A Mother's Love

Chapter 22

May was with Peter when Angie and Parker arrived back at the bakery. She had gotten there just minutes before. May was kneeling in front of Peter, who was sitting in a chair by the front window of the bakery. She had just starting to discuss what had happen with Peter. “You did a good thing in saving Papa Angie’s life, but how you did it is well beyond my understanding.” said May. “I don’t know either Mom, it just seemed the knowledge was there in my head.” Peter replied.

Angie knelt down next to May and said “I think you got that information from me Peter. I experienced my memories and knowledge being search by you. It only took and instant but in that short time you absorbed all the information that I held in my memories. I saw my whole life pass by before my eyes. Let’s test my theory if you don’t mind. Peter what was my mother’s name.” Peter closed his eyes and for a few seconds just sat there, then he opened his eyes and said, “Her name was Maria Della Rosa Festa. She was born on April fifth nineteen hundred and two in Torino, Italy. Maria was the third child of seven. She married your father Giuseppe Festa when she was sixteen years old, he was twenty. They immigrated to America in nineteen twenty one and entered through the East Boston Immigration Station. They settled in East Boston and rented a flat on Chelsea Street. You were born twelve years later, their only child born in America. Maria died in nineteen ninety four of natural causes three years after her husband.” Angie nodded his head and said “Everything he said is correct, right down to her maiden name of Della Rosa.”

Angie stood and backed away from Peter with a look of fear in his eyes. Peter got up from the chair he was sitting in and walked over to Angie. Angie tried to back away again but couldn’t. He couldn’t get his body to respond to the mental commands he was giving to it to move away from Peter. Suddenly, without wanting to, Angie bent over so that his face was at the same level as Peter’s. Peter cupped his hand over Angie’s right ear and whispered “Don’t worry Papa your secret is safe with me. I will never tell a living soul what I know.” Right after Peter said that Angie got control of his body once again. Angie reached out his hand and rubbed the top of Peter’s head messing his hair and said “You’re a good boy and a better man than I, Peter Garrett.” Peter turned to his parents and said “Can Papa Angie walk me home today? I need his advice on something important I have to do. Would that be okay?” May and Parker looked at each other then back at Peter and in unison they nodded their heads in approval. Peter reached up and took Angie’s hand and together they walked out of the bakery.

They walked in what appeared to be silence but there was a mental conversation going on between them. Angie asked Peter what he meant by saying he knew about his secret. Peter replied “The murder when you were 16 with Gaetano.” Angie remained silence for a moment the replied “I didn’t commit the murder I was just there when it happened.” ”But inside you feel that because you did anything to stop it you’re as guilty as the murderer.” Peter said. “Back then I did, but time and wisdom has changed my point of view on the matter.” Angie said with a tone of conviction in his thoughts, “You can kid yourself about it Papa, but deep down inside you still carry the guilt. I felt it. I was in your mind when you asked your God to forgive your sin when you thought you were going to die. The only thing that you were guilty of was wanting to go on living.

You didn’t want to die anymore than the boy that did die that day.” said Peter.

Angie began to relive that day in his mind. It was a bright sunny day in June and school had just got out for summer break. Sixteen years old and free for the summer. Angie got a call from Gaetano that morning about meeting with a Townie named Patty McLaughlin. They were meeting about the business that Gaetano and Angie were running; a book making business. It was easy money at the time for both of them. Gaetano’s uncle had some connections and he set up the two of them to take bets from the locals in the neighborhood.

The uncle took a small percentage of their take and they made enough money to stash away in savings. Later the money they saved put Gaetano through law school and Angie used it to start his bakery. That day changed their lives forever.

They meeting was set up on an abandoned pier in East Boston. Back in those days there were plenty of them around and they were very secluded and private. Angie and Gaetano showed up early because this was their part of town and they knew the area well. They had been swimming off this pier during the hot summer days for years. The plan was to all meet at the north end of the building that was on the pier. Getting there early gave them the edge to pick the best spot to negotiate if it came to that. They didn’t know exactly what the meeting was about, but they had an inkling is had something to do with the book making. They had heard about this guy McLaughlin around town. He was up and coming in the Irish families of Charlestown and Somerville. The story went that he was hustling to take control of some of the rackets in the area, but Eastie, as the natives called it, was controlled by the Italian families and he had a big surprise coming if he tried to muscle in on their livelihood.

