A Mother Before A Mate

Chapter 29

Jack's Point of View

We lay, enjoying this moment together. “So, what are your thoughts on getting married?” I ask.

“Well, I said yes, didn't I?" she smirks.

“I mean what do you want? I know women can have certain expectations about their wedding day, so I want to know wha you want. I know I mentioned that I wanted your last name to be Lavard when you have your Luna ceremony, but that's ir days. I know that is completely unrealistic. I'll settle for introducing you as my fiancé. I just want you to have whatever makes you happy,” I explain to her

“Well, I guess growing up, I had this vision of this big special day, but my life isn't what I thought it would be, and I'm not the same person I was then. My parents won't be there. I was a single mother, long before I was mated. I don't know. I gue life changes things sometimes. What have you always wanted?” She rebutts.

I heard her voice shake a little when mentioning her parents not being there. This must be a day that would shine a light on the fact that they are no longer here with her. “To be honest, I never really thought much about it’ I confess.

“So what if it isn't unrealistic to be married by Friday?” she asks, with a smirk.

“You want to elope?” I question, surprised.

“Not exactly. Lev and my friends will be here on Friday. Maybe we can ask them to come tomorrow. Maybe just our family and close friends. We can get married at the courthouse, but just the important people there with us. I would hate your parents to be upset, or anyone we care about, for that matter, she explains.

“Don’t get me wrong, I'd love to marry you tomorrow, but are you sure this is what you want?” I verify. I don't want her to disappointed.

“This would actually be perfect. I'm not so concerned about the wedding. The marriage is what matters, and we're basical married already. We wear each others marks. This is just so we share the last name,” she explains. I'm delighted at the thought of her actually becoming my wife tomorrow. It might be stupid that I need to claim her in every way possible, bu 'm an Alpha. 1 can’t help it, I'm possessive as f**k. I love her, and I want everyone to know that she is mine. Only mine. “Well, there will be no courthouse wedding. Leave it to me. I'll get something together. You just need to get yourself a dress.”

“I have a few white summer dresses already,” she beams.

“No, you need something new, and not a summer dress. Get a wedding dress.

We should get up. It's 2:30. I'll need to make some calls if this is going to happen tomorrow," I smile. I pull her into me an bring her lips to mine. I kiss her slowly, and 1 hope she can feel the love and excitement I'm feeling.

When we break apart, I hold her close for a minute, “You've made me so happy, thank you for saying yes. I promise that you'll never doubt my love for you,” 1 whisper, as I pepper little kisses on her.

“Thank you for asking. I love you, and I always will" she responds.

We walk back home, instead of running in our wolf form. We discuss who we'll invite. I let her know she just needs to get her and Molly a dress, and maybe call Lev and her friends and tell them to be here tomorrow instead of Friday. I'l take cz of the rest.

I head straight to my office at the packhouse. I don't want Lexi to hear all the calls 'm going to make. I want to pull off something special.

Ring Ring™

Gema: Hello, Jacki

Me: Hi, Gemal

Gema: How did the proposal go?

Me: It went perfectly! Thank you so much for helping me set it up. It went even better than I had originally imagined. She loved it.

Gema: I am so pleased to hear it. I take it you're an engaged man, now?

Me: Yes! I am. Now it's time to plan the wedding. Brace yourself, we decided we want to get married... tomorrow.

Gema: WHAT? Are you eloping?

Me: No. That's actually why I'm calling. I was hoping you could work your magic and set something set up by the lake on r property. [She's a human, so she doesn't realize it's the packland and not my personal property]

Gema: You gave me a week to set up the engagement, and now you want me to pull the wedding off in one day? [she questions, in disbelief]

Me: Yes. Sorry. Can you do it? It's for, I think, 18 people. I don't care what it costs.

Gema: Those are dangerous words, my friend. What ado you want?

Me: 1 was thinking a ceremony by the lake as the sun is setting, and then a tented area with lights, and decorated really nicely for dinner. Wedding cake. Wedding at 7-7:30 and then dinner. Wrapped up by 9:307 We can't do the whole party thir because we have a huge event that requires us to be sharp the next day.

Gema: And when you say that you want it nicely decorated, you're talking top-notch, am I right?

Me: Exactly.

Gema: It's just not possible to give you what you're asking for in that time frame. It's starting from scratch, and there is nc way I can give you what you want, to the calibre you're looking for. Not to mention, when I put my name on something, I want it to represent the level of attention to detail my team and I have. Hmm... There is this place I know about though. I in the city, so it's not the “nature’ feel that you were thinking of but if I can book it, I can make it gorgeous. It's the rooftop to this 50-story building. The max capacity is, I think, 40-50, so it could work. The rooftop has this high pergola with twinkling lights and there is lots of greenery. Tomorrow is a Thursday, so I might be able to get it on short notice. This pla is 50 beautiful already, that my team can really make it exquisite in a very short amount of time. I could totally make something work.

Me: That sounds great. I'm happy with that. I just want it to be something that she looks back on and be happy with. I dor want her to regret the quick wedding.

Gema: Well, for a small wedding, I think I can make this look incredible. Why don't I give them a quick call, and see if they're available?

