A Mother's Love

Chapter 51

Lous mentoring James in the task of being a Sender was showing signs of great promise. The only thing that haltered the progression was the fact that Lous had no idea on how to open the transport portal. He had the knowledge for all the preliminary steps to entrapping the victim to be transported and how to force them through the portal but no knowledge of how to open it. Lous had the suspicion that it was somehow locked away in the mind and memories of James. During one of the training sessions Lous suggested that James allow him to search through his mind to find out if his assumption was true. James was leery of having Lous probe around in his mind. There were thoughts and ideas within his mind that he wanted to keep secret from Lous. Things that could put the alliance they made in jeopardy. James knew he could shield his thoughts from Lous, as he was doing now, but could he hide them and give Lous free domain over his mind. To put off further discussion of this matter James agreed that he would contemplate the possibility but he would like to try and locate it himself. James read the suspicion in Lous’s response as he said “As you wish my friend, but know this. We are in this together, win or lose, and that battle demands both of our loyalty to each other to win.” James looked straight into Lous’s eyes and simply nodded in agreement.

James quickly changed the subject and said “The first day I arrived and all of you tried probing my mind, I made contact with a female named Amora. Is she the only female here and if so why?” A large sinister smile came to Lous face and he looked directly at James and replied “You are truly a gifted individual if what you say is true. Until you came she was the only one who was able to block our mind probe. To answer your question, yes she is the only female. To tell you why, is another story and quite a lengthy one. What may I ask is your interest in this female?” James did not turn away from the eye contact Lous had made with him and responded “Did I spark your curiosity in raising the question? If you are wondering if it’s a physical attraction, you are correct, but it is also a mental attraction. I felt an emotion of hate coming from her that equaled mine.

She intrigues me.” Lous smile seemed to broaden even wider across his red leathery face as he said “And you her. She has asked about you and I feel that she might be up to meeting with you, but I must advise you she is a very private person. She keeps to herself and has very little contact with the rest of us. In fact, in all the time she has been here I have only physically met her once and that was the day she arrived. My communication with her is through Ragog who for some reason or another she finds entertaining. He is the only one who is allowed anywhere near her quarters which are separate from the rest of ours.” “How are her quarters separate from the others? I have been to all three tiers of this building and never have I seen a restricted area.” replied James. “That’s because you can’t see it. There is a fourth tier and there is only one way to get in or out and she controls that. How and why I can’t tell you, but the building allows it.” Lous informed James. “Well then what is her story? We finished our training session and I have the time so tell me her story.” said James. Lous nodded in agreement but suggested they return to James quarters for it was a lengthy story.

Upon arrival to James quarters they both pour themselves a glass of wine and found a comfortable seat and Lous began to tell the story. “It all started with a trembling of the building, as do all arrivals, but this one was special. Usually it is just a door that appears or a small lengthening of the building, but this time a forth tier appeared on the north side of the building and the trembling was more intense. A transport portal open up right in the middle of the central open area and a child walked through into this world. The child had a light blue hue to her skin, long black hair and eyes of gold. She was dressed in a plain white tunic with red trim around the collar and shirt cuffs. At first we thought that it was a male child but quickly realize that it was a female. All of us knew what we had to do and we began probing her mind, but we were met with a force of resistance to our probing that we had never experienced. The only information that we retrieved was that her name was Amora and there was a hate in her that was very great and overwhelming to those who tried to read her. Ragog approached her as he does with every arrival and communicated mentally with her but she blocked his thoughts and told him to use his voice to speak to her. Ragog opened his mouth to speak but before he uttered a single word she grabbed him by the tufted hair on his head and they popped out of existence. They appeared instantaneously on the fourth tier. Ragog had a look of terror in his eyes and we all felt his horror as he thought she would kill him. They just stood there and slowly the fourth tier faded out of view as if it was never there. I flew up to inspect the area and was met by an invisible shield that seem to surround the area to keep out intruders. I reached out with my mind to try and locate Ragog by his mental signature but even my thoughts nor his, could not penetrate the field.

We all thought that Ragog had been killed by the female, but three days later he appeared in front of his quarter’s door. He had no memories of where he had been or what had happened to him over the three day period. All he could remember was that he was told to relay information to me. He didn’t even know what the information was till he was in my presents, and then it all came rushing through his mind to mine. The information was about the female. Who she is and why she was here. I tried to stop the information transfer from Ragog to myself but found the effort futile. There was nothing I could do but let it flow from his mind to mine. The process took only seconds but it seemed like it was an eternity that passed. The best way to give you this information is pass it to you through our minds. Open your mind to receive it James and beware what you find.”