In total seven people showed up for the meeting. Two from the Eagle Hill side of Eastie, Johnny Savini and Joey Crispino. The others came with McLaughlin, both tall Irish looking guys. They never introduce themselves. They just stood in back of McLaughlin trying to look as intimidating as possible. That was McLaughlin first mistake. This was our turf. You don’t come in acting tough in another guy’s territory, unless you’re ready to face the consequences. The Eagle Hill guys took an immediate dislike to the McLaughlin trio.

They opened their coats and showed they were carrying. The McLaughlin trio replied with opening their coats to show they too were carrying. Gaetano and I decided to take a neutral stance on the situation. We wanted to know what these guys had to offer, if anything. If we could make a profit on what he was offering then we could negotiate an arrangement. Another reason was that we didn’t carry a weapon. We handled business different than these guys.

McLaughlin cocked his head to the side and started to speak, “Gentlemen, I am here today to offer you a service. One that is important in our line of business.” Savini replied, “And what would that service be?” “A protection service is what we’re offering.” “Protect us from what?” Crispino asked. A broad smile came to McLaughlin face as he said “Well mainly us and it will only coat you twenty five percent of your weekly take.” The two men behind him drew their guns and aimed them in the direction of Gaetano and me and the Eagle Hill boys. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” said Savini. McLaughlin laughed and said “Why not, you bulletproof.” “No, but are you?” replied Savini.

Two large side doors on the west side of the building slide open. In the opening of the doors stood the silhouette of five men and all appeared to be armed.. One of the men started to speak and said, “Excuse me for breaking up this little get together, but I took offense for not being invited. Especially since this get together involves discussion of a business that I have vested interest in.” The voice belonged to Bobby Vinetto the ruling family lieutenant of this section of Boston. His reputation was well known all over the Boston area. To his friends he was a generous and caring man, always there to help out in any way he could. To his enemies he was a cold hearted killer with the blood of Satan running through his veins.

McLaughlin’s men holstered their weapons and lost the air of intimidation they had seconds before.

Vinetto walked into the building followed by the four other men. Addressing McLaughlin and his men Bobby said “Gentlemen, we do appreciate the offer that you made, but as you can see we already are equipped to protect ourselves from the likes of you. In fact it appears that we are in the position to offer you a proposition.

You simply tell me who put the idea in your head that these boys of mine needs your protection and you get to leave without any injury to your health.” Bobby stopped directly in front of McLaughlin and stared him straight in the eyes and said “You have thirty second to respond before we take the necessary steps to insure this doesn’t happen again.” McLaughlin stood face to face with Vinetto and didn’t say a word or even blink. He was calling Vinetto bluff. When the thirty seconds passed Vinetto raise his gun and shot McLaughlin right between the eyes at close range. The top of his head blew off and his brains splattered all over the two men in back of him. One man screamed and fell to his knees the other just fainted and fell to the floor.

Angie and Gaetano looked at each other and terror was in the eyes. They had just witness a cold blooded murder and didn’t know if there was more to come. The Eagle Hill boys started to laugh as they watched the McLaughlin trio crumble from hard thugs to mere men in fear of their lives. Vinetto turned to the Eagle Hill boys and said “This is not a matter to laugh at. A man just died bravely without fear. You may see it as foolish, but to me he died for his convictions. He held to his code of honor and didn’t rat out his family. You two should wish to be half the man he was.” Their laughter ended abruptly and they stood silent looking at the floor. “I hope the four of you learned a lesson today, for it cost a human life. You’re lucky I heard this meeting was taking place or that may have been one of you lying there instead of him. Gaetano you can thank your Uncle Joe that.” “I will make sure to do so Mister Vinetto and I also thank you for showing us the errors of our ways.” replied Gaetano. “Good. Now tell me Gaetano what you learned here today?” ask Vinetto. Without hesitance Gaetano replied, “That we should live by the code of the family and protect one another from situations that are detrimental to its existence. Show respect to your enemy for their convictions and to be merciful when having to eliminating them. Do not kill without a reason.” Vinetto smiled at Gaetano and said, “Your uncle has a good student and he has taught you well. You understand the concept of respect for the family and its enemies. Gaetano simple nodded to show his thanks.

