A Millionaire, His Suit, And Poor Me

A Millionaire, His Suit And Poor Me Chapter 10

I put my face against the pillow, absorbing its smell and pulled the blanket over my head. The bed was the most comfortable I had ever slept in. I lay in silence until my alarm clock rang, indicating that it was time to get up and get rea for the day.

Reluctantly, I got out of bed, looked at myself in the mirror, making sure that I was about presentable. My hair was tousle and tied up, my makeup visibly blurred. I washed my face quickly, tied my hair and walked down the stairs slowly.

I turned the corner of the apartment slowly, hoping that Henris was not there. My heart jumped in my throat with nervousness when I saw him sitting at the big kitchen table, typing quickly on a Macbook.

“Hi I said shyly, pulling the hem of my shirt down along my thighs. His eyes quickly lifted from the screen to look at me with a smile on his lips.

“Noras," he greeted. “Tea is ready. Mrs. Jennifer will be here soon to prepare breakfast."

I walked slowly to the kitchen, where I saw an aluminum kettle, still smoking. A cup was already on the counter for me, wi cream and sugar. Henris cautiously followed me with his gaze while I poured myself some tea and leaned against the counter.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked.

“Yes, very well. Your bed is really comfortable.”


He sipped his tea and shifted his attention back to the computer. I tried not to stare at him as he stuck out the tip of his tongue while concentrating, long fingers running quickly over the keyboard. After a few minutes, he suddenly raised his head.

“Stop staring at me,” he said, annoyed. “It's distracting, Noras."

I blushed, covering my face with my cup of tea. “Sorry.”

There was a knock on the door, followed by a clatter of keys, and a somewhat elderly woman came in. She was wearing a simple gray dress with black shoes. Her brown hair with a few gray strands was tied back. The woman opens a wardrobe, takes and ties an apron around her waist while Henris looks at her carefully.

She began to hum in a low voice, turning around. She opened her eyes wide when she saw him sitting at the table. “Oh, Henris. I didnt know you'd still be here so late. For what absurd reason are you not at work?”

I was surprised by his informal tone, expecting at any moment that he would yell at her as at anyone else. Instead, he flashed a big smile and his gaze turned to me for a moment, hidden in the kitchen.

“I have a guest, Mrs. Jennifer.” She said simply. Her chin touched the floor, she walked quickly to him and sat down at the table with her back to me.

“What? Is she still here?” She said she was surprised. Henris gave him a smirk.


“You have...”

“Jennifer,” he said slightly annoyed, his serious tone beginning to be felt. The plump woman laughs softly, not seeming afraid of him in the least. I decided to make my presence known by clearing my throat. Jennifer turned around, shocked, and looked at me. A bright smile appeared on her face.

“I'm Noras," I said. She ran up to me and hugged me, pulling me closer to her soft body that swayed from side to side whi I struggled to breathe. “It's a pleasure to meet you."

She released her grip and put her hands on my shoulders: “Wow, you look really pretty. Is that Henris's shirt?”

I looked down at the loose white shirt I was wearing. “Oh, um, yeah. But we haven't, um. You know. We have not..” didn't know why I was explaining the situation to this woman.

“Mrs. Jennifer, can you start making breakfast, please?” Henris interposed. “Noras is hungry."

She looked up at the sky as she walked past me, gently squeezing my arm before heading to the refrigerator. I sat shyly next to Henris at the table as she started breaking eggs and working in the kitchen.

He closed the computer, shifting his gaze to me. “I have to work today."

“Yeah, I should get home early anyway."

“No,” he said slightly annoyed, straightening his red tie, while continuing to speak. “I wanted to say that I'm taking you home after eating and that I'll pick you up later in the evening when I'm done.”



“I would already have plans for tonight” I whispered. His gaze intensified and he leaned his elbows on the table. He pulle his chair closer to me before speaking. A few curls fell on her forehead.

“Erase them,” He said deeply.

