A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Two.

After a demonstration of the teleportation devices and the weapons, they tried confiscating the equipment. Only Willow had been prepared and her brother sat piloting one of the warship size shuttles. An Abram’s tank and a fleet of helicopter gunships tried threatening Willow, only she vanished before their eyes and a fully cloaked craft appeared before them, the Helicopter gunships simply fell from the sky, and the Abrams tank stopped and refused to function, all electronics were totally dead. As the Helicopters were about to crash they lay suspended inches from the ground allowing the pilots to disembark.

Willow spoke to the controller of her space shuttle and ordered the military tank to be lifted one hundred metres above the ground. Instantly the antigravity units beamed a focused energy at the tank and it instantly left the ground and hovered exactly One hundred metres from the ground.

“Sir I could have destroyed you all had I wanted, the shuttle technology and the cloaking will be offered at a later time,” stated Willow. The government was contacted and in time a deal was hammered out. Willow had obtained in exchange for the equipment legal rights to supply minerals from asteroids and uninhabited worlds, after demonstrating the shuttles incredible abilities.

By the fourth year Willow had set up mining contracts and had acquired ex-military who wanted to work in space, and contract rights to a percentage of ten percent of all profit from the freely given material and its future use. Willow had partnered with the United States largest Peanut butter suppliers and had acquired millions of acres of land to grow this crop. After ten years her miners had been harvesting uninhabited planets and various asteroids larger than Mount Everest, while using old technology from the alien worlds.

It brought the United Kingdom immediately as world leaders in space technology and BMW had created incredible futuristic vehicles including shuttles and flying cars.

The computer technology coordinated the crafts and kept everyone safe, with built in redundancies making it impossible to crash. Even now Willow still could not believe she was the wealthiest individual woman in the world and was now earning over two million a day in interest alone.

Already they had discovered precious metals and had started selling to the contracted companies, Diamonds and Gold were mined by the ton and ultra-rare earth metals been discovered including a variety of plants and life forms.

Ten years had passed and Willows companies had grown to include mining, scientific research, bio chemistry and a variety of others. It was one of these companies which had examined newly discovered mineral deposits extracted from asteroids. A miner had extracted a huge bolder from one of the ice covered asteroids and Willows scientists had to their utter amazement found an organic sample within. It contained an unknown XDNA coding and was harvested by growing bio cultures, which were fed to test subject animals.

Within weeks their immune systems started to vastly improve as did their strength and speed reflexes. Three rodents who only usually lived for less than a year showed extensive life spans, and this eventually led to unauthorised trials upon humans. Willow had been the first, and once she realised her strength speed agility and thought process had vastly increased, five months later she offered a twenty thousand a year bonus for the next ten years if staff would volunteer to undergo trials, as she wanted greater production from the miners and military teams now protecting her empire.

They were all equipped with the latest advances in technology including alien intelligent armour which was created from a polymer extracted from bio-genetic goats, who produced the proteins in their milk, this was then used by filtering and extracting the natural organic protein markers used to build this ultra-rare polymer.

At first the minors started increasing their production rate and once the staff saw how much extra the volunteers were now earning on top of the additional annul bonus, they all volunteered seventeen thousands of them.

Soon Willows teams were producing over four times the material before the change, and they had never felt so fit and with their strength and stamina increasing some tenfold, Strange jungle like wild dogs had been found on one of the worlds they had previously thought uninhabited and pups were taken and they became also included in the field trials, so they could work alongside the security and military.

It was only after two years that Willow had tested the XDNA on herself that she noticed a change. At first, she took on a high fever and became ill forcing her to take a few days off.

While at her home and sleeping her body started mutating and transforming, she grew an extra two foot and her complexion became almost light transparent grey. Her teeth changed and two fang like teeth protruded some four inches from her upper teeth, but after a day, she realised she could extract them upwards.

The next night under the cover of darkness she went to a neighbouring farm and drank dry an adult prised breeding bull. When it was discovered the next morning Willow was back in her farm asleep. When she awoke the sunlight did not actually harm her but it was uncomfortable and she preferred to shade her eyes. When she yawned and reached up a hand to cover her mouth, she saw her skin, it was beautiful, suddenly she leapt from her bed and only then realised she had almost hit her head on the ceiling and had covered almost twenty feet.

