A Mother Before A Mate

Chapter 17

When I wake up, Jack has his strong arm wrapped around my waist, and I can hear Molly on the baby monitor. I open one eye to look at the screen. I see her sitting on her bed talking to her stuffed bunny, which she calls pinky because it's pink try to wiggle out of Jack's arms, but it only makes him pull me closer. I turn my face to look at him. His sleeping face look: so peaceful, and he looks so handsome with his morning scruff.

I whisper, “Jack, you have to let me go. I need to get up.”

He just groans at me, then asks with a huskier voice than usual, “What time is it?"

“Its 7:13

“I slept int"

“What time do you usually wake up?” 1 ask.

“6. I've never slept so soundly, though.’

it makes me so happy to hear that. “Me too," I agree.

“Molly's up, so you need to undo your death grip," I tell him with a chuckle. He smiles, pulls me closer, and pecks my neck and cheek, and then lets go.

I make my way to Molly's room. I open the door and her eyes are filled with happiness to see me. “Good Morning Miss Molly!" I say happily to her. “Mama!” she squeals. I scoop her up and hold her while I sing "You are my sunshine’ to her. Ot morning tradition.

Jack's Point of View

'm laying in bed, and Lexi just left to go and see Molly. I can’t help but think of last night and how badly we wanted each other. Ugh and the way her body looked in her PJ's. Her perky full breasts and her hard n*****s visible in that little tank t was super hot. Her hips and round a*s in those little shorts. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Lexi singing. I look at the monitor and I see Molly in Lexis arms, cuddling her closely and singing to her. I'm really happy and proud tha she’s such a good Mom.

I wonder when she'll come home with me. Last night she said she'd sleep on it, and then let me know. I'm suddenly a litt nervous, and afraid that she won't want to come right away. I know as a mother, she might want to take things slower, on behalf of Molly. But we're not humans, and we are fated mates. Moon Goddess would never pair me with her if I could ev harm Molly. Moon Goddess is very protective of children. It's a well-known fact that child abusers don't have a fated mate we'll have to talk about it this morning and see where her head is.

All of my clothes are at the cottage I was staying at, I wasn't originally planning on sleeping here last night. I pull my pant on and walk over to Molly's room. “What do you want for breakfast, Mol? Pancakes or eggs?” I hear Lexi asking Molly as sh gets her dressed.

“Pancake,” Molly answers.

“Good Morning, Molly!" I say gently.

She looks at me, and says “Goom Mornin"

Lexi smiles at me. “Do you like pancakes?”

“Who doesn't like pancakes?”

“Ym going to head to the cottage, and get changed and have a quick shower. I'll be back soon,” I tell her. I kiss her, and le: down and give Molly a kiss on the head too.

When I get back to Lex's, Lev answers the door and motions me in, and we walk to the kitchen. Lexi is wearing white skinr jeans, and a loose-fitting light pink t-shirt with the front tucked in. Her hair is in a high bun that looks neat and tidy. She so beautiful, and her a*s in those tight white pants is amazing. Music is playing and Molly is dancing around the kitchen while Lexi watches and stirs the pancake batter.

“Hey!” She greets me with a smile. I walk up to Lexi and kiss her temple. Even though we've only been apart for half an hour, I missed her. “Coffee?”

I nod, “How do you take it?” she asks.


She pours a cup, and hands it to me, and gives me a little kiss before moving back to making breakfast. I love how she's always showing affection, and she doesn't care who's around. The confidence is sexy, and it makes me feel loved.

“Do you need help?” I ask.

She smiles wide, “I've got it, but it's very sweet of you to offer.” I return the smile. I could stare at her for hours. Shes so beautiful, and I love to see her smile. Lexi makes lots of pancakes and has a bunch of berries. The 4 of us sit at the table and enjoy the delicious breakfast. When we're done, I help with the dishes. I want to ask her so badly what her decision i regarding moving to Black Moon with me, but I don't want to bring it up in front of Lev.


I look at my cell phone, and I see Zac is calling.

