A New Era

Chapter Chapter Twenty

"You don't know?! What do you mean you don't know!?" Krista exclaimed in a panic. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I shook my head staring at the screen.

"I mean I don't know. Okay? I have no idea..."

The room got eerily quiet for a moment. My eyes stayed focused on the screens, hoping I didn't say anything out of the ordinary. My eyes flickered to the top left screen, noticing three figures, the guys. I took in a deep breath as they moved across the room and out of sight before letting out another breath.

"Okay, we know the guys are doing a sweep.."

"Yeah, and we're here." Krista pointed out. I glanced at her for a second before turning back to the screens.

"Alright, Krista...you stay here. Viktor and I are gonna go find President Ass-hat."

"What? Are you sure you can handle it?" Krista asked, which made me face her. I gave a nod in response.

"Yeah, I can handle it trust me."

I had to do this, after my encounter with the President a year ago, I had to do this. Not just for me, but for everyone else, for my parents, my grandparents, the world. I had to be the one who ends it all. It was my destiny.

Viktor and I continued making our way down the halls. It was eerily quiet, except for the sounds of our boots hitting the floor and echoing the halls in the process. I quickly stopped in my tracks, holding a hand up signaling Viktor to stop as well. Footsteps echoed from around the corner.

"You think it's his guys?" I whispered to Viktor who shook his head.

"I don't think so."

I took in a deep breath and continued on walking, finally meeting up with the group.

"Sam??" Kyles voice exclaimed, making me sigh in relief.

"You guys scared the hell out of me." I whisper yelled.

"Where's Krista?" Ben asked this time.

"She's in the security room."

"Alone?" Noah asked and I nodded my head. "She's got this."

"I don't doubt her, but i'm gonna go check on her, help her out." Ben said as he rushed off in the direction we were coming from.

"Okay, so? Anything?" I asked looking between the two of them. Noah and Kyle exchanged looks before turning back to me.

"What? What is it?"

"No one's here. Not even the President."

My eyes widened at the words and I shook my head in disbelief.

"No...no no no no!!" I exclaimed pulling my helmet off.

"We checked everywhere, they're gone."

"They can't be gone, this can't be happening. We were so fucking close!" I shouted slamming hand on the wall.

"Hey, we'll find them. They couldn't have gone far." Noah said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"He's gotta have a hide out somewhere." Kyle added and I turned my attention to Viktor.

"You have any idea?" I asked with a raised eyebrow hoping he could give us some good information. Viktor eyed the three of us as he slowly nodded his head.

"If he did, it would be outside the city, your President wouldn't hide here. He'd go somewhere where no one would suspect."

"Alright then, let's go." I ushered him.

"Lead the way Vik." Noah said as the three of us followed Viktor down the hall. Before we exited the building, we stopped to find Ben and Krista and let them know our next move.

"So what do we do about these guys?" Ben asked motioning to the two unconscious guards.

"Take their weapons and let's go, we don't have a lot of time." I said before walking out the room.

"Sam! Wait up." Noah's voice called out behind me.

"What's the rush?" Noah asked, concern lacing his voice. A small sigh escaped my lips as I shook my head slowly.

"This has gone on for far too long. We have to have a win. We gotta win."

"And we will." He said taking a step closer, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Just, slow down okay?" He said with a small smile.

"I'm ... pregnant...I think." I blurted out. I watched as his eyes widen in disbelief, blinking a few times.

"Are you sure?" He asked with much concern. I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah, I'm positive. I'm sorry I blurted this out right now, but, It's why I want this shit to end already. I don't want this baby to grow up in a world like we did."

"Me neither." He said with a smile. I furrowed my eyebrows at his sudden response.

"Wait...you're not upset?"

"Of course not! I'm happy, beyond happy actually." He chuckled. "Sam, I don't plan on going anywhere, not with anyone else. This is it for me. You. A life and future with you."

I stared at this man in disbelief, at the words that rolled off his tongue, I couldn't believe it. Was he proposing to me right here and now? I blinked a few times, shaking my head to get my thoughts back into reality.

"Y-you really mean that?"

"Of course I do."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I was completely speechless. Our intimate moment was soon interrupted by Kyle and Ben.

"What are you guys doing? We gotta go?" Ben said as he rushed out the building, the rest of us followed after him.

We all finally piled into the truck, Viktor in the drivers seat and Krista and the passengers seat. A long heavy sigh escaped from my lips as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes for a moment. So many things were running through my mind, but the most important thing was to finish this war, once and for all.


An hour had passed and we were finally out of the capital. Wherever this hideout was, it had be a place where no one would suspect. But where? Where the hell would it be?

The entire car ride was silent. No one had said a word since we left the White House. My eyes darted over to Kyle, who was asleep. Ben was wide awake but staring out the window keeping a look out. I turned my gaze over to Noah, his gaze already fixated on me, a small grin on his face.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow but couldn't help but smile as well. The way he smiles, it gives me those instant butterflies in the pit of my stomach, not nervous butterflies. The calm, relaxed butterflies that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That's how I felt around him and the way he smiled.

Even though it hadn't been long since the two of us were together, and a year of it has been spent in prison, I knew for a fact that we were meant to be.

"Nothing." Noah spoke interrupting my thoughts. "Just in a good mood."

"Well keep that up, it'll help us find that douchebag President." Ben spoke this time.

It got quiet once more, just the sound of the trucks engine and the snoring of Kyle.

"There!!" Krista screeched out. We all jumped to our feet, including Kyle and all stared out the window.

"That has to be it." She gestured to the building on our right side, an abandoned hospital. The truck came to a stop and we all exchanged a look.

"You think he's in there?" Kyle asked. You could hear the doubt in his face.

"Oh come on, who's gonna look in an abandoned Hospital? They sure as hell didn't look in an abandoned warehouse." She said, referring to the rebellions hide out.

I took in a deep breath and slowly nodded my head in agreement to her words.

"Okay, this is it. Let's go."

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