A Mother's Love

Chapter 20

Beneath the streets of Boston at the intersection of Devonshire and Milk Street is an abandoned subway annex with two rows of large clear plastic cylinders. Each cylinder has a male child in it ranging from ages five to ten years old. They are filled with gases that hold the occupant in a semi comatose state. They are mentally aware of their surrounding but physically incapable of freeing themselves from their desperate situation. They are the children that Peter has labeled the Lost Boys.

James is there with them but he is not enclosed within a cylinder, but has the privilege of walking around freely in the annex. His mind is filled with anger and contempt over the confrontation he had with his long lost missing brother. James cared not for the bitter taste of losing, especially since it was the first time he had ever done so. His artificial right hand made of metal lashed out and shattered part of the concrete wall of the annex. He could have simply used his mind and disintegrated the wall to mere atoms, but the physical use of his hand punching the wall made the venting of the anger more enjoyable for him. James kept punching at the wall until his anger subsided and all he felt was the contempt. Contempt for the brother who had penetrated the inner workings and thoughts of his mind without him knowing, and then departing without leaving a trace or clue of how to locate or identify him. James had never before met a living creature that could evade his mental control in any way, shape or form. It was the first time that his abilities and dominance had ever been challenged, and done so by a worthy opponent.

An excitement that James had never felt before flowed through his very existence. It was like a charge of electricity that ran through him and excited every particle in his body. The feeling was exhilarating and glorious. He had found something new to occupy his time and give him purpose. The gauntlet was thrown down and he was eager to accept the challenge. He smelled the sweet aroma of revenge burning in his mind.

It was time to face the challenge with open heart and mind. To embrace the chaos that led him to this moment in time and set the challenge. For the first time in his life he discovered the humor in a situation and started laughing. At first the laughter was just a small chuckle but as he thought more on the subject the laughter built to a crescendo of a mad man’s laughter that echoed off the walls. As he laughed he rose into the air, higher with each laugh. He was inches away from the ceiling when he started spinning like a top with his arms extended out to his sides. He suddenly stopped spinning and laughing and wrap his arms around his torso and just hung in the air. Below him he could see the twelve cylinders with their occupants. He has plans to use them as his army in the war that will reward him with the revenge he seeks against his long lost brother, the doctor and the organization. James closed his eyes and floating there just below the ceiling of the annex and started planning his course of action.

The twelve occupants of the cylinders heard James’s mad laughter and experienced the roller coaster ride of his emotions. This they knew would not end well for all. They must try to stop the madness at any cost.

The question that remained was “How?”

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