Going over to her full-length mirror, she examined herself startled at the reflexion before her, there standing and looking back at her was a beautiful slim fit looking reflection looking some twenty years younger.

Willow realised it was the blood, it had somehow activated the XDNA and re-created the damaged aging cells. “Dear Lord I’m beautiful” she said speaking to herself, it was only then she realised the implications and fell to the floor shocked, she knew now the test subjects would in five months’ time start transforming like her.

Thinking quickly Willow decided what to do, and arranged with John her friend and solicitor who had himself become immensely wealthy from his commission on the various financial transactions, to look after her Empire while she went on a space trip to visit her mining camps, and seek further alien trade.

Without returning to work Willow used the one shuttle she had kept for herself and had equipped it with many of her new inventions, including plasma weapons, medical facilities, and much more.

She had informed her staff the alien had returned and offered rejuvenation, plus further trade, so she would be away for an unspecified time. There she travelled to the first of her mining colonies which contained the first volunteers, stored in the shuttle was over twenty seven tons of chilled blood, knowing this was the only way of saving the situation and helping the miners to recover.

Jenifer Armstrong and Simon Smith were the first two volunteers and had been group leaders, so Willow contacted the colony explaining she was calling in for an unscheduled inspection. Once they saw her, they were shocked,

“Willow you look stunning…, what did you do?” Enquired Simon. Willow smiled as they sat in the executive mining office. “It is the supplements I gave you, it turns out there is…,” she paused looking at the two employees, “Well a slight unknown side effect” she replied to them. “Hell if I end up looking like that then great” said Jenifer and Simon smiled, “I’m not so sure I do not want boobs as much as I think yours look stunning” he said to Willow, and they all laughed.

Willow grinned “It’s not only the looks, I am stronger now than both of you together, also faster and smarter and I can even read your thoughts.” They laughed thinking she was joking. It was only when Willow demonstrated and got it correct every time telling them their thought that they started to take her serious. She then demonstrated her incredible new abilities and lifted an extremely two man hammer jack, which the miners used to penetrate the ultra-hard rock, and taking two strong men to lift and operate it.

Willow gripped it with her left arm and lifted holding the jack some two feet off the ground with an extended left arm. They could see she was not even exerting herself, and that this was no trick.

“OK we believe you, but how can this be, we have taken the supplements, and yes we are strong…, but not that strong.” Willow smiled “You soon will be…, that is why I am here to talk with you and offer you a hundred thousand pounds bonus between you.” She paused as she saw their eyes alight at the sound of the huge bonus.

Willow decided to continue talking, “As I was saying I will offer you a hundred thousand between you both if you can assist me in controlling the others, as even I who took this supplement first almost six months before any of you, I…,” Willow paused breathing in, praying they would not take this badly.

“Oh heck it turned me into some kind of alien vampire, that or something like one, it also gave me over thirty years of youth back and as you see I am taller, stronger, faster, think more clearly, I can see in total darkness, and my responses and hearing has vastly increased.”

As Willow finished talking, the other two looked at her and then at each other, both spoke at the same time. “Cool” they said without realising the other thought the same way.

“And you will give us Fifty thousand each, on top of these cool new abilities,” they laughed finding it difficult to believe such luck would fall into their laps. Willow was pleased they took it so well, but also realised not all of her employees would accept this as easily.

Looking at the two before her she spoke some more. “You have approximately four months before you will start changing, it will happen quickly, you will both get a fever as if you’re coming down with the flu, two days later you will sleep for some eighteen hours and awake as a new life form.”

They listened with intense interest, “You will need to feed almost immediately on blood, you will possibly sleep again and when you awake you will not look like the monster you first think you will be, I also think it will extend our life possibly for hundreds or even thousands of years,” she said.

They continued talking and between them they brought in crew members who they knew beyond question would accept the change, as for the others they agreed to keep them under observation.

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