A Mother's Love

Chapter 48

Two weeks had pass since the creation of the Neverland Island. The Lost Boys and Peter had made the island of Neverland there home and it supplied them with their needs. There were plenty of fruit trees to nourish their hunger and the sweet water of Crocodile Creek to quench their thirst. What the home lacked couldn’t be supplied by the island’s resources. After the excitement of exploring the island and the new found freedom the Lost Boys now had they all came to realize there was something missing. It was a parent’s love.

The Lost Boys had experienced this type of love the first time at the home of the Garrisons and Peter had experienced it all his life with his mother Fawn and the Garrisons. They knew that this home could not be complete without them.

Peter was sitting on a rock high on a cliff overlooking Mermaid’s Lagoon. This was a place where he would come when he had to think. The Lost Boys had elected him their leader and the demand of the position was sometimes very stressful. The Lost Boys were often full of questions about the world outside of the laboratories they had been raised in. They had a hunger to know all about it. Peter could only answer their questions with his life experiences in the world and it was one that was very sheltered. Peter remember a line from Shakespeare’s Henry IV “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.” and now fully understood what it implied. A person with great responsibilities, such as a leader, is constantly worried. Was he making the right choices and decisions for the Lost Boys and if he was wrong what were the consequences?

The voice of Mister Blue spoke in the mind of Peter and it said “My son, destiny has put you on a path that leads to the unknown. What lies ahead cannot be foreseen but you cannot evade or run from it. What it holds will come to pass. You must hope for the best and plan for the worst.” Peter replied “I wish I could just have my parents here to help and guide me through this. They have always been the light in my darkest hours.” “They are and always will be with you. It is true that they guided you in times of hardship and trouble, but in the end it was you that made the final decision. You have a strong understanding of right and wrong.

Rely on this and you shall succeed in your endeavor to lead the Lost Boys. They trust and respect you for what you have done for them and they would follow you into the jaws of Hell if need be.” Mister Blue spoke in a tone that sparked confidence in Peter.

“I came up to this spot to contemplate a request that the Lost Boys have made to me. They want to experience the world outside this island. I understand why they want to but I can also see trouble if something goes astray. What if someone finds out who they are and what they can do? The consequences horrify me.

Any of them could be taken into custody by the authorities and return back to a life that exists in a sterile laboratory. They would become thing for scientific minds to research and lose the right of being human. It would be my fault if I allow it and the worst happens.” Peter thought back to Mister Blue. “You are correct in everything you said except for whose fault it would be. Just like your parents did for you by guiding you to the right decision, so shall you guide your brothers. There is no absolute defense against what you fear but there are precautions that can be taken. They are smart intelligent boys and know the price of being discovered for what they are. They share your mind set and memories and do as they should to remain free. Trust in them as they trust in you” responded Mister Blue.

“I think this will help you my son.” Peter heard Mister Blue say. The world that Peter had existed in a moment ago faded out of view. Peter found himself still sitting on the same rock but floating in the darkest reaches of space. Galaxies, stars and planets streaked past him at incredible speeds until a planet came into view and the speed decreased. It was a planet very much like earth a bright blue sphere in an ocean of darkness. “What you are seeing is my home planet. Here is where my species; the oldest in the known universes, reside. We are known as the Soava race to all that knows of our existence. My people have learned to live in harmony with the forces of the universe and our planet. Our race was once very much like yours in many aspects. We thought that technology would lead us to a brighter and more productive future.

We chased the idealistic dreams of grandeur that all species must evolve beyond and one day realized that our judgments in these matters were faulty. We finally realized that the planet we existed on was in itself much aware of its own existence as we were. We learned to communicate with it and work in conjunction with it to make its existence and our symbiotic to each other.

The darkness of space faded from existence and it its place Peter found himself and the rock he was sitting on floating over a field of turquoise colored grass that ended in bright yellow and gold tips. Peter then noticed that small rolling hills surrounded the field on the horizon. “Those are not what you call hills Peter.

They are the homes of the family we belong to. It is called the Naveian family. Our heritage of this family goes back beyond the birth of your planet from the cosmic plasma that created all things. There are twenty four family units that make up our race and we live in harmony with each other. Each family has its own specific duty and responsibility for the betterment of the race. Our family’s contribution is to explore and contact other species that have reached a point in evolution that has brought them enlightenment about the truth and the workings of the universe. My task was to determine if your race, which is entering into the phase of evolution that it desires to travel beyond its planetary boundaries, is ready for contact. Your race had not reach the point of evolution for contact, but you and your brothers have changed that. You and they are the next step in your species evolution.” Mister Blue informed Peter

