A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: A Lancaster Prep Novel

A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: Chapter 52


This is the first thing Grant says to me when I return to the living room after my quick conversation with Wren.

“Oh, leave him alone.” This comes from Grant’s girlfriend, Alyssa. She has no fear in telling him what to do, and I think he respects that. Begrudgingly. I know I respect it. No one talks to Grant like she does. “He’s in love.”

Even a day ago, I might’ve denied it, but come on.

I am definitely in love with Wren Beaumont.

Purchasing A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime for her birthday present more than confirms that. Sending her a Chanel bag and spending a shit ton of money on four hundred lipsticks more than proves it too.

The piece proved tough to find. Tougher still to actually purchase it from the previous owner. That guy did not want to give it up, no matter what we quoted, and he held out for a while. He also made me sweat, and Grant loved every second of it, the dick.

But money talks and Lancasters have plenty of it. I eventually acquired that piece my girl loves so damn much. For a cool 1.2 million dollars.

“If being in love makes me pathetic, then I guess you are too,” I tell my brother, sounding like I’m five.

“Stop fighting,” Mother says, her tone mild. “When is she coming over, Crew? And will she be here for dinner?”

“She should be here soon. And yes, she’ll stay for dinner. It’s her birthday.”

Mother’s eyebrows shoot up. “What? Today?”

I nod.

“We must celebrate then. I’ll talk to the chef. We already had something planned, but it needs to be extra special. And we should have a cake! Oh my.” She rises to her feet and scurries to the kitchen, calling out to her staff.

“You really spent a million bucks on a painting for her?” This comes from Finn, my second oldest brother. He’s kicked back on the couch, clutching a glass of orange juice loaded with vodka.

It’s not even noon yet. Guess he needs it to cope with all the family time we’ve experienced the last couple of days, which he normally tries to avoid.

Not that I can blame him. It’s the one good thing about being trapped at Lancaster Prep. I only see my family for major holidays.

“I did,” I say with a nod as I make my way over to the windows that face the city, stopping next to the massive pine tree that’s strung with white lights. Mother went all out this year. The entire place reeks of pine, which isn’t a bad thing. “And it’s not a painting.”

“What the hell is it then?” Finn asks.

I turn to look at him. “The entire piece was made with lipstick.”

Finn frowns. “Come again?”

“Someone kissed the canvas. Over and over and over again in different shades of Chanel lipstick,” Alyssa explains, her sheepish gaze meeting mine. “When Grant told me about it, I had to do a little research. I was intrigued.”

“It’s her favorite piece.” I shrug. And all I ever want to do is make that girl happy.

No matter the expense.

No matter what.

“I can see why. It’s beautiful,” Alyssa agrees, bringing it up on her phone and showing it to Finn.

He studies it, frowning when he lifts his head. “I don’t get it.”

I sigh. Grant calls him a dumbass. Alyssa just shakes her head.

“I’m afraid you don’t have a romantic bone in your body,” Alyssa says to Finn, who also happens to be her former boss.

“I have one particular bone that’s not romantic.” He chuckles. Takes a sip of his drink, rattling the ice in his glass while Alyssa looks on at him with disgust.

Just another day with the Lancasters.

Mother comes storming back into the living room, seemingly out of breath. “Tell your lovely girl to bring a dress with her, Crew. We’re going to have a formal dinner tonight.”

Aw shit. “Seriously?”

“Yes. Do it right now, young man, before she leaves her house. We’re dressing up!” Mother turns to Alyssa. “Did you bring something appropriate to wear for a formal dinner, dear?”

“Actually, I did.” Alyssa smiles serenely, calm as can be despite my mother’s endless efforts at rattling her. You learn quickly that you always need to be prepared when you’re spending time with the Lancaster family. You never know what might happen next.

“Oh. That’s fine then.” Mother sniffs, seemingly disappointed she didn’t cause an issue.

I feel sorry for Alyssa. It’s a huge responsibility, getting involved with the oldest Lancaster son. My parents will put her through the motions, and will do their best—especially my mother—to drive her away. If Alyssa stands her ground and doesn’t back down, she’s golden.

But it’s going to take a long time for her to gain their approval.

Those expectations aren’t on me and Finn, as unfair as that sounds. Poor Charlotte had to marry right as well, being the only female. Not that our father particularly cared where she ended up, considering her children would never be Lancasters.

My family is actually pretty fucked-up. Poor Wren.

Knowing her, she’ll just kill them with kindness. She’s just that sweet.

By the time she actually arrives, I’m anxious, and my palms are sweating. I know I saw her only yesterday, but I’m dying to get my hands on her. And when I receive the notification that she’s headed up the penthouse elevator, I go out into the corridor to greet her.