Me: Perfect. Thank you.

I'm sitting waiting very impatiently. I don't know how I'll figure this out if Gema can't help me. I could maybe figure out a way to make our backyard work. After 10 very stressful minutes, Gema calls back.

Me: How did it go?

Gema: Hey! So it's yours!

Me: Thank Moo-... Thank yout. [she’s a human. That was close.] Thank you so mucht

Gema: You're welcome. I don't know if you'll be thanking me when you get the bill in. Lets get to it, so flowers?

Me: I'll leave you with all those decisions. I trust your vision. You're better at this than I am.

Gema: Okay, I can take care of everything. You just need to get yourselves there.

Me: Everything? You'll take care of the photographer? Cake? And officiant? [1 thought I would have to do that stuff]

Gema: I have enough contacts. I can take care of this much quicker. I know who's best too. Ill have my entire staff abandc all projects for a day, to take care of this. 7 pm, rooftop of 3755 Front Street.

Me: Thank you so much!

Gema: Wait until you see the bill before you thank me. [she chuckles.]

Me: The best is never cheap, and this is no small feat.

I mind-link Zac and Kyle,

-Come to my office in the packhouse-

“Hey guys, 50 I have something that is top secret news. Lexi and I are getting married tomorrow.”

They weren't expecting that because they look shocked. “Wow! Congratulations!” Zac says, and he comes to shake my har Kyle follows suit and says the same.

“That's great news. Why are you guys getting married so quickly?” Kyle asks.

“Because he's an Alpha, and he’s possessive as all hellt” Zac smiles. I roll my eyes, but don't bother arguing.

“You two are perfect for each other, I'm just busting your balls, dude,” Zac chuckles.

So where are you getting married on such short notice? The courthouse?” Kyle asks curiously.

“I rented a rooftop in the city, and I have a party planner working on it. Lex doesn't know where we are getting married or the details, and I want to keep it that way. She had the same thing in mind as you, Kyle. A courthouse wedding, with our family and close friends.

She deserves better than that. I don't want the pack to know that we're getting married either, because I wouldn't be able to pull off a wedding for 1400 pack members in one day. The pack will find out we're married at the Luna ceremony. You 2 both invited, obviously."

“That's awesome. What can we do to help?” Zac presses.

“If you could look at my schedule and cancel anything I have this afternoon and tomorrow, Zac.” He nods. “I need to go ai get a marriage license, and I need to rent some limos. Kyle, can you check with the cleaning staff, and make sure the gues rooms in the packhouse are up to snuff and ready, since our guests will be here a day early?”

“Of course!”

I spent the afternoon running around doing errands for the wedding, and I'm pulling in the driveway just after 6. Lexi’s St is here, so she must be back from dress shopping. I managed to get the marriage license, limo rentals, and I met up with Gema on the rooftop. She hasn't started much decorating yet, but it's beautiful on its own.

I feel at ease about the wedding now. The weather is supposed to be great all tonight and tomorrow, so Gema will start decorating tonight. She showed me some pictures of what she’s planning on doing, and it's going to be amazing. She's go her staff raiding every flower shop within a 100-mile radius. When I walk into the house, I hear music playing, and a delicious scent invades my nose, and I let out an “Mmm”. My woman is always cooking or baking something, and f**k she good at it.

She was right about how home-cooked meals and the togetherness that they bring. They really do help make a house a home. I love my Mom and Dad, but their condo in the packhouse never felt like a home like this does. 1 also live with 2 people that are always such a source of happiness for me.

I've never laughed and smiled so much in my life. I hate going to work, and I love coming home to them. I walk into the kitchen, and Lexi is holding Molly in her arms and they're dancing around. I stop to take in the beautiful sight and admire my woman and our child.

“You startled me,” Levi giggles when she notices me. I smile and make my way to them.

“Daddee,” Molly says, with her arms stretched out. We have gotten close, and I can tell she loves me now. She asks me to kiss her “bo-bo's’ when she gets hurt. She runs to me when I come in, she asks me to play and read to her, and she’s alwa “cooking’ me something with her play food. She's just like her mama. I scoop her up in one arm and pull Lexi in with the other. Standing in our kitchen holding the two most important people in my arms, I feel so grateful.

Just weeks ago, I was getting ready to go to Jetts Alpha ceremony, thinking I would possibly be giving up on my mate, but on our three-week anniversary, we're getting married. It would sound crazy if we were humans, but we're fated mates. We know we're destined to be together. It's funny how quickly life can change.

“How did you have time to cook? Did you get a wedding dress today?” 1 arch a brow in question.

“I just got back about half an hour ago. I just took a lasagna and peach cobbler that I had premade last week and poppec them in. 1 did get a wedding dress,” she smiles wide.

“Do you love it?” I ask and she continues smiling and nods.

“Is it an actual wedding dress or a casual dress?”

“Yes, it's a wedding dress. It's not the big princess type dress, but it's me, and I love it," she gushes.

“Ym glad. I want you to love it."

“So where are we getting married?” She asks while giving my waist a shake like she’s so excited she can't contain herself. “You'll soon find out," I tease and steal a kiss.

