A Mother's Love

Chapter 36

The Lost Boys were overwhelmed by the taste of the pastries and when all was said and done there was not a crumb of them left. Each of them, though it was the first time they tasted anything like it before, told Papa Angie that his skill for making them could not be surpassed. He thanked each one of them for the compliment but advised them that there were all sort of foods and flavors in the world that they would experience in time. The Lost Boys and Peter cleaned up the dessert plates and cups this time doing it in the old fashion way. When all the cleaning was done they all retired back to the parlor for the reading of Peter Pan. Peter sat in the armchair and the Lost boys sat in a semi circle on the floor in front of the chair. May, Parker and Angie took seat on the couch in back of the boys.

John, the smallest of the Lost Boys, Got up from his place and walked over to Angie. “May I sit with you, Papa” he asked. Angie lifted him up and place the child on his lap and replied “I would be delighted to share your company my little man.” John put his little arms around Angie neck and gave him a big hug. Angie could feel the need for love in the child embrace and hugged him back. “This life will be much better than the life we knew Papa” said John. “We will do our best to see it stays that way John. Just remember that there is good and evil in the world. Respect the goodness that is given you, and oppose the evil brought upon you.” replied May. “What is the real world like?” asked Tootles. “Well it’s something that you have to experience to fully understand. There are many different types of people, races, and social ideas that make it up. There’s religion, politics, economy, and many other thing that make it up. I suggest you watch the news on the TV that will give you some idea of what the world is like.” Parker answered back to Tootles. “Well can we watch it before Peter reads us the story?” asked Michael. “If Peter doesn’t mind the interruption, I don’t see why not.” replied May. Peter said he didn’t mind the interruption and wouldn’t mind watching the news.

Parker reached for the remote and switched on the cable and TV. The cable box was programmed to go to the local cable news station when activated. A blonde female news reporter appeared on the screen reporting some breaking news. She announced the following “This is Cindy O’Connell reporting live from the intersection of Milk and Devonshire Street. At this location a not yet identified man leap to his death from an upper floor of the building in back of me. The Boston Fire and Police responded and reported finding four more dead bodies on the floor from which he jumped. They have not yet released any information of who they were or how they died. This incident was followed by two explosions. The first explosion was below the building in an old subway storage area, and the other on its roof top. They have not yet assessed if they are related to the deaths. We will continue to cover these incidents and update you as we receive more information. Back to you Bill.” The imaged on the screen changed to a middle aged man with gray hair dressed in a dark blue suit and he replied “Thank you Cindy, and now for your local weather.” Michael stood up and said “I knew it would come to this. So that’s where James went when he left the chamber. I’m sure that the doctor was one of the victims found on that upper floor. James broadcasted his thoughts to us many times on how he wanted to eliminate the doctor and take over. He wanted us to assist him in his plot to take over, but we were programmed not to cause harm to the doctor or Xenograft members.

James did not experience any of the brain manipulation as we did so he has the ability to act as he pleases.

The doctor kept his existence hidden from the Agency so that he could use James to retaliate against them if the situation arose. James will not stop this senseless killing until he achieves full control, and by that I mean the planet. We’ll have to stop him Peter before he kills again.”

Peter looked around the room at the other boys and they were all nodding their head in agreement with Michael. “We don’t know where he is or what he plans to do next. How do we go about stopping him?” asked Peter. “We can link to his thoughts mentally and find out what he’s up to.” replied Michael. “If that is possible why hasn’t he tried to contact all of you?” asked Parker. “If he returned to the chamber and found us gone he probably thinks that we are in the custody of the Agency. He knows that they would be monitoring our brain functions for communication with him and that would jeopardize his plans if they knew his location. He’s probably just lying low and planning his next step” Michael answered. “If you link with him to find his location, will he be able to locate you? If he can, we would be putting the family in jeopardy. He could retaliate against us and none of us want that to occur.” Peter commented. “Peter, you can locate him from Neverland. He can’t read you so he can’t locate you. He may not even know that you have linked to him. It’s worth a try to protect the family.” replied Michael. Everyone in the room seemed to agree with Michaels statement. Peter had faced James in Neverland before and James couldn’t locate him then and so he shouldn’t be able to do it now.

Peter sat back in the armchair and closed his eyes. In an instant he found himself in Neverland standing by the tree that was the home of the Lost Boys and Peter Pan in the story. He looked to the sky and found the star that represented James and concentrated on it. The sky around the star started to spin and distort in shape. An Image started to appear and at first it seemed out of focus, but the more he concentrated on it the clearer the image became and he saw James. James was walking the streets of Boston carrying a carved black box under his arm. He was somewhere on Commonwealth Ave near Kenmore Square heading west towards Brookline. He was enjoying his new found freedom and found it exhilarating as well as overwhelming. He was reading the people passing by and found most of them to be joyous and content with an underlying emotion of anger. That is to say on the surface they all appeared to be happy but deep down inside they all wanted more.

Two men walked by both dress in dark business suits. The taller of the two was a lawyer and he was representing the man he was walking with. The lawyer was thinking about how the case for his client was going and it wasn’t going well. His client was facing charges of driving under the influence and manslaughter.

While coming home from an office party over the winter holidays he had lost control of his vehicle and ran over an elderly lady. He had slide off the road and onto the sidewalk and pinned the lady between his car and a building. His alcohol blood level was three time the limit and there wasn’t much the lawyer could do for him.

In fact James read in the lawyers mind that he didn’t even like his client. His assessment of his client was a man who drank too much and showed no remorse over taking another person’s life. To his client it was just an accident and nothing more and the insurance company would foot the bills for his mistake. The money should satisfy the grieving family and he would get a new car. No matter how clear the lawyer explained to his client the seriousness of the matter and the possible consequences he was facing, his client would just shrug it off.

His client would tell him his political connections were at work behind the scenes and he had nothing to worry about. The lawyer just wanted to beat his client into the reality of what he had down. James took advantage of this situation and released the rage an anger the lawyer was holding. He turned and faced his client and punched him as hard as he could on the right side of his face. His client fell to the pavement and the lawyer started to kick his client in various parts of his body calling him a heartless bastard along with some other descriptive expletives.

James reveled in the pandemonium he has caused, but didn’t stay to see its final results. As he walked along where ever he could cause havoc he did so. By the time he had walked completely through Kenmore Square he had at least twenty incidents occurring. He had people yelling at the top of their lungs on how much they hated their bosses or spouses and people fighting in the street. Sirens of police cars filled the air in response to his action. James just smiled and kept on walking down Commonwealth Ave heading west.

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