James opened his mind and an image of a planet started to take shape. He immediately recognized it as the Earth, but it wasn’t the Earth he came from. It was an Earth that was set in a different plane of reality from his own. In this reality Doctor Scull wasn’t working for the Agency but for himself. The alien DNA was given to him by the Soavas themselves to advance the human race. In this plane of existence mankind had reached a more advanced position on the evolutionary scale and the Soavas felt it was time for them to join the universal race of planetary families. This Doctor Scull was instructed by the Soavas on how to produce a female child. The mitochondrial (female) DNA was better suited for passing on genetic traits than Y-line (Male) DNA. This would insure that the advanced traits in the human genome would be passed on from generation to generation.

The pregnancy went well with no complications and there was mental and visual communication

between the mother and the child while in the womb. Unlike James’s mother Miranda showed love and affection for the child within her womb and James felt these emotions. Even though these feelings were warm and enjoyable James fought them off by feeding on his inner hate. What he did not understand is how this child, that had been so loved, could harbor hate equal to his own. What was in this child’s future that could turn her away from this love? What was the catalyst that ignited the fury of this hate? What was the fuel that it fed on?

Miranda gave birth to the child in the early spring when the coldness of the winter was diminishing.

Amora was a normal child other than the fact that she had a bluish tint to her skin and eyes of golden in color.

Her early years of life were full of an adoring love from her parents and the world itself. She was the next step in evolution and the world rejoiced in having her. Her intellect was far beyond that of a normal human and her ability to learn was amazing. She didn’t have to study to gain knowledge. It came to her from contact with people. Whatever knowledge or experience the person possessed simply transferred to her and she could retain this knowledge for later use. She was also educated in the culture and beliefs of the Soavas. Everything was going as planned by the Soavas until the day of her tenth birthday.

The day of Amora’s birthday was a typical Boston spring day. The day started out cool and warmed up as the day progressed. It was to be held at the Government Center Plaza in the down town area. Thousands of people flooded the area to celebrate and it was to be broadcast around the world via satellite. They came from all over to honor the small blue skinned child who they all thought was the salvation of the human race. To them she was the link into the future evolution of humankind. The crowd roared as she stepped out onto the plaza accompanied by her parents and two ambassadors of the Soavas race. The emotion that the crowd emulated was overwhelming to young Amora. Her mind became filled with images and sounds rushing in simultaneously and it was causing her to lose touch with real world. She tried to block the incoming mental information but it was a futile effort. There were too many of them and their thoughts mixed together creating a symphony of chaotic noise and images of a horrifying abstract rendition of the human plight. All of this built to a crescendo and with it her mind exploded outward in response. Within an instant every human being within the plaza and a two mile radius from it ceased to exist. All that remained was a fading echo of the cheering crowd across the plaza that sank to a foreboding silence. Amora stood alone with tears running from her golden eyes down her blue skinned face. In the blink of an eye she went from the salvation of mankind to a blue skinned monster in the eyes of the world.

“You now know the truth about Amora and her ill gotten fate. She was spared from being executed by the people of her world by the Soavas. They had realized their mistake. Mankind was not ready for the power they had given them. The instinct to survive was still too powerful an emotion in the human mind. She was no more than instinctively protecting her very existence and sanity from a dire threat. Her hate was born from the fact that she did not choose to be who she was, but that she was made that way by the hands of others. The love she knew and cherished soon evolved into the hate you felt. The hate for the people of her world who saw her as a monster and had no pity for a child who was simply protecting herself and the Soavas for creating her in a world that was not ready for the next step in evolution. To spare her the Soavas sent her here to spend the rest of her days. She is different from us in more than just gender. She once knew the joys and happiness of love and goodness and somewhere inside her mind hidden behind the hate it still lingers. This is why I think she does not mingle with the rest of us. I will attempt to set up a meeting between you two, but I promise nothing.” said Lous. James nodded and turned away and said “I am tired and need time to think over what information you have given me and how to play it to my advantage if we meet.” Lous smile his broad devilish grin and said “I like the way you think my friend James. I would do the same if I had the chance.”

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