A New Era

Chapter Chapter Two

Everyone was gathered around the table, going over the maps and strategies we had for the night. We only had four days to get to Jill's hideout and get everyone out of there without President Martin getting there first.

Linda explained to us that there was a way to get out of the city without getting seen. Everyone seemed confused as to how she knew this since she's been locked up for many years. What we all learned was that she had eyes and ears, from inside the prison to the outside.

"I hand selected a group of people before we went through with the riot, and before I got locked up, to dig a large enough tunnel that was well hidden, big enough where we can get vehicles through. It was hard the first year when I was locked up since I couldn't have any contact with anyone. But a few years later when I figured out that some of these men and woman were undercover, thanks to my husband Joe, I was able to get word out to the others and find out where we were. Because of how strict the government was those first few years, it took time for this project to be developed.

About four years ago though they had to stop any construction immediately, President Martin got suspicious and they shut down everything. I don't know how far the tunnels lead out to, but I do know they lead out far enough and out of the city."

Everyone stood there with a shocked look on their face as she explained it all.

"Alright then." Alec spoke up as he looked at each and every one of us.

"Dave, Joe, Linda and I, along with a few others will get the truck and get Jill along with her group out of there. I need the rest of you here, the less of us out there, the better our chances will be." He said in a serious tone as he looked at me and Noah.

"You two, along with Kyle, Ben and Krista, you guys find ways to stall the president and the troops. It's one of our biggest mission yet."

"How are we supposed to stall them?" Ben asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Dress up and do the hula?" Kyle joked as he stood up and wiggled his hips in a circular motion, which resorted in the two of them laughing.

"Alright, enough." Dave spoke up and the two of them calmed down, but tried to stifle their giggles.

"You kids are smart." Joe said looking at the five of us. "It was your plan to rescue Noah, and the plan worked perfectly, even though there was a small downfall." Which referred to Henry. The room got silent for a minute, all of us thinking about Henry and the sacrifice he made.

"Alright, we leave today, while it's still light out and we get as far as we can with the time we can spare." Dave said as we all gave a nod.

Joe handed some papers to Noah. "You're in charge of this mission."

Noah took the papers from his hand and gave him a nod. "We won't let you down." He informed. Joe gave the others a 'let's go' look and motioned for them to follow him as everyone else was packing up weapons and gear.

I stood with Ben, Krista and Kyle as Noah went up to his parents giving them a hug. Once they all got in the truck, Noah came back over to us and we watched as the truck left the room.

"We have a lot of work to do." Noah spoke up and we all turned to look at him before making our way back to the table.


The plan for us was to stall the president, in any way we can so he didn't get out of the capital. The only option we had was going undercover and infiltrating the troops and everything they had so we can stop them, mess with their machinery. Which of course was going to be a pain in the ass.

"Okay, I think going undercover is a shit idea, they know we're on to them. I mean we broke into the White House for fucks sake." Ben spoke up as the five of us sat at the table. Everyone was lost in thought on what we were going to do, to find some other way to stall the president's plan and his troops. My eyes gazed around the table. Noah and Ben were focused on the papers in front of them, Kyle had an annoyed and confused look on his face, and Krista, she was just playing with her hair. I rolled my eyes at her and let out a quiet chuckle.

"Okay look, I know you said going undercover is a crap idea, but it's the only plan we've got right?" Kyle spoke up as we all nodded our heads.

"Where are you going with this?" Ben asked as he leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest.

"Joe mentioned that President Martin is taking his troops out, right?" He added as we all slowly nodded our heads in confusion.

"So, we do it. We take them down, we take everything down and stop them. Think about it, they don't know what we look like. They haven't seen our faces, well Except Noah's."

"So what you're saying is we disguise ourselves as one of the army guys?" Ben questioned and Kyle gave him a nod.

"Well everyone except..Noah." Kyle added. Noah immediately spoke up and shook his head.

"Uh uh, nope. We're not doing that, it's either all of us or none. I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing while you guys risk your lives."

"Noah, it's the only plan we've got." I spoke up as I reached over taking his hand in mine. "Going undercover is risky, but if it's our only chance at stopping the president from getting to our neighborhood and getting Jill, then we have to do it."

His gaze shifted to me, his eyebrows furrowed and I could tell he was very weary about this idea. But it was the only option we got right now. His expression softened as he let out a sigh and gave me a nod before sitting back down.

"Alright, fine." He finally said as he leaned back in his seat. "So how are we gonna get in? Or get what we need to blend in. I doubt my dad has any of the stuff, he had a good amount but this is the army."

It got silent for a minute as we all thought on how we were going to get everything we needed.

"Carla!!" Ben called out. We all turned around to see Carla pop her head out from her bunk. She jumped down and jogged on over to us.

"What's up kids?" She asked placing her hands on her hips.

"You were with my dad and the group he gathered. How'd you guys manage to be undercover and get all the gear you needed?" Noah asked. Carla raised her eyebrow as she shook her head and let out a huff.

"I know some guys who are undercover in the White House right now and some who've gone undercover with the troops. When I get a message out to them I'm sure they can send over what you need." She explained as she rested her arms on the table.

"Can you send word tomorrow?" He asked and she smiled giving him a nod.

"I can get word tonight and they'll be here tomorrow." She replied before walking off.

"Great, so tomorrow's the day. We head on over to the White House. Noah you have to stay here, if they recognize you, it'll risk everything and they'll have the upper hand." Ben explained to him. Noah just shook his head as a frustrated sigh escaped his lips.

"Alright, fine.." he said and turned to look at me.

"If you want me to stay I can stay."

"No, the more help the better, I'll be fine here. Don't worry about me." He gave me a smile of reassurance and I just nodded my head. He turned to look at the others. "Start getting things ready." He motioned for them to leave. Once they left, Noah turned to look at me.

"You better be careful." He said to me as he reached over taking my hand in his. I lightly squeezed his hand.

"I promise I'll be okay." I replied and smiled to let him know I was being truthful, which of course I was.

"And IF you see the douchebag president, which I'm sure you will, don't try and be a hero and shoot him in the face. That's a plan for a different day."

"I know, right now it's about rescuing the others." I answered. He smiled at me and lifted my hand to his lips kissed my hand, our eyes just gazing into one another. I could feel my heart beating heavy against my chest. He still made me feel a certain type of way, since the first day I met him. I leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips. I felt him kiss me back as his hand snaked behind my head and into my hair. We soon pulled away and I rested my forehead against his.

"I love you so damn much." He said with a chuckle. I let out a giggle.

"I love you too." I replied with a smile on my lips. Noah then stood up from his seat and held his hand out for me.

"Come on, I'm tired and you have a long day tomorrow."

I gladly took his hand and he helped me up from my chair. The two of us made our way over to our bunk, which of course we only shared the bottom one. Noah laid down first and he scooted closer to the wall so I had room. I plopped down on the bed next to him as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled my body close to his. I rested my head on his chest and immediately I could hear his heartbeat.

My eyes closed as I let out a yawn, not realizing how tired I was. The only sound I could here was Noah's steady breathing and the feel of his heartbeat, which helped me fall asleep instantly.

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