A Mother Before A Mate

Chapter 8

Jack's Point of View

Soon everyone's sitting down, and dinner is being served. First a strawberry spinach salad, and then roast beef with roasted potatoes, and glazed carrots. Dessert is served, and it's some Mocha cake. Everything was delicious, but Sophie complained about all of it, and was so self-absorbed. She even asked her father why they didn't have black forest cake, h favourite. Like this whole ceremony revolves around her. Her voice is irritating me already. When dinner was finished, the plates were swiftly taken, and the music started playing.

“Let's get a drink” Sophie demands while grabbing my arm. I nod hesitantly: I could use one. I stand up, and she wraps h arm around mine and holds on to it. Once we get our drinks, we head back to the table that our parents are no longer at. We sit, and she’s staring at me and smiling. Very flirtatiously.

“Can I ask you a question?” I start. She smiles even wider and nods.

“Do you not get along with your parents? Or your brother and his mate?” This isn't the question she was expecting, becau she looks surprised.

“Why do you ask that?”

“I just noticed there was a lot of love shown for your family here tonight, and you didn't seem to participate in any of it" “Well, 1 don't know. I'm not really close with my brother and his mate, and my parents and I are fine, I guess. People are always praising them, and I guess it just gets annoying” she confesses.

So she's a spoiled brat and is jealous that the attention isn't on her! She is completely unaware of how easy her life actually is. “Maybe one day, I'll be a Luna, and these ceremonies won't be so boring,” she says while stroking my arm. Not my Luna, is all I can think to myself.

Her friend shows up at the table, also looking scrawny and weak, just like Sophie. “Danielle, this is my Jack,” she introduc me. I almost choke on the air. What the hell? I mind-link my Beta, who is also my best friend, Zac, and also mind-link my Gamma Kyle to come and save me. My two guys show up quickly and join us. I noticed that “blue dress Lexi’ is dancing wi Grace and a few other ladies. I finally see the front of her; her face. f**k me, she’s gorgeous.

She's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. I can't help it, I want to look at her. I'm so attracted to her. I don't remember ever feeling so drawn to a woman before. She's leaving the dance floor and I think she’s headed to the bar. I zone back into the conversation around me. The girls are trying to get us to dance.

“Zac and Kyle, why don't you take these beautiful ladies for a dance? I have to check on something,” I say as I stand. I not Sophie's disappointed. I don't care.

I make my way towards the blue-dressed beauty. I smell Grace's delicious perfume even stronger now. As I get closer, the scent is almost intoxicating. I'm starting to think it's not Grace I was smelling. I see her stop in front of Maximus, and she’ talking to him. I concentrate and use my heightened werewolf hearing to hear what they're saying. It's hard because of th music and the distance between us. I move a little closer and I can start to make some of it out.

“You didn’t have to show Molly and me the kindness that you did, and I will forever be grateful to you. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask, Alpha,” she tells him. He smiles at her. Her voice is so smooth and soft. “It's just Maximus now,” He corrects her.

“Not to me. I happen to know for a fact, that Alpha Jett would be 100% okay with me continuing to call you Alpha,” she adds.

“You and your family have given more to this pack than most have. I appreciate the loyalty, dedication and sacrifice you's all made. You owe me nothing, Alexandria. If anything, it's the opposite. The way your father served, and your mother healed, and your brother and then you. Not to mention what I put you through the last 7 months, I'd say I'm thoroughly indebted to you,” he adds with a smile and she chuckles.

What are they talking about? “The last 7 months hasn't been the easiest, but I'll continue if you ask me to,” she smiles an f**k, I feel the air being sucked out of my lungs. She's so beautiful.

“You're off the hook Kido! It's sink or swim time,” he winces.

“Everything will work out just as it's supposed to,” Lexi tells him. He smiles and nods. They say goodbye, and she makes h way to the bar, and I do the same.

As I get closer to her, her scent is even stronger. Definitely not Grace's perfume. I hear in my head “Mate! What??? All of a sudden she turns around and looks at me. Our eyes are locked and she doesn't move. I take a step closer and she doesn’ move. After a few more steps, she finally starts moving towards me.

