley: Not sure where you’re going with this but I guess I’d answer my drive.

Lottie: I could see that.

Huxley: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Lottie: My loyalty, even though it got me into trouble with Angela. I think having loyalty is very important. Another reason why I’m sticking to my word and going breast-pump shopping with Ellie.

Huxley: Being loyal is a very admirable quality.

Lottie: Okay, second question—what do you like most about me? And I’ll answer what I like most about you.

Huxley: Fishing for compliments?

Lottie: Since we’re working together and you tend to pull away a lot, I thought it would be beneficial if we say what we like about each other. As a reminder.

Huxley: Okay. I like that you’re loyal.

Lottie: No way, you can’t use the thing I said. Come on, Huxley, I know it might be painful for you to offer me a compliment, but you can at least try.

My lips press against my teeth in frustration as I flop back on my bed. Okay, she wants to know what I like about her, might as well tell her.

Huxley: You’re fearless. You might not make the right decision all the time, but no matter what, you go into the situation without fear and you don’t hold back. It’s a characteristic you don’t find with many people. Pair that with loyalty, and it makes you someone I’d spend time with.

She doesn’t reply right away and I worry if I overstepped, if I said too much, but then there’s a knock on the doorframe of my door. I sit up and find Lottie standing there in one of the many lingerie sets I had purchased for her.

This one is red. The shorts are loose-fitting, made entirely of lace and see-through. The top is cropped at the belly button and offers no support. Therefore, her breasts just float freely.

Yup, she’s easily the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

“What’s up?” I ask, feeling uncomfortable from my honest text and also, once again turned on.

“Wanted to see if what you said was the truth.”

“Why would I lie to you? Have I lied to you yet?”

“No,” she says. “But . . . I don’t know, just felt as if I needed to see your face.”

“It’s the truth. You can count on that from me.”

She toes the ground as she stares down at the carpet. “Thank you.”

“Is that all?” I ask her.

“No. I need to tell you what I like about you.”

I shake my head and stand from my bed. “Not necessary.”

“Your helping heart,” she says, her eyes meeting mine. “You don’t let people see it; you hide it away from the public eye. But as a spectator, having paid close enough attention, I’ve seen it, and it’s beautiful.”

I don’t take compliments well.

I don’t really care for them, actually.

So, listening to her, to her praise, doesn’t settle well, and I don’t understand how to handle it.

“You don’t need to say anything,” she says, sensing how uncomfortable I am. “But I thought I’d let you know.” She offers me a soft smile. “Good night, Huxley.”

Quietly, I say, “Good night” as she walks away.

My mind feels as though it’s been eclipsed by a heavy, foggy night. I can’t think straight. I can’t seem to put two thoughts together as to what the hell I should do. How the hell do I reconcile Lottie’s observation of me . . . her favorite thing about me? “Your helping heart. You don’t let people see it; you hide it away from the public eye. But as a spectator, having paid close enough attention, I’ve seen it, and it’s beautiful.” No one has ever talked to me—argued with me—the way Lottie does. No one has seen me the way she sees me. Sure, my brothers know me for the person I am, but anyone who’s walked into my life sees Huxley Cane, the billionaire, the mogul. They’ve never seen me as Huxley, the man with a heart. Because I know it’s fucking there. I pride myself on being compassionate when the moment presents itself. But no one has picked up on it.

Until Lottie.

Knowing I’m in trouble mentally, I go back to my nightstand, grab my phone, and text my brothers.

Huxley: I’m fucked.

They’re immediate with their responses.

JP: Let me guess—you realized you like your fake fiancée?

Huxley: I like her. I shouldn’t, but I do.

JP: Called it.

Breaker: Every person watching this could’ve called that.

Huxley: I don’t know what to fucking do.

JP: What any other person would do if they liked someone. Ask them out.

Huxley: Ask her out? But we have a business agreement. And I don’t think she likes me like that.

Breaker: Look at our big brother being all insecure. It’s cute on him.

JP: Dare I say, I’m enjoying this humbling moment?

Huxley: Don’t be assholes. I need fucking help.

JP: You don’t need help. You know exactly what to do, you’re just too scared to pull the trigger.

Breaker: ^^^ Facts.

Huxley: It’s complicated. What about the deal with Dave?

JP: I don’t think that’s anything you need to worry about right now. I’d focus on what you want, something you want that’s not business related. Breaker and I can both attest to this and say, you need something in your life other than this company.

Breaker: You need to learn to live, man. You’re not living. You have all this money and you do nothing with it. Now you have a reason to do something. Take her out. Date her. If you like her, go for it.

Huxley: You don’t think it’ll fuck things up between us?

JP: It’ll only make it better.

Breaker: He’s right. What could go wrong? Seriously.

Huxley: Famous last words.

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