The image of Mister Blue’s home planet faded away and Peter found himself once again overlooking Mermaid Lagoon. “Though you are the next step in your species genetic evolution you are not complete. Your evolution was artificially created and you lack the knowledge of the truth and workings of the universe that comes with natural evolution. I shall share with you and your brothers this knowledge, for without this knowledge the powers you possess may corrupt your moral values.” Peter heard Mister Blue’s voice dictate in his mind. “But you told me that I have a strong understanding of right and wrong. What could change that understanding?” ask Peter. Mister Blue responded quickly and said “Power without knowledge can corrupt even the most righteous of people. At first you see what you are doing is good and people will praise you for it. Then their praise will turn into either fear or adoration. That’s when the corruption starts. You begin to see yourself as being above and greater than them, but you will still be as mortal as them. Power will make you think that you are always right and you will not allow yourself to be questioned about what you do and how you go about doing it. Knowledge of the truth that lies within this universe is the only way that evolved minds such as you and your brothers possess can control the power with discretion and equality. You are no greater, in the universe, than a single grain of sand on an ocean shore. Each grain of sand makes up the shore and none is more important than the other, but if one grain of sand goes missing the shore is not complete.”

Peter sat silently upon the rock and pondered the words of Mister Blue for he did not totally understand its true meaning. There was something hidden between the lines that Mister Blue wanted him to find in his own way. His concentration was broken by mister Blues voice saying, “It is time my son to awaken May and Parker back to their true awareness. The command is “Straight on till Morning.”.

Chapter 53:

James had followed the bizarre thing that called itself Ragog into the darkness of the hall but there was no darkness. In fact they had stepped into a well lit room that was larger than a football field. There appeared to be no ceiling or roof because James could see the open sky above. Around the perimeter of the room there were a multitude of doors each with a different symbol or glyph on it. There were three levels of these doors with a walkway on each level that went completely around the room. In the center of the room was a conical structure with stairs leading up to the top that ran around the perimeter of the structure. There sitting at the top of the structure in a carved out sitting area James spied the outline of a silhouetted figure with glowing orange colored eyes..

“Welcome, one called James, to the world of the exiled. This is where the blue Soavas dump individuals that do not live up to their standard of sentient life forms. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lous of the House of Fer and I am the last of my kind.” As he spoke these words he stepped into the light and James could clearly see him. He was of tall stature and had a bright red skin tone. From his back there protruded two leathery bat like wings that extended outward to their full length as he walked into the light. He leaped forward into the air and glided down to where James was standing. As Lous touched down James noticed that this being’s body was completely lacking any type of hair of fur. A wide frightening smile spread across the face of Lous exposing his long pointed teeth. Lous walked over to James and extended his hand out to him as a greeting. James reached out and griped the offered hand of greeting. Lous had a strong grip and it brought pain to James’s hand but he did not let it show. He knew if he showed any signs of weakness at this moment it would be detrimental to his future here.

Lous released his grip and put his right arm around James and said “Come walk with me my friend. We have a lot to discuss about the potential I see in you. You possess the abilities of a Sender though you don’t realize it. With a little tutoring from me you can hone this skill and learn to use it.” James without any hesitation said “What’s in it for me if I go along with what you asked?” Lous smile broaden even more though it didn’t seem possible to do so and said “Revenge my friend. Good old hard boiled revenge in its purest form for both of us.” James then asked “I know the revenge I want and need, but what is the motive behind the revenge you seek?” Lous blinked one eye at James and replied “A good question my friend. Let me take you to your quarters and I will tell you the motivation of my revenge. It is a story I love to tell over and over again.

For it feeds the anger that nourishes my hated of the Soavas”

James and Lous walked a short distance and came upon a door on the lower level with no markings on it. Lous asked “Tell me James, what you want as your door crest?” James ponder the thought for a long moment and replied “I will use a name that my nemesis will identify with. I would like to known at Captain James Hook.” As soon as he spoke these words the plain door in front of him changed. Where there was once a flat white door now stood a carved wooden door with large black ornate hinges and a large black ring handle. As he look at the door brass letters of an eloquent script appear that read the name he had chosen.

James took the black ring handle in his metallic hand and opened the door.

James and Lous stepped over the threshold and entered James’s accommodations. They found themselves in what appeared to be a room that would fit a Captain of a sea faring vessel. A large three sectional window ran across the back of the room and through it they could see the open ocean. A desk of large proportions sat right in front of the three windows with a chair that would have satisfied the taste of a king sat behind the desk. To James’s right was a bed built into what appeared to be the hull of a ship. The bed consisted of hand carved wood panels with images of exotic mermaid swimming around the outside of the beds enclosure. The bed itself was covered in a regal red throw spread that had the texture of soft fur and matching pillows. To the left James spied a table that held a variety of fruits, cooked meats and unopened bottles wine and rum. James felt instantly at home in his new surroundings and walked over and sat in the chair, he leaned back and put his feet up on the desk.

Lous walked around the desk and sat on a little padded bench that was located in front of the three sectional windows. Lous then grabbed the back of the chair James was sitting in and spun it around so that James was face to face with Lous. “I will now tell you the motives behind my revenge dear friend. It is a story of genocide that the blue Soavas committed. You see the Soava race once consisted of two colors; red and blue. I am the last of the red race of Soava and it has been my passion to revenge the deaths of my ancestors and you my friend are a major component in my plan.”

