A New Era

Chapter Chapter Ten

"You all know our history pretty well. The regulations of Lawrence that was passed many years ago." William spoke up in the quiet room. Everyone had their eyes on him, patiently waiting for what he and the others had to say.

"What I'm about to tell you, you're not going to believe at first." William spoke once again. He looked at everyone but his eyes were focused on me and Kyle.

"All four of us. Before the rebellion had begun, before these new rules, new laws. We used to work for the government."

My eyes widened at the word he just said, 'government' No, no way. There was no way that our grandparents, our family worked for the government.

"Are you fucking serious?" Ben spoke up and he was close to standing up, his hands balled up into fists but Krista and Noah held him down.

"It's not what you guys think." Oliver said this time. The four of them exchanged looks before William continued to speak.

"This was about, ten to eleven years before the first rebellion started, that was in 2064. After President Lawrence was elected, about five years passed until all these rules were enforced. The first was the dress code. There were riots, protests, it was a dark and scary time for everyone. When things started cooling down, by the year 2040, that's when he enforced the next law." William explained.

Everyone just gave a nod. We all knew this based on the history books and what not when learning about our history.

"The four of us grew up together, all in the same neighborhood. After graduating high school, we all decided to get jobs in the White House. Abigail worked as the Press Secretary, Charlotte worked as the Photographer, while Oliver and I worked under their Military Office." William explained as they gave a nod in agreement.

"So? Why did you leave?" Kyle curiously asked. William took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

"During that time, we still had technology." Oliver spoke this time. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly.

"Wait...what?!" Ben shot up from his seat.

"Yeah, we still had technology. For a good while." William repeated with a nod of his head.

"So?..." Krista spoke up this time before she was interrupted.

"Working in the White House, and alongside with the president, there were some perks. We knew things that wouldn't have happened yet. Like the disappearance of most technology." William added.

"We were about your age, when we overheard the former presidents plan. Which was to destroy every cellphone tower, every computer, phones and whatnot. It took some time for the plan to go through." Oliver said as he leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest, his lips turned downwards in a frown as if he was reliving those memories. I turned my attention back to William.

"Before the president finally enforced it, the four of us along with a group of friends, collectively searched for any technology we could find, to save them before they were destroyed for good. Oliver was the one who found this place. At the time it was still occupied by other residents, along with guards sent from the Capital.."

"So..how'd you get rid of the ...guards.." Kyle asked.

"We took them down, one by one. Sort of like a sneak attack. They definitely weren't expecting it."

"It was just the four of you?" I asked, impressed by how they handled it all.

"We had a large group with us, people who wanted to be free." Oliver added with a small smile.

"We've been here since then." William said.

The room got quiet once more. Everyone was pretty shocked and taking every thing in. Just when we thought we were losing hope, here were mine and Kyle's grandparents living a double life.

"So, you haven't gotten caught?" I asked as they shook their heads.

"There were a few times where some government officials arrived. Luckily for us, with all the tech we saved, we were able to amp up security, such as drones and surveillance cameras. We always made sure we were covered." Oliver explained.

"Okay...it's sort of making sense.." Kyle spoke as he tapped his hand on his leg.

"But...the real question. Why did mom and dad leave?"

The four of them exchanged looks once again.

"Your mother...she thought by keeping you here, it would one day risk losing you. We were free here, to an extent.." William spoke as his voice trailed off.

"Your mother thought that by taking you out of this island and having a life we were forced to have, would keep you safe. She didn't want you kids to end up risking your lives..." Abigail spoke this time. She had been quiet this entire time.

"Well we're risking our lives now." I said and she smiled at me.

"And she would be proud."

"That's bullshit!" Kyle exploded out of nowhere.

"When Sam ran off with them, she and dad called the authorities! They probably did the same for me too." He said, a cold hard stare on his face as he looked at the four of them.

"I'm sure she regretted it the minute she did." Abigail added. I reached over placing a hand on Kyles shoulder but he shrugged it off.

"Look, I know you kids are upset with your parents right now. But they sent you here, right?" Charlotte asked this time.

I turned to look at her and gave a slow nod.

"I know your mother and father, better then you two ever did. I agree they should have kept you here. But if they didn't, you wouldn't have brought these people here, more fighters. More people to help bring back the world to the way it used to be."

I glanced over at the group, Noah, Ben, Krista, Dave, Joe, Alec and Linda all watching with a hopeful look on their face. I took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

"She's right Sam. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for your parents." Noah said to me and I nodded my head slightly.

"You kids have any other questions?" Oliver asked as we all looked at one another.

"Not a question, but just to confirm. The four of you worked for the government, then left to try and save the world with whatever you had at the time, building your army here on this island over these years." Ben spoke.

The four of our grandparents gave a nod as William let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, that's pretty much the short version of it."

"Crazy..." Ben muttered as he leaned back in his seat.


After their side of the story was told, they showed us to the bunks that were empty and unocuppied. I placed my bag down on the floor, not bothering in unpacking and just laid on the bed. My thoughts wandered back to the story my grandparents had told us. Everything made sense, but of course I was still pretty upset at the fact that our parents took us away.

If they didn't take us away, I wouldn't have met Noah and everyone. I wouldn't have saved Noah and he and his mom would be dead. My body shivered at the thought.

"Sam?" I jumped at the voice and looked over to see Noah standing by the bed, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm...I'm fine." I replied as I turned over my side my back facing him. A second later I felt the bed shift and an arm wrapped around my waist. The two of us laid their in silence, neither of us saying a word. I let out a small sigh as I closed my eyes, sleep instantly consuming me.

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