A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: A Lancaster Prep Novel

A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: Chapter 35

THE HOTEL IS MORE like a resort, and when we enter the lobby, I glance up at the giant wrought-iron chandelier hanging overhead, the heat from the nearby massive stone fireplace immediately warming me up. Outside the snow has already started, the flakes small but abundant, and I wonder what we’ll wake up to tomorrow.

I still can’t believe we’re here. Together.


Crew arranged for an SUV to be waiting for us when we arrived at the small airport and I couldn’t stop staring at him as he drove the snowy roads with calm expertise.

Who knew I would find a man driving so sexy? The word sexy wasn’t even part of my vocabulary until a few weeks ago.

But everything he does is undeniably sexy. From the way he takes command of every situation to the smooth sound of his voice as he talks to the hotel employee, who is currently helping him. She’s an older woman with a sharp Vermont accent who seems quite taken with him.

I can’t blame her.

I go and wait by the fireplace while Crew finishes up with the front desk clerk, our bags near my feet. He makes his way toward me, two key cards clutched in his fingers, a faint smile on his face. When he gets closer, he hands one of the keys over to me.

“I upgraded us to the cabin suite,” he says.

“A cabin?” If it’s a log cabin, I will absolutely die of bliss.

“Yeah, it has a living room. A fireplace. Only one bed, though it’s a king.”

Nerves make my stomach flip but I push past the feeling. “That sounds nice.”

“I hope so. Ready to go?”

When I nod, he takes our bags and we go back to the SUV, hopping inside. He drives around the resort, and we end up near the back, close to what I assume is a lake, considering the snow-covered dock I see in the near distance. Once we’re parked and he’s shut off the engine, Crew turns to me.

“Let me go open the door, turn on all the lights, and bring in our bags. Then I’ll come out and get you,” he says.

“Okay.” I watch him climb out of the car, and open the back door. I can hear the sound of the snow pelting his jacket as he pulls our bags out and then he slams the door. He jogs toward the building directly in front of us and unlocks the door, slipping inside.

Lights come on from within, and in minutes, he’s back outside, heading toward the car, opening the passenger side door for me. “Ready?” he asks.

I nod and he takes my hand, shutting the door for me and leading me inside our cabin for the weekend. I like how attentive he is. It’s actually very…


The moment I’m inside, I spin in a slow circle, taking it all in. There’s a gas fireplace that Crew must’ve turned on when he first came in here, giving the space a warm, cozy glow. A stairway leads to what looks like a loft and I glance over at Crew to see him unzipping his duffel and pulling out a couple of liquor bottles he must’ve taken from the plane. “Where’s the bedroom?” I ask him.

“Up there.” He clutches what looks like a bottle of vodka and a bottle of tequila in each hand, nodding toward the stairs. “And there’s a bathroom up there too. Plus, there’s a small bathroom down here. And a kitchenette, though I doubt we’ll be doing much cooking.”

“I don’t even know how,” I admit.

“Me either. We could use some glasses though.” He lifts the bottles in his hands and heads for what I assume is the kitchenette.

“Looking to party?” I call after him.

“Whatever you’re up for, Birdy. I’m game,” he yells back.

I head up the stairs, a little squeak of happiness leaving me when I see the massive bed that takes up most of the space. There’s a giant faux fur blanket draped across the bed and I run my hand over it, marveling at the softness. “It’s so cute up here,” I tell him.

“You want that bed?”

I go to the railing, so I can frown down at Crew. “What are you talking about?”

“The couch folds out into a bed, if you’d rather I take that so you can sleep alone,” he suggests.

“Oh.” Our gazes collide and we stare at each other in silence until I say, “The bed up here is really big.”

“Yeah?” He shoves his hands into his jeans pockets. He already got rid of his jacket and beanie, while I’m still in my coat, and he looks so handsome in the black and gray flannel shirt. I’m so used to him always being in his uniform, it’s still a bit of a shock seeing him in regular clothes.

I nod. “Come up here and check it out.”

He does as I ask, his heavy-booted footsteps loud on the stairs as he heads up here. He comes to stand next to me, and I suddenly feel awkward. A little uncomfortable. Not because of him.

Because of my own insecurities and nerves over the sleeping situation.

“You’re right. It’s nice up here.” Crew goes to check out the bathroom. “I think this place was recently remodeled. Everything looks new.”

I follow him to the bathroom, silently agreeing with him. The marble countertops, the massive glass-encased shower and giant white tub, all of it looks modern and sparkly brand-new.

My imagination kicks into gear and I immediately envision the two of us sitting in the tub, Crew behind me, his arms wrapped around my middle, our naked, wet bodies covered in soapy bubbles.

