A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me

A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 2

I tried to pull the hem of my dark red dress lower and lower as I got out of the cab after paying the driver. I tightened my grip on my coffee, admiring the towering building in front of me. An imposing skyscraper in the middle of Manhattan, an elegant sign on the facade read Steve Enterprises.

I entered shyly. I was wearing a form-fitting dark red Valentino, paired with a pair of black Louboutins. Jace and I fetched the perfect outfit from the photo shoot wardrobe downstairs in the office. The dress was from the previous season, the absence of which would probably never be noticed, and the shoes never used. I was going to put them back as soon as it was over.

Everything I wore was more than I could afford and I felt fantastic. I approached the reception desk where a beautiful blonde girl was busy typing something on the computer.

“Can I help you?” He asked, without looking up.

“Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Steve.”

A laugh escaped her. “Do you have an appointment?”

“Well, no, but vor-"

“Then you can meet Mr. Steve in about...” He looked at the computer screen, biting his lip to focus. “Seven months.”

“Are you kidding?” I complained. “Look, this is really important”

“Seriously,” he laughed. “Unless you're here to interview for the receptionist position, which I highly doubt,” he said, looking down at me. “Or a multimillionaire looking for a cheap merger, there's no way she's going to see Mr. Steve today.” “Thank you very much for your help," I said sarcastically, before turning and walking out. I stood at the curb, impatiently looking for a cab as I called Jace. He answered on the first ring.

“Jace, he's unavailable for the next seven months, I'l never be able to talk to him," I immediately complained. “Unless I'm hot girl looking for a job interview or a f****g millionaire."

He laughed into the phone. “Do you really give up that easily?”

“Well, what am I supposed to do?”

“Obviously, go in and pretend to be either a millionaire or a pretty girl who wants a job. Demand to see it. I want to see Victoria's face when you have the interview.”

“Seriously? Go there and lie until I can meet him? Absolutely not. I'd get caught right now.” I replied.

“Just do it. Don't be a child! Go get Mr. Sexy Steve to agree. Fake the confidence I know Valentine gives you. Now, Id love stay here and chat but I have a meeting and you have an interview to get” He said authoritatively. I sighed and ended the call, re-entering the building. I managed to slip past the receptionist unnoticed and got into the elevator. There were over 30 floors.

With an exasperated expression, I decided to press the button for the top floor, assuming the most important office woul be there. On the way up, people were getting on and off the elevator, each of them either a beautiful blonde or an important businessman.

I slowly got out of the elevator when it stopped on the top floor. I immediately found another office and another beautif girl. I approached and tried to look as confident as possible when she looked up and glanced at me.

“Can I help you?” He asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Yes. I have an appointment with Mr. Steve.” I answered immediately.


“Noras Wishe" I replied. It sounded more like a question than a statement. He typed into his computer, then shifted his gaze back to me.

“Sorry, no appointment with a Mrs. Wishe today." He said in a monotone voice.

“There must be some mistake. I'm here for the receptionist position.”

“Oh. Why didn't she say that in the first place? We had to tell her those appointments were off the schedule.” The fake blonde replied as she stood up. “She can follow me.”

Off-course? That's strange, I thought as I followed her. Both our heels clicked as we walked down a hallway. I wiped my sweaty hands on my dress as we came to a huge mahogany door at the end of the hall.

He knocked softly before entering. “Mr. Steve?” He asked, looking around the office. “The next girl for the job is here to se you.”

“Let her in" A deep voice answered. My heart rose in my throat as I stared at the door. I took a breath, pushing my shoulders back and sweeping my hair behind my shoulders before stepping into the room.

I found him sitting, leaning back in his chair, his feet on the desk and his arms crossed behind his head. His thick hair wa combed back. He was wearing a dark suit jacket with a printed shirt underneath, all buttoned up. My trained eye identifie the suit as one of Gucci's creations.

The confidence I'd managed to instill thinking about this plan was destroyed the instant he looked down at me. I tremble under his intense gaze and approached his desk.