The ding sounds and the elevator doors slide open, revealing Wren standing there in her puffy black coat and the pink Chanel bag I gave her hanging from her shoulder. She’s carrying a duffel bag and a shopping bag full of wrapped presents, and there’s a giant smile on her face when she walks out.

Straight into my arms.

I hold her close, breathing in her familiar, floral scent. “I missed you.”

“You saw me yesterday.”

“And it still felt too long.” I squeeze her. Kiss her forehead. Savor the feel of her in my arms.

God, Grant was right.

I am pathetic.

Pulling away from her, I take her bags. “You ready to meet my parents?”

Her eyes go wide. “Are they really that bad?”

“Nah.” I’m trying to go easy on her.

She stands up taller. “I’m not scared. Let’s do this.”

“Who are the presents for?”

“You.” She smiles. “Your parents. I didn’t get anything for your brothers though.”

“Those assholes need nothing,” I reassure her.

She laughs. “You’re always calling them that.”

“Because that’s what they are.”

“They can’t be that bad.” She wrinkles her nose.

“Just wait and see.”

My brothers watch their mouths around Wren, which I appreciate. Father doesn’t seem that interested in her, but who is he ever interested in? Grant, and that’s about it. The rest of us can go to hell.

Alyssa senses an ally and makes plenty of conversation with her, which eases Wren’s nerves. I appreciate what Alyssa is doing, and tell her as much as we get ready to open presents.

Grant better marry her soon—no one tolerates his grumpy ass like she does.

Mother loves Wren. I can tell by the way she looks at her. The things she says. The gift she gave my parents—a set of tree ornaments in Tiffany blue crystal from Tiffany’s.

The gift she gives me is small. Sentimental. A five by seven framed map with a red dot on the gallery I followed her to in Tribeca.

“These are more for where a couple first met,” she says, her cheeks pink as she explains it. “But the gallery is where everything…changed for us.”

I stare at the framed map. The red dot that’s really in the shape of a heart. Too bad it’s not a pair of red lips. “I love it.”

“Do you really? You don’t think it’s cheesy?”

I lean in and press my mouth to hers. “Nothing you give me is cheesy. I love this.”

“You two—” Grant starts, but Alyssa slaps her hand over his mouth, muffling whatever else he wanted to say.

“Are very cute,” Alyssa finishes for him.

Grant rolls his eyes. Finn snorts.

I say nothing. Just smile at the girl who has my heart.

Shit. That’s still a little hard for me to wrap my head around.

Once presents are opened, everyone splits off in a different direction, and I drag Wren back to my bedroom. I’m about to shut the door when she stops me.

“We should leave it open.”

I frown. “Why?”

“Isn’t it a little…inappropriate?” She makes a face.

Ah, my innocent birdy. Still so sweet.

Leaving the door partially open, I go to her, pulling her in for a kiss. She responds immediately, pressing her lush body to mine, her arms circling my neck and her fingers diving into my hair. I break the kiss first, staring into her eyes.

“Tell me you want that door to remain open.”

“I’m not having sex with you on Christmas Day with your family here,” she whispers.

“It’s not Christmas. It’s your birthday.”

“Whatever.” She shakes her head. “Are we really dressing up for dinner?”

“Oh, get ready. My mom lives for that shit.”

“I like her. Do you think she likes me?”

I kiss her again. “Definitely. She liked your gift.”

“I’m glad. I really struggled with it.” Her gaze goes to her brand-new Chanel bag sitting on the foot of my bed. “I love my gifts from you.”

“Oh yeah?” I run my fingers through her silky soft hair, staring at her pretty face. I could look at this face forever and never get tired of it. “I probably went overboard.”

“You so went overboard.” She grins before kissing me. “I loved it though. That you bought me A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime…”

“You loved it.”

“So much.”

“I meant to send you a blank canvas but forgot,” I admit.

She laughs. “We can go buy some.”

“You’d remake it for me?”

Her brows shoot up. “You’d want me to?”

I nod. “Definitely. I like the idea of a canvas hanging in my house with your lipstick prints all over it. A million kisses just for me.”

She throws herself at me, her body colliding with mine just before she kisses me. I hold her close, my hand clutching the back of her head as I devour her mouth, my tongue sweeping, tangling with hers. I break away to whisper against her lips the three words I never believed I would say to Wren Beaumont.

“I love you.”

Her shiny eyes meet mine. “I love you too.”

“I meant what I said when I gave you A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime.” I pause. “I want to give you that in real life too. I want to be the one you always want to kiss. The only one you wear Chanel lipstick for.”

Her smile is huge. Blinding. “I don’t want to kiss anyone else. Just you, Crew. Only you.”

She kisses me again to prove it.

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