A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me

A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 7

“You behave like a child!" Jace shouted from the other side of the door.

I sulked, leaning on the bathtub with my knees against my chest. “I don't care!” I shouted. “You can't make me leave!” “Why don't you go? You've been fantasizing about him for the last two weeks.”

“He scares me," I complained, resting my forehead on my lap. “And he’s bad half the time."

Jace is getting impatient. “Can you at least open the door?”

I sighed as I crawled to the door, then turned the lock. He came in immediately, sat down opposite me on the floor with a amused expression that he tried to hide, without succeeding.

“You're going to go."

“I will not go there.”

“You're going to go."



“ll make you dinner every night next week, I'll paint your toenails, I'l pay for your groceries this week and I'l let you choose the movie for “Wine Wednesday,” he tried. I sent him a bad look. “And I will be very angry if you don't go because you are attracted to him and he is handsome and rich, so why not?”.

“Why do you insist so much?” I asked.

“Il want the juicy details, “duh’. And I wouldn't mind seeing him half naked in the morning.’

“l won't sleep with him, Jace!” I shouted, throwing him the first thing that came to hand. A tampon.

“Oh my god ... ew!"He screamed, getting up and running out of the bathroom. I laughed so hard that I had to lie down on the floor. When he came back a few minutes later, I was still laughing. “Am I out of business?”

“Jace, it's just a tampon. Not even used," I laughed. He gave me a look.

“It's always vulgar. You will go to the appointment, it has been decided. It's already six o'clock, oh my god. You only have hour to get ready, Noras, come on!” He blew. We looked at each other, waiting for one of us to give up.

I finally gave up, getting up sniffling. Jace emitted a slightly manly sound of happiness. He took my hand and dragged me my room to choose what I wanted to wear. I didn't want to go there as much as I wanted to. It didn't make much sense. He chose an outfit wisely, and I knew it would fit me perfectly even before I tried it on. I quickly put on my makeup, then smoothed my hair before putting on the cream-colored dress. When I looked at the time, it was 6:56 a.m.

“Shit, shit, shit" I said in a high-pitched voice, running down the hall. 1 walked into the kitchen, trying not to fall while putting on my heels. I stumbled and gave up, leaning on the counter to put them on. “Jace, it's 6:56 am and there is no chance that Henris Steve will be late. In fact, he'll probably even be early because he’s f*****g perfect. Could you check if have lipstick in my teeth?”

I finished and got up, puffing, looking for a mirror in my bag. And that's when I noticed it. The smell of shampoo and coconut cologne. I looked up slowly, secretly hoping that I had imagined it.

Henris Steve was leaning against the counter, his arms folded across his chest and an amused expression on his face. Jac next to him, seemed to barely hold back his laughter.

“The language, Noras. But you're right, I'm early,’ He said, glancing at me. His deep voice echoed in the small kitchen and made me shiver. “I'm still not sure, however, that “futtually perfect’ was a compliment. Could you enlighten me?”

I sent Jace a bad look, feeling myself blush with embarrassment. “Traitor,” I said.

And that was the last straw for Jace. He burst out laughing and collapsed. Henris gave me a smirk and a cold look, before turning to Jace.

“Thank you for letting me in, Jace. Let's go, Noras."

“Oh, but of course I would be happy to accompany you. Thank you for asking," I answered sarcastically, following him to t door of the apartment. He gritted his teeth, put his hand on the middle of my back, guiding me to the parking lot.

I shuddered at his touch. Even if the fabric of my dress bothered me, I could feel the tips of her cold fingers. He pulled ou his keys and pressed a button. The lights of an all-black Audi R& came on, signaling that the car was unlocked.

“Nice car.” I complimented him by whistling. Unsurprisingly, he only gave me a nod, to show that he had heard me. Steve opened the door for me, helped me up before walking briskly by his side from the car.

I watched him walk past the car. He was taking long strides, confident, keeping his chin up, as if someone was constantly expecting a misstep on his part. He was wearing a gray suit with a blue printed shirt. Once again, her hair was styled back He started the bike and we left without saying a word. Steve was driving at a speed much higher than the allowed limit. I nervously played with my fingers as we passed a red light. “Could you slow down a little?” I asked carefully.

“No." He said with a shrug.

“You're scaring me!" I said nervously, seeing that we had passed another red light.

“No, Noras,” he replied, sounding angry. “This is a car made to go fast. So I will drive it as I see fit. Now, be quiet.”

I breathed, crossing my arms. “Why on earth did you ask me out with you? It's obvious that you don't like me, Mr. Steve." “Henris," he chuckled sullenly. He gave me a look while we were, this time, stopped at a red light, thank God. “I don't like you. You're infuriating.”