Vinetto turned to the two men that had accompanied the now dead McLaughlin. The one that had

passed out had come around and was aware of his surroundings. They both could feel the cold hand of death drawing near and feared for their lives. Vinetto lifted his gun and pointed it at one of the men. The man started to cry and looked down and begged for mercy. Vinetto then pointed his weapon at the other man and he again passed out. Vinetto lower his gun and turned his back on the two men and said “You two are not worth the bullet it would take to end your miserable existence. Take your dead friend and get out of my sight. Tell your bosses that this body is the answer I give them about their protection. Tell them he died without fear, and that they wasted a good man on a stupid move on their part.” The crying man aroused the man that fainted and he told him what Vinetto said. They grabbed the arms of McLaughlin and dragged the limp dead body out of the building leaving a trail of blood and brain matter. They moved quickly and never once looked back.

Vinetto turned and stared directly at the boys from Eagle Hill with a threatening look n his eyes. They lowered their heads and looked at the floor. Gaetano and Angie could feel the fear that filled them at that moment. Vinetto spoke to them and said “You two wise asses have a lot to learn about the business. From now on I want you to answer to Gaetano on all matters of business in your area. You are to do nothing until he clears it. Understood?” They both nodded without looking up at him. Vinetto hollered “Look at me when I speak to you. I need men not momma’s boys working for me. You want to play with the tough guys then be ready to face the consequences.” He lifted his gun and shot one of them in the foot. They both flinched but neither move. The one that had been shot only showed the pain he was suffering in his face as he switched his weight to good leg. Vinetto continued “Since Gaetano is going to oversee how you handle your business; you will give him five percent of the take. He will keep two percent and send the remaining three percent to the family of the man that just died. If you feel that this isn’t fair speak up now.” Neither made a sound or nodded. They just kept looking forward at Vinetto but never looked him directly in the eye. Vinetto pulled a business card from his pocket and held it out to the Eagle Hill boys and said “This is our family doctor. Go to him. He’ll take care of your foot. Now get out.” The one with the injured foot lean on his friend and they walked out together never saying a word.

Gaetano and Angie looked at each other and Angie made a sign with his hand that he thinks they should leave also. Gaetano shook his head to respond that it wasn’t time yet. Vinetto put his gun in his holster and signaled his men to wait outside. “Gaetano what’s your friend’s name?” Vinetto asked. “Angie Festa, Mister Vinetto” he replied. “Please call me Bobby when we are having a private chat like this. That goes for you too Angie. Now I have one question for you both but I want Angie to answer it. Is that clear?” Vinetto said. “Yes Bobby.” they replied in unison. Vinetto face changed to a more pleasant look and he smiled and said “What happen here today.” Angie replied quickly and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Was there some trouble down at the piers today? Gaetano and I have been hanging out at the corner all day.” Vinetto smile broadened and he slap Angie on the back and said “Gaetano keep this guy around. He’d make a good right hand man. Now let’s get down to business. That money I asked you to distribute. I want it paid monthly and it can’t be traceable back to the family. I want you to report the amount sent each month to your uncle and he will relay the information to me. This will continue till I say different or in the event of my demise.

Can you do that for me?” Gaetano nodded and said “I’ll send a monthly money order to the family. It will be purchased and mailed from different locations with no return address as not to create a traceable trail of paperwork. I will use trusted people that have no connection to the family to purchase and mail the payment and destroy all paperwork of the transactions. These people will be paid and instructed by me to keep their silence.” Vinetto nodded and said “Your uncle was right about you. You’ll go far with that type of thinking and attitude.” Vinetto reached in his pocket and took out a wad of money and peeled off a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Angie and said “Both of you go buy some cannolis and a cup of coffee on me.”

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