“N-no. I already promised Jace.’

something metallic fell on the floor. 1 looked up and saw Mrs. Jennifer frantically looking for the fallen fork, looking shocked. Henris would not take his eyes off me, his teeth clenched by anger.

I felt his hand rest on my knee under the table. “Noras, I would like you to cancel your plans. I won't ask you again.” He warned me.

“And I won't tell you again," I replied. “I have to go out with Jace already.”

He squeezed my knee before pulling back his chair and getting up. He was taller than me. A black suit made him more intimidating than ever. I watched him silently pick up the computer and a briefcase angrily.

Mrs. Jennifer seemed nervous from where she was standing in front of the stove. “Henris, don’t you want your omelet?” si asked him politely as he walked quickly to the kitchen counter, putting down his mug to wash later.

“No.” He said angrily, stooping down to give his housekeeper a brief kiss on the cheek. He turned back to me and I jumpe clutching my cup of tea.

“I will be at your house at seven o'clock.” He said, frowning, walking in my direction. I froze when she lowered herself, pressing her lips passionately against mine. Mrs. Jennifer looked as surprised as I did.

“I said...

“I'll be there at seven o'clock” He said in my ear, his coconut-scented curls touching my cheek. 1 bit my lip not to answer him.

He stood up with a smirk, his fingers running lightly over my neck. “Don't cover it" He whispered, pointing to the mark. St trying to digest the unexpected kiss, I watched him leave, furiously slamming the door behind him.

As soon as she left, Jennifer placed a steaming omelet in front of me, with another cup of tea, and sat down next to me, instead of Henris. I slowly took a bite, trying to avoid his curious gaze.

“So, Henris likes you,” she said amused.

I swallowed the food to prevent it from going down my throat. “Really? You wouldn't think so." I mumbled, cutting the ege angrily.

“I've never seen anyone say no to him."

“Well, more people should,” I replied bitterly. “He is very controlling. You don't seem to be afraid of him, though." “Because Henris is a very nice man after all. And if they want to continue living, they won't say no to him.” He's joking, get up from the table laughing and adjusts his apron around his waist. “I was told that James will be there in 30 minutes to take you home."

With that, he came out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with my thoughts for a few minutes. I sighed with relief, pulling o my phone, planning to go on Twitter. I almost dropped the phone when I saw Jace’s 19 missed calls. I called him back immediately and he answered at the first ring.

“Noras?! You didn't come home yesterday! You're Notas, right?” He said he was scared.

“Yeah, hi, Jace. Sorry, I...uh, I slept at your place.”


“Jace!'l shouted. “I didn't sleep with him. Ill be home soon and I'l tell you everything. OKAY?"

“All right,” he sighed. “See you soon.”

I finished the omelet, then I went upstairs to get my clothes. I found them perfectly folded on the side of the freshly mad bed. I thought I should remember to thank jennifer when I see her. I gathered my things, went down the stairs one more time and picked up my phone with the intention of calling a taxi.

Atall man in a black suit and hat was waiting at the extravagant entrance. “Mrs. Wishe, I was told to drive you home this morning.’ He said.

“I was calling a taxi," I replied. “You don't need to worry. Thanks anyway.”

He cleared his throat, a little embarrassed. “Um, Mr. Steve insists that I accompany you."

“We don't need to let them know. I tried. The man had a stiff expression on his face.

“The carriage is waiting for you downstairs, Mrs. Wishe. I'm James, Mr. Steve's driver,” he said. “Can I take your things?”

I pressed my precious dress to my chest. “No, I'm fine, thank you. And you can call me Nora."

“Yes, miss."He answered as we entered the elevator where Henris had almost knocked me down the night before. I get chills just thinking about it. When we reached the parking lot, a black Range Rover was waiting for us.

I grumbled as I walked in, receiving a small amused smile from James before he closed my door. He quickly started the ca and got out of the garage. With the radio turned off, there was an awkward silence.

“So, you are his driver?” I asked, trying to break the ice.