I feel very grown up right now.

“I don’t want you sleeping on the pull-out sofa,” I announce.

His smile is slow. “Oh yeah?”

I slowly shake my head. “We can share the bed.” I exit the bathroom, and he follows after me. “Look how big it is. We have plenty of room.”

“Yeah, we do.” His tone is suggestive and my entire body flushes hot. I can’t even look at him right now.

I’m afraid if I do, he might tackle me onto the bed and show me everything he wants to do to me.

And I won’t protest. Not one bit.

He settles on the end of the bed, his legs spreading wide. “Come here.”

I let him snag my hand and pull me in close, letting go of his hand, so I can settle mine on his shoulders.

“You look nervous,” he says.

My smile is tremulous. “Are you surprised?”

Crew slowly shakes his head, his hands settling on my hips. “You need to relax. Want to order room service?”

I nod. “I’m hungry.”

“Me too.” He grabs hold of me, making me squeal as he basically tosses me on the bed. I land with my back on the mattress, breathless when he hovers above me, his face in mine, his gaze locking on my lips.

“Is this your idea of room service?”

He laughs. “Did you just make a dirty joke?”

That wasn’t my intention but…

“I guess so.”

Dipping his head, he delivers a drugging kiss upon my lips. One full of plenty of heat and tongue, accompanied by those low murmuring sounds he makes, as if he can’t get enough.

Can’t get enough of me.

His hand slips beneath my sweater and I don’t push him away. I lean into his touch, wishing he’d take it further.

I want to feel his hands all over me.

We kiss for I don’t know how long, until my mouth starts to ache and my chest feels tight. I can feel him as he slowly grinds his hips against mine and my body responds, that slow, throbbing ache between my legs making me restless.

He grabs hold of my hands, interlocking our fingers before he holds them above my head. When he breaks away from my still seeking lips, I lie there trying to catch my breath as he studies my face, his eyes dark.

“If I had my way, we’d never leave this cabin for the entire weekend,” he murmurs.

“We’d eventually have to eat,” I remind him.

“There’s room service.”

“I thought I was your room service.” I smile.

So does he.

“I want to see the Christmas stuff,” I admit. “You said the town was cute.”

“From what I could tell, it’s straight out of a Hallmark movie,” he says.

I frown. “What do you know about Hallmark movies?”

“I have a mother. And a sister. I’ve seen a few in my lifetime,” Crew admits, somewhat grudgingly.

I suddenly have a great idea. “We should watch some this weekend,” I suggest.

“The only thing I want to watch is you.” He nuzzles my neck, his breath hot on my skin. “We should take a bath. That tub will fit the both of us.”

My earlier fantasy flares to life, but is quickly doused by a serious case of nerves. “I don’t know about that.”

He lifts away from my neck, so he can look at me. “What if I feed you first.”

I’m tempted.

“Then give you an orgasm or two.” He grins.

I blush. “Crew…”

“I should’ve brought Blow Pops.” He thrusts against me again, nice and slow, and I close my eyes, breathing deep when I feel his fingers tighten around my wrists. As if he wants to keep me captive.

“Surely you’re more creative than that,” I tease.

He pauses for so long that I open my eyes, worried I said the wrong thing.

“You want me to be more creative?” His brows shoot up. The devilish expression on his face is almost scary.


But not quite.

“I don’t want to scare you, Birdy,” he continues. “But if I had my way, I’d strip you naked. Then I’d take one of those ribbons you’re always wearing in your hair and tie your wrists together.”

He squeezes them for emphasis.

My entire body flushes at the image he’s putting in my head. I love it when he tells me what he wants to do to me. “Then what?”

And I think he knows it too.

“I’d kiss you everywhere. Make you come with my fingers. Then my mouth.” He kisses me, his tongue searching. “What do you want to do to me?”

I don’t know if I can say the words out loud.

“I can tell you what I want.”

“Tell me,” I murmur.

“I want you to make me come with your fingers. Then your mouth.” He basically repeats what he just told me, and my panties flood with moisture at the thought. But…

“I don’t know what to do. I’ve never done anything before,” I admit, hating how closely he’s watching me. If I had my choice, I’d run and hide after such a confession.

“I can show you.”

“You want to show me?” My voice comes out squeaky, and I close my eyes.

The humiliation is almost too much to bear.

“I will show you whatever you want,” he says, his voice rich with promise.

“Will you get undressed for me?” The words are out before I can stop them.

His smile is faint. “Is that what you want?”

I nod. I’m in this far, and once I see him naked…

There is no going back.

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