“Give me a second, babe. It's Zac”

Me: Hey Zac, What's up?

zac: Hey! I'm calling for a few reasons. First things first, Kyle will be dropping off your truck. He should be there in 2 hours Seth followed him to give him a ride back too.

Me: Perfect.

zac: You also have that meeting on Tuesday. Are you going to make it? When are you going to be back?

Me: I honestly don't know. Cancel it, to be safe. I'll call him in the next few days to reschedule.

zac: You usually lead the advanced warrior classes, do you want me to take over until you get back?

Me: Yeah, and I'l know more later today.

zac: You also had that video conference today with the Alpha of Red River, at 11 am. I can reschedule that too?

Me: s**t, I forgot. No, that's important. Get a hold of him and ask him if he could move it up. I'd like to do it asap. Anythin; required of me is on you for now.

zac: You got it!

Me: Thank you, and keep me posted.

zac: Will do.

“Sorry, babe. Business.” I apologize, and she smiles genuinely.

“I might have to take off for a bit. I was supposed to have a teleconference at 11am, I'm trying to get it moved up though. It's important, otherwise, I'd cancel’ I explain.

“Well, maybe if you leave, we'll do some baking, huh Molly? Stock up some goodies for Uncle Lev?" and Molly smiles up at her.

“Ym you helpew;” she says excitedly.

“Yes, you are my helper; Lexi tells her and they smile at each other lovingly.

“DING* I check my cell phone,

zac: He's available now to do it now.

“My computer is in the cottage, I have that video conference I have to do, I'll be back as soon as I can,” I tell Lexi. I steal a quick kiss. “See you soon,” she says and wraps her arms around my waist to give me a hug. I take a deep breath and breathe in her scent. I love the way she feels in my arms, and I don’t want to leave her right now.

“Ill be as quick as I can,” I add.

After an hour and a half of dealing with work, I headed back to Lexis. I knock at her door, and when she opens the door i smells heavenly. Not just the heavenly scent of my mate, but also like delicious baked goods.

“Oh moon goddess, it smells amazing in here," 1 groan and give her a kiss. Lexi smiles, and 1 hold her close to me, as we walk back to the kitchen. I see trays and trays of brownies, and cookies and some other desserts.

“You made all this in...in an hour and a half," I question as I look at my watch in disbelief.

“Not alone, I had my helper," she points to Molly standing on a chair next to the counter.

“Did you help Mommy with all this?” I ask her, acting even more surprised. Molly proudly smiles.

“Yn a big helpew,” she beams.

“You are! Good job, Molly! High five," I say while giving her a hand so she can high five it. She gently taps my hand, and I c tell my compliment has her feeling even more proud of herself. I look at my beautiful mate, and she has a broad smile or her face, and her eyes are looking at me with adoration. I don't know what 1 did to deserve the beauty standing in front o me, but 'm beyond grateful.

I snake my arms around her waist, and she wraps her arms around my neck. I bend and plant a small tender kiss on her lips. “MMMM,” Molly starts saying.

“Did you want a kiss too?” Lexi asks and Molly nods. Lexi makes her way to Molly and gives her a kiss. Then gently squish Molly's cheeks in her hands and plants little kisses all over her face. The sound of Molly's sweet laughter fills the room, a I love the sound. Lev must feel the same way because he soon enters the kitchen to enjoy it as well. When Lexi is done. L quickly scoops Molly up, and starts lifting her in the air, and bringing her down, pretending he’s going to eat her, and he i blowing raspberries on her stomach.

Molly's laugh is deep, from her belly now. Lexi and I are laughing too. I'm envious of the relationship everyone has with Molly. Even though I told Lexi I wanted to take on the role of Molly's father once I mark her, in my mind that's just a matte of time. She is my daughter, and I want to make her laugh and I want her to be as comfortable with me as she is with Lev Lexi. When Lev stops, he holds Molly in his arms.

“Did you make all these yummy treats? He asks Molly. She smiles proudly and nods.

“Why did you guys bake so much?” Lev asks Lexi.