“sit down.” He walked over, gesturing to the chair. His voice was a little hoarse. I sat down, nervously crossing my legs anc playing with my hands. I tried to avoid his gaze, but was surprised by his eyes, which seemed too light for his dark demeanor.

“Ym Noras." 1 said nervously. My voice trembled and I lowered my gaze to the floor. A lock of hair fell in front of my eyes a I brushed it away, tucking it back behind my ear, biting my lip nervously. I looked up and saw an amused smile on his lips He removed his feet from the desk and, resting his elbows on his knees, leaned forward, resting his chin on his clasped hands. I noticed several designer rings on his long fingers. “Now, Noras is it?” She asked abruptly. I nodded shyly. “You're not here to work, you have one minute to talk before security comes for you”

I opened my mouth in surprise. “How do you know that?"

“Are you kidding?” She laughed lightly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. “First of all, you're a brunette. I specifically asked that there be no brunette girls. My workers don't make mistakes. Secondly, you're embarrassing. Finally, I assume you're Noras Wishe from Vogue, whom I politely asked not to contact me at this time”

“He threatened to place a restraining order against me, not what Id call asking nicely." I replied offended. His gaze intensified and I immediately fell silent.

“Your minute is up. Get out.” He said. I trembled under his gaze, but managed to speak.

“Please, Mr. Steve. All I'm asking for is a short interview. It would mean a lot to me, really I.”

“I said out”

I looked at him in surprise before standing up, putting my hands on the desk and meeting his gaze. He really was an a***++e. You have no manners. You have no manners. And thank goodness you turned down the interview, because there’ no way I'd want to write an article about you."

An amused smile played on his lips and I turned to leave. I tried to open the huge door, but he didn’t budge. Annoyed an embarrassed, I tried again. I felt a breath on my neck and shivered. His hands grabbed me firmly by the hips and spun me around, so that I was facing him.

His body pressed mine against the door and he lowered himself, stopping just inches from my face. I inhaled nervously a his arms moved to rest on either side of my head, pressed against the door. Steve tilted his head to the side.

“Do I scare you?" He whispered. I shook my head and he smiled. I felt his chest against mine. “I think you're lying" “You're an asshole” I said, trying to push him away. He responded by pushing me further against the door, my attempts n seeming to bother him.

“Don’t talk to me like that.” He warned me.

“I can say whatever I want, a*****e."

He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth while shaking his head. A curl fell over his forehead and I instinctively raised my hand to put it back, but before I could, he grabbed my wrist and slammed it against the door.

A groan escaped my mouth. “Don’t touch me without my permission,” Henris said aggressively, resting his forehead on mine. “And I've changed my mind. I don’t think I scare you. I think I excite you. I think you want to f**k me."

“You wish." I said arrogantly, not believing a word that came out of my own mouth. Damn him for being ridiculously handsome. And his coconut-scented hair. He could easily have been a model.

He grinned. “You're lying. Now get out of my office.”

He took a step back and I turned so I couldn't see his face. I could feel his strong presence behind me sending shivers down my spine. Or maybe it was his breath on my neck. I turned the handle again and this time the door opened.

I ran out of the office and down the hallway as fast as I could on my Louboutins, nervously pressing the elevator button. The receptionist smiled at me, shaking her head.

The elevator beeped as the doors opened. I rushed inside, leaning against the wall opposite the doors and sighed as I watched them close. Just before they could close completely, a hand stopped them.

My chin hit the floor as Henris Steve appeared, suit well worn on his perfect body. He pressed his lips together, glaring at me.

“I'l be at your office on Friday morning at 11 for the interview. If you keep me waiting, I'll leave” He said without letting a hint of emotion show in his voice. Before I could reply, she turned and walked briskly to her office. I watched her silhouet leave as the doors closed, this time completely.

I realized I was holding my breath as the doors closed. My trembling knees could no longer support me and I leaned against the wall, breathing deeply.

What had happened?

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