Lexi's Point of View

When I'm done speaking with Alpha, I head to the bar. I keep smelling that delicious cologne all night, and as I'm walking the bar, the cologne scent is getting stronger. The intoxicating aroma makes my heart rate quicken. What the hell? Then a of a sudden, I hear it inside me, “Mate,

I turn around, and only 15 feet away is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. I take in his sight. He's probably 6' 4’. He has these sexy broad shoulders and he's so muscular. He has dark hair and sharp features and a strong jawline. He's the definition of sexy and masculine. As an opponent, he'd be intimidating, but as a mate... So. Damn. Sexy. He's in a navy sui and he looks good. Really good. And that smell. My gosh, how intoxicating. He takes a step closer and then pauses. Befor have time to spiral and think he doesn't want me, he's moving closer. My brain clears a little, and finally my legs start working and 1 meet him half way.

When we get to each other, I don't even know what to say. Our eyes are searing into one another. His green eyes are so bright and beautiful, and my heart is beating so erratically.

“I'm Jack," he says. His deep voice is so soothing and sexy.

“Lexi," I say without breaking eye contact. Oh my gosh, he smells even better up close. I want to touch him! He moves clos so there is less than a foot between us and his hand comes up, and his fingertips slowly graze my cheek.

I feel the sparks from his touch that I've heard so much about. It feels so good. I feel myself leaning into his touch, and I close the last bit of space between us. want him. I feel him moving closer too. It feels like we're magnets and it's out of 1 control. Jack uses his fingers to guide my chin to him. Before I know it, we're kissing in the middle of the room, for everyo to see. Dammit. He's kissing me like I belong to him. Full of possessiveness and passion. I feel the deep and primal desire he has for me and it's turning me on. I want him.

He pulls away, and I can't help but frown. He wraps his arm around my waist and walks me to a dark corner so we have a little privacy. As soon as he stops, I fist his shirt, unable to control myself, and I pull him into me. I can't get enough of hir He's kissing me rougher, and I'm returning it. He grabs my a*s, and I moan into his mouth.

He stops and looks at me with hooded eyes that are black now.

“You're f*g perfect,” he rasps with brows drawn together. I bite my lip, trying to keep my mouth shut. I don't trust myself say anything right now. 'm too filled with [*t and need to put together a coherent sentence.

His thumb moves to my lower lip, and he gently grazes it and pulls it from my teeth. He lets out a small groan, and his lip crash back into mine. He's a primal beast of a man, and I'm overcome with a need of my own. He kisses me until I'm breathless and then starts kissing down my jawline, moving closer to my ear, and then to my neck. I'm panting, and it fee so good. I'm seeing stars and a moan escapes me.

“f**k baby, you're turning me on,” he pulls me close and whispers, and I feel his erection pushing into me.

I nod, “You're really turning me on," I admit, trying to catch my breath. His lips are back on mine, and all I want is to get o of here with him. I'm a virgin. I can't believe the effect he has on me. I feel someone trying to mind-link me, but I cut off mind-link.

His hands are moving to my a*s, and he squeezes before he lifts me up. My arms and legs wrap around him. I'm firmly in I grasp and it's like he can't get me close enough. We fit together perfectly. One hand makes its way to his hair, and when I lightly tug, he lets out a groan. That sound sends me over the edge. Hearing the effect I have on him makes me want to ri his clothes off right here, in front of everyone. I'm aching for him, and I want to grind against his erection. I feel his finger tighten on my a*s. 1 open my mouth, ready to ask him to get out of here with me, but then I hear something.


I pull back from my mate, and he lets out a growl. I look, and it's Cora.

“What?” 1 ask, also frustrated at being interrupted.

“You closed off all mind links," she says, looking upset.


“Stella was trying to get a hold of you. It's Molly. She's in the infirmary,” she explains. What? Not I feel my heart drop. I nee to get to her. I unwrap my legs and he lets me down.

“Ym sorry, I have to go I say in a panic to Jack and I rush out, to the pack hospital. As I'm running out of the hall, Lev see me.

“What's wrong?” He asks. I don't have time to stop and talk so I mind-link him.

Molly is in the infirmary-

I hear he's running now too. Thank Moon goddess the hospital is only a minute away.

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