A New Era

Chapter Chapter Twenty Nine

"He's locked up. He's done. What are we supposed to do with him?" Kyle asked, his arms flailing around. Everyone was gathered around the large table. Now that this so called war was over, it still felt like things weren't done. The capital was in shambles, everyone that followed President Martin were rioting in the streets, begging to release him.

Viktor and his men did their best to keep the peace and make sure no one got hurt. No one wanted anyone else to get hurt.

"Kill him." Ben replied, his arms crossed over his chest. Everyone turned their attention over to him. Not one person said a word or made a sound, which only meant one thing. That he was right.

I turned my gaze over to Noah, his head nodded in agreement. I then looked at everyone else, all with the same expression on their face. I took in a deep breath and slowly stood up from my seat.

"No, we are not killing him." I spoke up and eyed everyone for a moment before I spoke again.

"A lot of blood has been spilled, sacrifices were made for us to get this freedom. To live our lives how we want without the control of the president and government."

"So what do we do with him?" Ben asked, arms crossed over his chest.

"We let him rot in prison, we let him suffer. He's gonna see all his hard work, and all the other presidents hard work go down the drain as we join together and fix it. It's gonna be hard, there are people who still side with him, but I know we can handle it."

"She's right." Noah spoke up as he turned to look at everyone. "I want our son or daughter to live in a world where they're not scared of being sent to prison or killed because of what they wear or say."

"I agree." My dad spoke and everyone nodded in agreement.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I knew everyone was angry and pissed, and wanted the president eliminated, but we had to do better. We've all lost so much, and killing him was not going to make things any better. It wasn't going to make us any better.

"Okay, meeting over. Everyone enjoy the rest of your day." My dad spoke up as everyone stood up from their seats and dispersed. It was now only me, Noah and my parents left sitting at the table. No one said a word, just processing everything we discussed.

"So, now that he's put away. What's gonna happen to the White House? Who's gonna be in charge?" Noah asked.

"I'm not sure, we haven't thought that through yet." My mother replied as she and my father exchanged looks.

"When the time comes, we will have another meeting and discuss it. For now, let's worry about helping the city get back on their feet. They're all confused, angry, scared." My mom spoke this time. I nodded my head in agreement. If any one of us was in these peoples positions we'd be scared too. Everyone in the city had it easier than the rest of the world. Now that we took down president Martin, it was finally time to bring back peace, and freedom.

"So we go to the city, we speak to them, reassure them that nothing for them has changed, they all lived their lives the way they wanted, unlike us who had to follow the laws and rules and suffered because of them." Noah said leaning back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest.

"Okay." My dad spoke and leaned against the table, hands folded as he looked at the three of us. "We will go, call a gathering, and we will speak to the people. Sound like a plan?" He asked and we all nodded. My dad gave a nod as he stood up, my mother following after him.

I let out a long sigh as I leaned back in my seat, my hands resting on the bump of my belly. I felt a hand on top of mine and turned to face Noah, a small reassuring smile on his face. The two of us didn't say word, just kept our eyes on one another and in that moment I felt at peace. No worries, no fear, just...peace.


"Today, is the beginning of a new era. The Insurgents of Silence has grown for many years. We have believed in a free world. A world where we shouldn't have to worry or be scared of how we dress or what we say A world where we can be free and express ourselves how we used too. The Regulations of Lawrence have been disbanded, President Martin is being held and under watch in a prison facility." Jill spoke through the microphone.

The large crowd stared up with emotionless expressions. My gaze shifted towards Noah who immediately reached down and took my hand in his. Most of our group gathered behind Jill, who we decided to let speak. Her demeanor didn't show fear, it showed peace, and hope.

"A New Era has begun. We will speak freely, dress freely, live our lives the way they were meant to be lived. We weren't meant to be controlled. We deserve happiness. We deserve Peace. And above all we deserve freedom. We ALL deserve freedom."

Jill then turned to us and gave a smile and nod. I smiled in return, completely moved by her speech. Noah then started applauding, followed by Ben, Krista and Kyle. Soon enough the entire crowd began applauding.

This was it. We finally achieved the goal, the group has been reaching for many years. My eyes shifted back towards the crowd. Each and every person, admiring Jill, hopeful expressions on their faces. Jill nodded and waved at the crowd. She then turned to us and gave a nod.

Ben and Kyle immediately moved from their spots and pulled out stacks of papers. The two of them tossed it in the trash can. Noah stepped over and squeezed a bottle of lighter fluid in the trash can. He then pulled out some matches and lit one up before letting it go. The trash can engulfed in wild flames, which then caused the entire crowd to erupt in cheers.

"We did it, we actually did it." Krista squealed from beside me before she rushed over to Ben. Noah stepped over to me and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"Let's go home." He breathed out, his head resting on top of mine.

"Yeah, let's go home."

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