“Oh, by the way, I haven't told my parents yet. We should go and visit them after dinner,” I wince.

“Oh no. I was hoping you'd break it to them. Well, why don't you call them and invite them over for dinner if they haven't eaten? Maybe we can butter them up with food first. You know I always make lots," she offers.

“Ill give them a call and see”

After I call, I walk back into the kitchen, and Molly and Lexi are making a salad together. “I'n a big helpew, Daddee,” Molly boasts.

“You're such a big helper! You're such a nice girl to help Mommy make dinner. I'm so proud of you!" She's smiling so proudly. I love the way she so innocently shows how much she loves a compliment. She's so sweet.

“50? What did they say?” Lex interrupts my thoughts.

“Oh, yeah they're coming. My Mom was reheating leftover takeout in the microwave, and my Dad chucked it as soon as I invited him,” I laugh as I tell her. My parents have eaten over a few times in the last few weeks, and they love Lexi's cookir just as I'm finished setting the table, I hear a knock at the door, and then I see my parents let themselves in.

“Hi, guys!” 1 holler out.

“Gramps and Gran are here, Molly!” I tell her.

She runs out, and Gramps is ready to pick her up and give her a big squeeze. Both of my parents love Molly and Lexi too. My Dad has it really bad for Molly though. He's always sneaking her treats, and I guess we're not supposed to notice, but Molly's always so excited she tells us in front of him. I just roll my eyes at him when he asks “What?” Then he raises his arms like he has no idea what's going on.

Lexi loves it though, so in turn, I love it. If it makes my woman smile and laugh, I'll never complain. My parents make thei way into the kitchen.

“It smells so good. What's cooking?” My Dad inquires.

“Lasagna, garlic bread and peach cobbler for dessert,’ Lexi answers and my Dad lets out a pleased groan.

“Dinner will be ready in 20-minutes. Why don't we grab a drink and sit outside?” Lexi offers. I grab my Mom and Lex some wine, and a beer for my Dad and me.

we're all sitting out back, while Molly jumps on her trampoline. I was right, she totally loves it. Dad wint

“So Lexi clearly isn't pregnant, she’s drinking wine. What did you want to tell us?” My Mom asks. And we're trying to play i cool.

Lexi mind-links me, to tell them.

“I proposed to Lexi this afternoon,” I start. My parents are full of excitement, and so are we. My parents congratulate us, and Lexi is showing off her ring to my Mom. After a few minutes of chatting, Lexi tells my parents about our romantic picr in the forest. Well, the first part of it, anyway.

My Dad asks, “So have you set a date yet?" I mind link, Lexi,

~Your turn now. You tell them:-

She smiles, and rolls her eyes playfully at me, “We have. Brace yourself... Tomorrow!” She gets out, and my parents are looking at us wide-eyed, in shock.

“Where?” Mom asks.

“I have no idea,” Lexi answers, and we both start laughing.

My parents are not though. Mom is especially looking at us with concern.

“You don't know?” My Dad repeats?

“She doesn't know. I know. I'm taking care of the wedding stuff. She just had to get her and Molly a dress” I explain.

“50 are you eloping or are we invited?” My Dad wonders aloud.

“You're definitely invited. That's why we called you over,” Lexi answers.

“She deserves a proper wedding,’ my Mom halfheartedly scolds me.

“The wedding isn't important anyway. It's about the marriage,” Lexi states in my defense, as she reaches for my hand, but she doesn't know that I don't need defending. I give her hand a squeeze, and kiss her knuckles.

“Just trust that we know what's best for us,” I insist. The rest of the night was filled with great food, and after the shock wore off, we all had a nice evening together.

“ll clean up babe, if you want to get Molly to bed. It's getting late,” I offer.

“Thanks, love,” she says as she hoists herself to sit on the counter. “Come see me first, I'm so tired, but I miss you,” she coos.

Even though we've been together for the last few hours, I know exactly what she means. I smile as I make my way over. I stand in between her legs and she pulls in. She wraps her legs around my waist to pull me even closer. I sigh in relief. Hes smell, her touch, and even more than that, just the way she loves me soothes my soul.

“MMM,” I hear leave her lips.

“What is it, baby?" I whisper.

“I just needed this. You feel and smell so good all the time," she admits and continues to hold me.

“I love you, sweetheart," I say quietly.

Lex loosens her hold, to look at me. “I love you so much, Jack” She looks at me with tenderness, and slowly I bring my lip to her. I kiss her soft and slow, and just as my tongue moves past her lips, we're interrupted.

“Daddee, up,” I hear Molly say, and I feel her at my leg.

I smile as I pull away. “Family hug time!” I announce as I pick her up, and we all hug together.

“MMMM,” Molly says, signalling she wants a kiss.

“Let's each get a cheek, Mum," I say to Lexi, and we each squeeze a kiss into each side of her cheeks, and Molly's sweet laughter fills the room.

“I should get this little lady to bed. Give Daddy a hug goodnight”

Molly gives me a squeeze, “Love you, little bunny. Sweet dreams,” I tell her, and kiss her forehead.

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