“I wanted to be able to freeze a bunch. The apple rhubarb crisps, 350 degrees, about an hour if you're putting them in frozen,” she says.

He gives her a grateful smile, but I can see a little pain in his eyes, and I can see it in Lexis too. This isn't going to be easy for any of them. I wish I could do something to make this easier. Is this a sign she’s coming with me right away? I'm trying not to read too much into it though.

“You can always come and visit, or you can join my pack?” I offer.

He smiles sadly, “Thanks, man, but I'm Cold Moon through and through,” he states.

“Well, you can visit anytime you miss the girls," I offer.

“I'll take you up on that. I'm going to miss my little princess a lot,” he admits.

“Okay, let's change the subject. You guys want some brownies and cookies?” Lexi offers.

“Brownies, Yes!” I agree. I take a bite, and oh my gosh! “Mmm... These are the best! "I groan.

“Lexi is the bomb in the kitchen,” Lev tells me.

“Is there anything you're not good at?” I ask but she just rolls her eyes and chuckles.

“Try these M&M cookies 00,” Lev instructs me. I take a bite, and I can't help but roll my eyes in pleasure.

“Amazing I groan again. I look at Molly just crushing a brownie. Chocolate all around her lips. It's adorable.

“I've gotta go. Jett needs me,” Lev says.

“It's beautiful outside. Why don't we go for a walk with Molly to the park? Ill pack a lunch, and we'll have a picnic, and we can finish our talk from yesterday,” Lexi asks.

“That sounds amazing. What can I do to help?”

Lexi gets me to wash Molly's face and hands, and then go into the back garage to get out the wagon and picnic basket. I take Molly with me. I want to get to know her better and connect with her more. I'm her Dad. I want to take any time I can to interact with her, and grow closer with her. Inside the garage, I spotted the wagon and picnic basket right away. I put Molly in the wagon and started to pull her out of the garage.

“Bubbouws! Bubbouws! Peas!” Her sweet little attempt at “please’ totally gets me. I am putty in those tiny chubby fingers. I look at her and she’s pointing to some bubble mixture. I grab it and we sit on the step on the back deck. I try to get her tc blow some bubbles, but she’s more content with me blowing them and chasing them to try and pop them.

She says “Bubbows!” Over and over, as she giggles and squeals. It feels good that I'm responsible for making her so happ After about 10 minutes of blowing bubbles, Lexi opens the back patio door.

“What are you two doing?” She asks, and she’s beaming with delight. Not upset in the slightest, that I still haven't brough her the picnic basket yet.

“She asked me for the bubbles, and she said “peas. I might be an Alpha, but I am not strong enough to say no to that," I admit.

She chuckles and sits beside me, leaning into me. “It works on me too."

“It means more to me than you could ever know, that you're taking the time to get to know her" I look at her, and she has so much appreciation and love in her eyes.

“I want her to love me, and feel safe with me. I want to take care of you both, and I want us to be a family. I'l put in as much time and bubble-blowing as possible. I want to be close to her, just like I plan on being close to our biological children,” I explain.

“And that's why you're perfect for us,” she says and nestles into me.

“You're perfect for me too, you know?”

She smiles, “That's right, you're into warriors,” she states with a smirk.

“What makes you say that?” I wonder.

“Am I wrong?” She presses.

“Well, it was on my “wish list’ to have a strong Luna,” I admit.

“I know, she nods.

“How do you know that?” I chuckle.

“I have my ways,” she narrows her eyes, and then laughs.

“Tell me!” I push, 'm so curious how she could have possibly known that.

“I may have been assigned to train a certain she-wolf for some months, to impress a certain Alpha whose match NEEDED be a fierce fighter. But I was sworn to secrecy. I haven't told a single soul. I figure since you're my mate, my secret is safe with you. How ironic though, that I spent 7 months training Sophie, the most difficult person I've ever met, so she could impress my mate,” she scoffs.

I shake my head. 1 had no idea, I guess that explains Sophie showing up so mad last night. “It wouldn't have mattered if s was as fierce as you, she was never going to be my Luna. I couldn't stand her," I admit.

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