A Mother's Love

Chapter 40

May opened her eyes and saw James staring at her with a look of hatred written across his face. The hatred she saw wasn’t meant for her but Peter. She realized that see was seeing through Peter’s eyes. She could see Gaetano and Gabrielle looking on with amazement as Peter. She could not see they two oldest Lost Boys anywhere in the room and wondered where they could be. Did something go wrong went they quantum tunneled to this location? Panic and worry filled her mind but just then the voice of the stranger filled her mind. “Do not worry all is going as planned.” His words seemed to calm and sooth her and in an instant the feelings of dire jeopardy vanished from her thoughts.

James filled with a hate for the lost brother standing before him said to Peter “So we finally meet face to face brother. I had planned to meet you but not until I was ready. I have plans for you my brother and I hope it will be a fun time for me and a not so fun time for you.” Peter response was immediate, “You do not scare me with your idle threats James. I can feel your hatred for me but I can also feel your fear too. Your outward appearance may show confidence but your inner self is nothing more than a scared and unloved child. A child with no concept of right and wrong and a self center blotted ego. You may think your better than me on the outside but deep in your soul you know that isn’t true. We are almost evenly matched in strength and abilities but you lack the one trait that I have. That is the power of being loved and loving other.” James let out a loud scream full of anger and rage that scattered all the windows, mirrors and anything else made of glass in the house. The shock wave was so great it knocked Peter off his feet and sent him sailing across the room.

Gaetano and Gabrielle covered their ears but it could not deafen the sound of the scream. The scream came to an end and James started walking towards Peter with his fists clenched. From James’s hands Peter could see sparks of energy surging and building up. James was about to try and strike a deadly blow that would end Peter’s existence.

The voice of the blue skinned stranger filled Peter’s mind and he heard him say “Now is the time to protect yourself as I instructed you.” Immediately a sphere of intense blue light appeared around Peter and it solidified into a large clear bubble around him. From James’s hands bright bolts of what appeared to lighting shot out in the direction to where Peter was standing. As the bolts hit the surface of the clear bubble they ricochet off and blasted large holes in the ceiling and walls. James kept on advancing and shooting the bolts of lightning from his hands but no matter how hard he tried they could not pierce Peter’s defensive shield.

Michael and Tootles entered the room and quickly ran over to Gaetano and Gabrielle and wrap their arms around them. In an instant they were gone. James never noticed they were there or that Gaetano and Gabrielle were no longer there. His thoughts were focused on the destruction of Peter’s defense shield.

May saw, though Peter’s eyes, bright flashes of light as the lightning bolt were repelled being repelled by the shield’s surface. She could also see the destruction of Gaetano’s wonderful home. The ceiling above Peter had been blasted away and she could see that roof had also been destroyed. Most of the interior walls of the structure were gone and the outside walls were badly damages. The onslaught of James’s attack was moving Peter back to one of the damaged outside walls of the building. May was able to see through the opening of the wall and noticed that the battle was catching the attention of the people in the neighborhood.

Many were outside of their homes standing on their lawns or walking down the street to get a better look at what was happening. Just as a few of the neighbors reached the front of Gaetano’s home James had forced Peter out of the building on to the front lawn. The site of Peter in the bubble shield and James throwing lightning bolts from his hand scared the onlookers and they scattered for safety. The bolts of lightning now ricocheted off the shield and struck trees and utility poles that lined the street. One brave onlooker was recording the incident with cell phone. May was also able to see others people using their cell phones probably trying to contact the local police authorities to report the incident. Within an instant May heard the sounds of sirens filling the air and by the sound of them they weren’t too far away.

Peter was straining his mind to keep up the bubble shield defense and knew he could hold on much longer. Why hadn’t his brothers, the Lost Boys, returned he asked himself? With that thought came the voice of the blue skinned stranger who answered his question. “I am testing you Peter to evaluate your abilities and will power. You are more capable than I thought you were. You have shown me that you are worthy of the skills you possess. A lesser person than yourself, even with your abilities, would have succumbed to James’s attack a lot sooner. There is something about you that I do not yet understand that separates you from the others of your species but I hope to identify it in time.” Peter responded back mentally “Thanks for the pep talk but could you send my brother now. This situation is getting out of hand.”

Peter and James had now moved from the front lawn out in to the street. Police cars were now coming in from all direction with their lights and sirens on. Downed power lines that had fallen victim to the ricochet bolts of energy were sparking and arcing electricity all around. The police cars stopped at a safe distance and their occupants got out and gazed upon the amazing battle before them. A police sergeant reached into his vehicle and withdrew a portable loud speaker and tried to address the battling boys. “This is Sergeant Brewer of the Winchester Police Department ordering you to cease your conflict or we will use lethal force to stop you.” Before he could put down the loud speaker James shot a bolt of energy directly at the sergeant’s vehicle and it exploded. The sergeant and his companions that were standing by were instantly vaporized by the blast. “Try to stop me you fools and you will receive the same fate as your fellow officers did.” James yelled to the remaining officers. The remaining officers started to clear the street of all the people that were watching and aligned their vehicles to form a barricade to close the street.

The local cable news van turned on to the street and came to a stop behind the barricade. A female reporter and a camera man got out of the truck and sized up the situation. Without hesitant they started to broadcast live. “This is Rena Marcella broadcasting live from Winchester. As you can see in the background there is an amazing battle going on between two young boys. One child is enveloped in what appears to be some sort of protective bubble, while the other is attacking with very destructive bolts of energy. I am being advised by the authorities that several officers have killed by the boy welding the energy bolts. At this time they do not know the identities of the boys and are calling in the military to help handle the situation. They are in the process of evacuating all residents from the surrounding area for their safety. The house where the incident seemed to have started has been identified as the home of Gaetano Mucci a prominent businessman in the Boston area. The authorities do not know if he was present in his home when the fight started. They have searched the home and found no sign of Mr. Mucci or his companion Gabrielle Mero. We are being advised by the authorities that we have to move from this area to where they have set up their command center. We will return to broadcasting live at the command center to keep you updated. This is Rena Marcella signing off.”

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