He nodded. “Yes, and I'm doing various other things for Mr. Steve”

“Ill see you often, then?”

His gaze briefly turned to me, before fixing him on the road. “If you see Mr. Steve, there's a chance I'm here, yes."

“Well, he's practically harassing me, so I think I'll see you again soon,” I whispered. “Have you ever seen him be nice to anyone?”

“'d rather not talk about my boss, Mrs. Wishe."

“Yes,” I agreed. “If he were my boss, I wouldn't want to talk about it either. It's really intimidating. Hey, do you at least kno where my apartment is?”

“Mr. Steve gave me the address.” He answered briefly, completely ignoring the speech of the powerful boss. I manipulatec the radio until he told me to stop. A few minutes later, we arrived at my building. I thanked him when he opened the doo for me.

Running down the stairs, I entered our small apartment. I was greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Jace, excited ran up to me from the living room, hugging me.

“You are horrible!” He groaned, continuing to hug me. “Now tell me everything. And I mean everything. Holy shit, that hickey on your neck is huge!”

I blushed, pulling my hair back forward to cover the mark that Henris had left. Jace dragged me to the couch, sat me dow; and handed me a cup of coffee, which I sipped with satisfaction. I like tea, but I prefer coffee. I wouldn't have told Henris though.

“Speak up” He ordered playfully. Jace sat up, putting his legs under him, looking at me with bright eyes and a smirk.

“He was... different. We just talked and he was mean, and then he was cute and I don't know. Then he kissed me and did this to me,” I said, pointing my index finger at his neck. “Even this morning he was weird. He was strangely kind to his governess. Then he got angry with me and kissed me before leaving’

“Does he kiss wellz” He asked with a mischievous smile. I started laughing, bringing my hands to my face, thinking back t Henris’ lips that took control of mine, making my whole body light up at his touch. “Ill take that for a yes."

“That's a fucking yes, Jace. Her lips were magic,” I grumbled. “It's frustrating to be surrounded by someone so perfect all t time. I think there is nothing that man cannot do.”

“He probably makes horrible jokes.”

“OK, 50 he has a flaw," I laughed. “It doesn’t make me feel any better, though."

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, wondering who could text me. I thought it was Alice or Aaron confirming the plans for the evening, which Henris was trying to cancel. I wasn't going to listen to him. I found a message from an unknown number.

From: Unknown, 11:37 a.m. - Noras, I hope you've come home. I'll see you tonight at seven. Do not cover the mark. And please, tie your hair, it looks good on you like that.

To: Unknown, 11:38 a.m. — How did you get my number? And I already told you that I have plans. Stop trying to ruin them f me.

I grumbled, frustrated, showing Jace the messages and quickly adding Henris to my contacts. The phone vibrated again. From: Henris Steve, 11:38 - I don't think about ruining them. I am thinking of improving them, if that is the case. See you tonight.

A: Henris Steve, 11:39 - You have too much self-love, Steve. And you didn't answer my question.

From: Henris Steve, 11:40 am - How I got your number is not important. Stop distracting me now, Noras, I'm working.

I could hear the formal tone through the message. I imagined him sulking on the phone and I laughed at the idea.

A: Henris Steve, 11:41 - You wrote to me first. And you're your own boss, I think you can handle texting.

From: Henris Steve, 11:42 - You have a big mouth. It's boring.

A: Henris Steve, 11:43 - You are boring. And you kissed my big mouth, so I think you like that.

From: Henris Steve, 11:43am - Stop texting me. I kissed you to shut you up.

A: Henris Steve, 11:44 - You're the one sending me messages!

From: Henris Steve, 11:45 - This is the last message I'm sending you. Tie your hair up tonight or I'll be very angry. I'm alrea furious that you rejected me, so don't make the situation worse for your own good.

I grumbled in frustration and looked up, finding Jace staring at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, got up, whispered a “fuc you” to my amused roommate, and headed to my room to choose an outfit that would look good with my hair tied up. A more angry Henris than usual is not something I want to deal with tonight.

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