A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Four.

Once other unemployed humans heard about the wages been earned and the bonus, many thousands started applying for off world employment. Two months before the first detections that something had gone wrong, another five thousand three hundred new employees who had completed training and had with Willows permission been given a different set of health supplements left earth for the three-day trip to the colony.

Another huge asteroid had been located and Willow Simpson had her team of scientific technicians build an orbital station that could manoeuvre close to the new asteroid and shuttle the new teams across to the asteroid once it had been held in gravity fields to stabilise it for mining.

It was only a matter of days after the mother ship left there was an accident, one of the security dogs had contracted some type of parasite which was annoying it, and its handler tried to see what was wrong, the dog turned and ripped his arm clear off in anger. It was immediately evident the trainer was no longer human, as the dagger like teeth which could be extracted some four inches from their upper gums, became visible, it had been an immediate reaction.

Some of the other security dog like creatures who emerged attacked the injured guard and he fought with incredible speed and even with one arm missing he started killing the dogs. His colleagues came to his rescue and they managed to save the rest of the pack and held them at bay with sheer force. It was realised the sight and smell of the blood had set them into a feeding frenzies. Willow realised this was something which desperately needed addressing.

Incredibly within two days the arm had regrown, however they had decided to terminate the dogs as they were a risk and unstable. Their problem was three engineers had arrived with the new employees to work on some equipment which required upgrading. Only they had seen what happened and were now quivering in utter fear and panic wondering if this was a nightmare. Willow had the men locked comfortably in one of the empty storage rooms after ensuring there was furniture and food and water included and buckets for toilet needs.

Andrew and Willow walked into the room with one other employee, someone the three men had known. “Gentlemen, I am truly sorry you had to witness that incident, you see we have a slight problem, unknown to us at the time of creating the supplement we had all taken, it had…, well let’s just say unexpected side effects, of which you can see we now are.”

They looked scared and confused, and all three could read the men’s minds, and each one was saying to themselves VAMPIRES, bloody fricking vampires.

Willow smiled, “Yes you are correct, only it’s wonderful and I am giving you each a choice, join us or die.”

She left the men unguarded knowing they could not go anywhere and gave them time to think over her offer. Two accepted and the third refused. One of the guards entered the room and started drinking the one who refused dry of his blood, only he panicked and screamed out “I change my mind…, please I want to live.”

Willow took pity on him, but could see he was near to death, she grimaced, and decided to try something and see if the old vampire movies were correct. So she fed him from her own blood. He screamed wiggling in pain, and their acute hearing could hear his heart slow and then stop.

Five seconds later his eyes opened, and he looked around. “I’m alive”, was all he said. So Willow had some stored blood brought to him and he fed, by the next day he was a fully fledge vampire and the first to be created the natural way.

It was impossible to keep this quiet as Willow knew she would in time need to deliver contracted minerals, Her problem now was the human trials she had also started upon earth. Hoping to merchandise the health supplements after the first year’s results had shown vastly improved health. It was the military who had contacted Willow after studying the data and wanting to create super fit soldiers, so they had over a thousand of their troops volunteered to field trial the supplements.

The initial test results had been so encouraging that after the first six months they had put forward another four thousand troops this time for additional trials not realising that they were sealing their fate and opening themselves to an alien life form that was millions of years old and had adapted to survive in the harshest of environments and was almost unstoppable. However Willow had since learn purely by accident in trying to save the life of one of the victims who had originally opted to die, but changed his mind. That there was a quick sure method and it brought instant obedience to any newly created vampire created this way.

It was a matter of learning for Willow as she had not had any masters to guide her, only unknown to her lay deeply imbedded memories inherited from the Master vampire who organic material she had tested. One night while resting, she never really slept like humans do any more, yes there were times when her body required regeneration, but even then it was truly strange as a section of her mind remained awake and her highly advanced nervous system could hear a fly beat its wings.

So Willow remained resting and her mind became aware of a voice and then as if from inside her head, she could actually see who was talking to her. It was incredibly strange almost like watching a TV from inside her mind. A beautiful woman stood before her, and she smiled, “My child through you I now live on, my name was Octavia, Queen Octavia and I was the queen of a race of life forms who visited your planet at a time a mighty army who called themselves Romans were declaring war upon others.

It was I who taught them to fight and I who created their political system and for a time I loved one named Mark Antony. He returned to my world with me where we lived as one in mind body and spirit. He was a great warrior and ruled my people by my side, we were not a violent race and lived for millions of your earth years, our technology was unmatched and we as you have since discovered had amazing abilities.

I revealed my presence in your mind after I saw you try to save the life of one very frightened individual, you showed compassion and gave him a chance of eternal life, and you now have the chance to help him on his path in life, he will need to learn and develop his mind, but will always be subservient to you”.

Octavia paused, as Willow took in this information and rather than audibly speak, Willow spoke to her telepathically as if she was a separate entity within her mind. “My Queen I thank you for this gift, but please forgive me, I do not understand how this can be happening.”

Octavia looked at her as if she was standing in front of Willow and looking directly into her eyes. “Willow child, I was over thirteen millions of your earth years old. Our technology had advanced to such a stage that we could teleport simply by thinking, this soon will pass onto you, as will all my inherent memories and you will become me but still remain you.”

Her words took time for Willow to take in and as her mind suddenly opened all those millions of years of knowledge revealed itself to her. In an instant everything Octavio had done and known, was revealed to Willow and she realised her first priority was to transform all her subjects now by giving them a mixing of theirs and her blood. This she did over a period of the next two months and all became subservient to her mind and control. Even the military upon earth and she ordered them to not reveal their abilities but to appear just a bit fitter than others.

Willow also granted all freedom of movement and choice but enforced the risk of revealing what they were and instructed them to form clans, like new families and once they returned to earth to set up a new life. All had earned vast financial reserves simply from the bonus payments let alone the wage for working off world. If they wanted, they could come and live with her as she had purchased a huge Scottish Edwardian manner house in twenty thousand acres of its own land, with Valleys Mountains and a loch.

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