Lous paused for a moment to gather his thought and then continued to tell James his story. “I was the first of the outcast to be placed here by the Blue Soavas. Why they spared me from the genocide I do not know. Only an infant at the time of my arrival here the Blues created this building to protect me. It has been my guardian for all this time and has served me well. Whatever I needed or wanted it gave me, other than my freedom and knowledge of my home world.” “If you lack any knowledge of your home world then how do you know of the genocide you say that the Blues committed, or even that the Blues existed?” asked James. “Like you, I was mentally capable of reading the thoughts of others. What I saw in the minds of the Blues that delivered me to the world is where I got my understanding of what had happened.” replied Lous.

“Now that we know each other’s motivations for the hate that we carry. Let us make plans to enact our revenge and allow me to train you to use your power to its fullness.” Lous said to James with a broad smile on his face. James simply nodded in consent.

Chapter 54:

May was finishing up washing the dinner dishes when she heard Peter’s voice in her mind say “Straight on till Morning.” Her mind filled with pictures and events that had been block by Mister Blue for weeks. She suddenly remembered the truth of what had happened that day when Peter and the Lost Boys left to establish the Island of Neverland. Mister Blue had buried the truth deep in her subconscious and with the password spoken by Peter her conscious mind once more became aware of them.

Tears came to her eyes and joy filled her heart at the sound of Peter’s voice. She thought back to him “I have missed you my son and you cannot imagine the pain I endured with your absence.” “You’re wrong mother. I felt it in your mind just before I made contact with you and I am sorry for hurting you so.” replied Peter. “It was necessary to keep you and the Lost Boys safe. So it was worth the pain and effort. How are you and the boys on the island?” May replied back. “We’re doing as fine as can be expected Mom. The biggest problem right now is the Lost Boys want to leave the island and see the outside world. They want to know what the real world is really like. Mister Blue is going to meet with all of us and come up with a plan of action.

He’s been a lot of help to me. You see the Lost Boys have elected me as their leader and I they expect me to decide what the best is for all of us. At first it was easy, but as time went on the demands started to be more complex and it got very frustrating.” replied Peter. May responded quickly and said “You have a good sense of right and wrong Peter and I’m sure with the help of Mister Blue you’ll make the right choices needed.” May heard the front door open and heard Parker say he was home and that Angie was with him. Parker was halfway down the hallway that led to the kitchen when he heard Peter voice in his head say “Straight on till Morning”. Like May the memories that Mister Blue buried deep in Parker’s subconscious came flashing into his mind. A smile came to his face and he replied, “Hey little man, missed you much, but I can’t tell you how much I am overjoyed to hear your voice again.”I missed you to Dad. Say hello to Papa Angie for me.” replied Peter. Parker turned to Angie and told him Peter said to say hello. Angie smiled and nodded and mentally reached out to Peter. “You don’t have to use the pass phrase to free up my memories Peter. Mister Blue did that weeks ago.” “I know he told me about the events at Gaetano’s house. He said you have Dr. Scull’s dairy and that it contains useful information about his genetic research.” Peter answered back. Angie responded back quickly and replied “It’s more than that Peter. Mister Blue instructed me to tell you the following. The information in it also lists the names of all the surrogate mothers and the child they gave birth to. With this data the Lost Boys can locate their biological mothers. The outcome of them meeting their mothers may not beneficial to them in all cases but they should all know the truth. Mister Blue thinks that is something that they should decide for themselves.”

Peter thought about what Papa Angie had said and came to the same conclusion that Mister Blue had come to. It was the choice of each of the Lost Boys to decide whether they wanted to meet or even have this information. Unlike Peter and James the Lost Boys do not have any recollection of the biological mothers.

Doctor Scull had these memories erased from the child’s mind right after they were delivered into the world with the use of electrodes probed into the brain center that controls memory. This was the only thing that Peter was unable to fix when he repaired the brain damage that was inflicted on the Lost Boys. Peter was able to repair the damage but not create the lost memories.

Parker had heard the mental conversation between Peter and Angie and turned to Angie and said using his voice “What does this diary say about our son Peter? Is there anything that is pertinent that May and I should know?” Angie reached into a pocket of the coat he was wearing and took out a red book and handed it to Parker. “I was instructed to give you this by Mister Blue once your memories were released from your subconscious. He wants you and May to read it.” Parker took the red book and opened it and flipped through the pages. He read random entries made in it and most of it was beyond his understanding, but he knew that somewhere within its pages there was something worth knowing. He closed the book and walked into the kitchen and handed the book to May.

“It looks like you people have a lot of reading to do and I have to meet with Mister Blue and the Lost Boys, So I’ll say goodbye for now and contact you again later in the day.” Peter said to May, Parker and Angie. “We love you and glad you’re safe.” responded May. Peter felt the Parker and Angie shared her feelings also and broke off his communication. “Well let’s get to finding out what the diary has to say.” May said in a matter of fact way. She placed the red book on the kitchen table and they all sat down to find out what secrets the red book held.

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