A Mother Before A Mate

Chapter 39

Jack's Point of View Lexi has a baby growing inside of her? That we made together! I can't believe it. I couldn't be happier. It's sooner than Lex wanted because of Molly, but Molly is doing great, and she’s adjusted so well. By the time the baby gets here, her old life without me will be a distant memory. I'm pulled out of my thoughts, when I hear the nurse say, “Alpha, and Luna, the Doctor will see you now.” I wrap my arm around Lexi's waist as we walk into the exam room. “Alpha, Luna, what can I do for you?” Dr. Laura Merk as “I just realized I was pregnant. I have been having symptoms for weeks but I haven't made the connection until today. Th pregnancy test said pregnant very quickly, too,” Lexi explains. She never mentioned this to me earlier. “What symptoms?” I ask. “Ym always exhausted.” “I guess you got pregnant so early, I didn’t notice that this wasn't your normal self. 1 just thought you needed more sleep than the rest of us," I tease. “Ym not usually like that, I chalked it up to stress, but I'm starting to think maybe not,” she admit. “Fatigue is a completely normal sign of pregnancy. Your body is creating another person. And in this case, an Alpha pup. Your body is hard at work,” the Dr. explains. Lexi and I smile at each other. She asks Lexi a bunch of other questions and then does an ultrasound. We told her the da we think we conceived, and she said that it lined up perfectly. We did conceive when I marked her. Lexi is 6 weeks. Werewolf pregnancy is only 27 weeks. “Becka is 6 weeks too, we'll be due the same week,” Lexi says excitedly. When Dr. Me turns the monitor so we can see, it's incredible. “ll let you listen to baby's heartbeat” she adds. When we hear the little thudding of our baby's heart. I can't even help it I'm getting choked up. I look at Lexi, staring at the monitor and tears stream down her face. My thumb gently wipes them, and when she looks at me smiling, I feel my chest tighten. I love her so f*****g much. I lean down and my lips find hers. I leave a chaste kiss on her lips, “Thank you,” I whisper. I feel so grateful for this beautiful gift she is giving me. “Thank you!” She whispers back. “/ll give you two a minute, and I'll get some of these printed for you both." I wipe the gel off of Lexi's stomach, and when she’s all cleaned up, I place a kiss on her stomach and help her up. I just hold her in my arms, until the Dr. comes in with our pictures. “Did you want me to do the NIPT test? It's a blood test, and you'd get the results back in a week or so, and it would tell yo the gender?” she asks. Lexi and 1 look at each other. “I'd like to know, would you?” Lexi asks. “I think so. I'd like to be prepared” I admit. She goes ahead and does the test, and then we leave. I feel on top of the worl I have meetings that NEED to happen because of the battle in the morning, but I don't want to leave Lexi right now. “Do you have a lot of work to do?” She asks. “I do," I frown. “Can you do it at home?” She asks, with pleading eyes. “Yes!” 1 agree quickly. I wouldn't have asked after what happened last time I worked from home, but I'm glad she did. Lexi wanted to have my parents over for dinner, to tell them the news before we tell the rest of the pack tomorrow. She wanted to bake a cake that said “Big sister in training!” and have Molly present it to them. The house smells heavenly wit chocolate cake and roast beef cooking, and everyone that comes over for a meeting is commenting how good it smells. 0 house is definitely a home. When my parents come over, we eat dinner without slipping the news. Dinner was amazing and my parents were raving tc After I cleared the plates, Lex asks Molly, “Did we make a cake for dessert today for Gran and Gramps, Molly?” Molly is proudly nodding. “Yn mama's helpew,” she beams. Lexi brings over the cake and sets it in front of Molly. “Let's lift the lid together, and we'll show Gran and Gramps what yo! made for them.’ My parents are looking at the cake stand expecting to see a cake and nothing else. The girls lift off the lid, and my parent read the cursive writing on the cake, and they're quiet for a second. “You're pregnant?” my Mom asks Lexi. The dining room was filled with excitement, congratulations, and a few happy tears from my parents. They were over the moon when we showed them the ultrasound pictures. It's crazy how in 6 months, I'll go from a bachelor to married with 2 kids but I'm not complaining one bit, I've never been happier. When my parents leave, we put Molly to bed and we get to bed early. Everyone needs to be up at 3 am. I want us to be in position hours before dawn, just in case. I want all the women that are not warriors, children and seniors in the pack-house, hours before as well. I'll have 150 warriors guarding the packhouse as well in case anyone gets past the frontlines. No one is getting to the most vulnerable my pack. I feel so at ease knowing Lexi and Molly are both going to be safe in the packhouse. while we lay in bed, waiting for sleep to overcome us, we snuggle close and talk. “So what are you hoping for? A boy or a girlz” Lexi asks. “Oh, I don’t know. Whatever we have, I'l be grateful for," I admit. “You?” “l would of course be happy with both, but I think I want a boy,” she smiles. “Really? A boy would be so fun, but I see how sweet Molly is, so a girl would be fun too," I chuckle. “Ideas for names?” She asks. “Not yet. I'd have to think about it. You?” “same...” Lexi answers. “What about Enzo after your father, for a boy?” I suggest. She smiles, almost sadly. “You're the sweetest to even offer that," and she moves in and starts kissing me, but the intensi of this kiss grows quickly. She breaks apart for a second, to climb on top of me. I see her eyes are swirling with [**t. She kisses me again, and it's with urgency and desire. She moves to my neck and starts kissing. I can feel blood is starting to rush to my m*****d. She starts to move down, kissing and licking. I feel myself breathing heavier, and the sparks that she leaving on my skin with each kiss and lick, have me wanting more. Much more. I feel her nails lightly graze my hips as he pulls down my underwear. I feel her tongue licking and teasing before she take me in her mouth. I groan out in pleasure. I look down at her in nothing but my t-shirt, and she looks at me with the most seductive eyes and then continues until bringing me to the edge, and then she stops. I groan, but she crawls back up and uses her hand to guide me inside of her wet p***y. The moans that leave her lips has me throbbing. “You're so f*****g wet baby," I rasp. She nods while biting her lip and then she starts to ride me. Her rhythm is perfect. 1 lift up my t-shirt that she's wearing, and she takes the hint and flings it on the floor. She's moaning, and the sight of her riding me and moaning in pleasure makes me want blow inside of her. I lick my thumb, and then bring it to her c**t, rubbing circles. Her head falls back and can tell she's getting closer. She increases her pace. “Come for me baby, I growl. “Jack,” she moans, and then I see her come undone. I continue to thrust into her, letting her ride out her o****m while I al find my end, and do the same. She lays on top of me, catching her breath while I trail my fingertips along her back. She's fr+++g perfect, and she’s all mine.


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