“You did not answer my question.’ said that I was annoyed, leaning my head against the window. He let out a slight laug tapping his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. The rest of the car ride passed in silence. He parked, then in front c a very classy sushi restaurant.

I tried to open the door, realizing later that it was locked. Henris got out of the car, came to my side and opened the door for me. “Thank you,” I whispered. He put his hand on my back as we walked side by side towards the restaurant.

He reached the reception desk, putting his hands in his pockets, confident. “A table for two."

The hostess smiled at him. I could see the adoration in her eyes, capturing the beauty of the man in front of her. let out an embarrassed cough and she glared at me. “I'm sorry, sir. That can wait for the moment.”

He let out a light laugh, taking his hands out of his pockets and placing them on the counter. He smiled at her charmingly tilting his head to the side. “I apologize, my dear,” he said in a velvet voice. I could see the girl melting at the name he gan her. I rolled my eyes. “There must be some mistake. 'm Henris Steve."

With a frantic expression, he immediately got up, hastily rummaging through the papers on the counter. “Oh-certainly, Mr Steve. I am sorry. I would have expected that someone...”

“Older”? Less charming?” He finished the sentence, and she blushed, nodding her head.

“Uh, yes. You can follow me.’

Henris gave me a satisfied smile, took my hand and followed the director. I was surprised by this sudden action, but he d not think about it. Her long fingers crossed with mine. I could feel the cold metal of her rings on my sweaty palm. He released his grip as soon as we reached the secluded table. He pulled my chair back for me.

He sat down opposite me, resting his elbows on the surface of the table. “Did 1 tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” without thinking, I played with my blue and gold earrings, without meeting his gaze. “Thank you."

“Look at me,” Steve demanded. I raised my head. Her eyes were shining, with a spark of anger. Her pupils were dilated. “How was work today?”

“Uh, that... it went well." I stuttered, surprised by his sudden interest. A waitress arrived, served us each a glass of wine, missing dropping the bottle when she saw Henris. I'll take a look.

“You make that face when you're jealous.’ Henris commented, pressing his lips to the glass and taking a sip of wine.

“Ym not jealous.”

“Yes, you are.”

“You're so...

“rd advise you not to finish that sentence, Noras." He interrupted me calmly. I looked at him angrily.

“You don't even know what I was going to say."

He raised an eyebrow. I know it wouldn't have been pleasant. Don't be rude.”

“Me, rude?” I said, irritated, leaning on the table. “You yell at me and try to fuck me whenever we're in the same room. I don't even know why I came; 1 said, keeping my voice low and standing up. My chair cringed against the floor. “rl be on way. Thanks for the wine, Mr. Steve.”

I headed for the exit, slinging my Marc Jacobs lanyard over my shoulder. My cream-colored heels clicked on the tiles. The hostess looked at me as if to say, “Who'd go and leave a man like that at the table”. 1 showed her my middle finger with fake smile on my lips.

I shivered as soon as I stepped out into the cold. I started looking for Jace among the contacts on the phone. Before I cou press the button to call, it was snatched from my hands. “Hey!” I protested, turning around. Henris stuffed my phone into his back pocket, before adjusting his collar.

“You're not leaving." He said furiously, gritting his teeth and running a hand through his hair.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “I'l do what I want.”

He flashed me a smirk and took a step toward me. “You don't want to leave!’

I took a few steps back, receiving as much from him in my direction. He then took me by the waist, pulling me closer to hi leaving a few inches of space between us. I didn't even try to resist him, knowing it would be useless.

“Yes, I do." I groaned. I could hear the uncertainty in my own voice. Her coconut-scented curls ruffled in the wind as she looked into my eyes.

“Noras, come back inside,” I whispered. He rested his forehead on mine, pulling me even closer so that our bodies were touching. He raised a hand, brought it to my cheek, caressed it, as if he could sense my nervousness. involuntarily, I responded to his touch, relaxing. He smiled. “Please?”

I sighed, withdrawing from his embrace, resisting the urge to press my lips against his. 1 had a hunch that if I kissed him, he'd taste like strawberries.

“That's the first time I've ever heard you say “please’ I complained as I walked past him and back into the restaurant.

It was also the first time I didn't see a note of hostility behind his green eyes when he spoke. It was the second time I'd seen him smile, showing off his dimples, but it was the first time I'd been the cause of it. I felt butterflies in my stomach 2 the thought. This was the hundredth time he'd provoked them.

I sat down again at the table, Henris quietly joining me. The usual icy expression on his face. “You know, I saw you gestur to the hostess on your way out. You were rude.’

And this time, instead of getting angry, I laughed lightly because Henris Steve, self-absorbed millionaire and aggressive corporate CEO, had just made a joke.

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