A Mother's Love

Chapter 38

Peter opened his eyes and found himself back in the parlor of his home. His brothers, mother and father, and Papa Angie all were there ready to hear what he had found out. “Have you located James?” asked Michael. Peter looked over at Angie and said “He’s at Gaetano’s house. He’s going to use Gaetano and his contacts then kill them all. I was also in contact with an unknown ally who says he wants to help. He called James an abomination.” “How do you know this person is an ally?” asked May. Peter replied “I read he was telling the truth in his mind. He told me that he would reveal the truth about himself after we eliminate James.

He said he would contact me here again.”

Just as Peter spoke these words everyone present heard the voice of the unknown ally fill their minds.

“I am here to help. Please believe in what I am about to say. Peter you and your brother’s are an evolutionary oddity. Your genetic mental capabilities are far advanced than your physical genetics. These capabilities should not become evident in your planet’s race genetically for tens of thousands of your earth years.” In the center of the room an image appeared of a tall being with a bluish colored skin. He was dressed in a red tight fitting jumpsuit. His general appearance was that of a human but with elongated proportions in his arms, legs and hands. His head was larger than that of a human and his facial features differed slightly than that of a human. He continued to speak and said “I represent a race that is as old as the universe. We are called the Anoniams and have been observing your planet since it was created eons ago. Our intentions are only to gather knowledge of your planet and its’ species. We mean you no harm.”

Angie interrupted the alien’s story and asked “How did you get here and where are you now? Why do you need the boys help to eliminate James? Those are the questions we need answered before you can gain our trust.” The image of the alien turned and faced Angie and said “Who I am and how I got here is irrelevant to the present situation. What is important now is the safety of your friends. The combined power of the children and I is the only chance to save them from being killed by the one called James. As soon as he gets what he needs from the one called Gaetano he will eliminate him and his female companion. You have two options. Trust me or let them die. It is your decision to make.” Angie knew that what the unknown ally was saying is true and factual. He could not let his childhood friend die at the hands of such an evil minded being as James. “You’re right. We have only one option and that is to trust you and save them. What do we have to do?” Angie replied.

The unknown ally turned and faced Peter and the Lost Boys and said “If we can channel our combined power through Peter we can defeat James. My race has come up against this situation many times before.

We have a set protocol to handle it. James and I have met previously, and following protocol, I tried to destroy him but he was able to quantum tunnel himself to another location before I could. We appall taken any sentient beings life and usually banish his type to a place that is located in another space-time dimension. It takes thirteen focused minds to secure the person, open the time-space portal and push the person through.

Twelve of the minds are divided into three groups of four each focusing on one of the tasks. The thirteen mind is a focal point of all these tasks. He is called the Sender and only certain individuals have the mental stamina to be one. After examining all of you I have determined that Peter is the only one of you that has the mental capabilities to be a Sender. He, like James, has a DNA sequence that makes him capable of filling the position. I will deposit in your minds the necessary information needed to conduct the banishment.” The unknown ally then started to feed the information to the Lost Boys and Peter. Four of them would create a containment field around James. The containment field would eliminate his ability to quantum tunnel away or use his mental powers to resist. The second group was instructed on how to focus their minds to open the correct time-space portal. There are many time-space dimensions and opening the wrong one could cause permanent damage to the time-space continuum balanced structure. The unknown ally emphasized this point to Peter since it was his responsibility to engage the portal that his brothers would open. The third group was instructed on how to move James and the containment field into the portal. Since James was enclosed within the field, he could make it resist their effort to push it through. He could mentally apply a resisting force to the inside of the containment field to stop it from moving into the portal.

Peter was instructed on how and when to channel his brothers efforts effectively. He would have to make a mental link with James and while doing so he would have to mask his intentions. While James attention is focused on Peter, two of the Lost Boys will quantum tunnel out Gaetano and Gabrielle to safety.

The unknown ally told Peter that during this time he would have to face James in a battle both physical and mental. The outcome of this battle may incur injury and damage to himself and his surroundings. Once the two Lost Boys return then the banishment process will be started. Through the whole process the unknown ally would be mentally in contact with Peter to coach him through it.

May’s whole being was filled with worry and concern. She must watch her son become a man well before his time. Her motherly instincts told her to hold him tight and protect him from the dangers ahead, but in her soul she knew the truth. This was his destiny and there was no running or hiding from it. God and fate had spared him from a life of despair and anguish that his brothers had lived, but now it was time to pay the price for it. May could see it in her son’s eyes that he understood that this was his destiny, but with it she could see the fear that filled him. The fear of the unknown, that all living things shared. She sent a mental message to Peter to be the brave and responsible boy she had raised him to be. Peter turned to her and smiled but did not respond. He kept his attention on what the unknown ally was instructing him in.

Parker and Angie sat and listened as the image of the unknown ally instructed Peter and his brothers.

They did not totally understand the concepts of containment fields or space-time continuums, but they did understand the concept of putting James in a place where he could not cause havoc and chaos in this world.

Both were concerned for Peter’s safety, but like May they knew this was his destiny and there were no other options. Parker felt proud of his son for stepping up to the line and facing his responsibilities that fate had dealt him. He, like May, saw the fear in Peter’s eyes, but he also saw the bravery shining through also. Peter may be just a child but he possessed the spirit of a full grown man. Angie was awed by Peter’s determination and saw him in a different way. He didn’t see that innocent child he had always known but a warrior ready to lay down his life for a just cause. He was also concerned for his childhood friend Gaetano and his companion Gabrielle. Gaetano may have been what some call a mobster but in reality he was a good man. He just helped people in a way that wasn’t always the legal. He didn’t deserved to have his life ended by an insane power hungry maniac.

May, Parker and Angie all were suspicious of the unknown ally. What did he have to gain by all this and what were his true motives? How had he known about James and the boys? These questions and many others lingered in their minds but they all knew that they had to trust him for now but when it was over they wanted answers to these question.

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