A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: A Lancaster Prep Novel

A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: Chapter 33

NORMALLY, I don’t do this sort of thing.

Like plan a weekend getaway with a girl I’m hot for.

When I usually spend time with a girl, it’s at a party, or some sort of social gathering. Always in a big group. Never one on one—until I sneak her into an empty bedroom or whatever and we hook up. I’ve had plenty of moments like that in my life, and they leave me mostly satisfied. I lost my virginity at fifteen, at the end of freshman year, and I’ve been fucking on the semi-regular ever since.

My brothers taught me that it’s easy to get pussy, with our family name alone, and I realized quickly they were right. Once they hear you’re a Lancaster, the girls will come flocking without hesitation. With that kind of pull, there was never any reason to get tied down by just one person, not when there were so many options out there.

But then there’s Wren.

I hated her—and maybe I felt that way because deep down I knew I was attracted to her and there was nothing I could do about it. I do not fit the mold of a possible boyfriend when it comes to Wren Beaumont. I’m the one her precious daddy warned her about, and with reason. She avoided me as much as possible.

Until she didn’t.

And somehow, we’re helplessly caught up in each other.

She’s in my thoughts. She haunts my dreams. With her sweet smiles and softly spoken words. The way she watches me with those luminous green eyes. That sexy body hidden under the uniform. Her ripe lips wrapped around a Blow Pop, right before I fuck her with it. The way she looks when she comes.

The fact that I’m the only one who’s ever made her come fills me with this unfamiliar, downright possessive feeling. She was untouched.

Until me.

I don’t want another guy looking at her, let alone talking to her. Even when Malcolm mouthed off to her earlier, I wanted to bash his face in.

And he’s one of my best friends. What he said was essentially harmless.

I’m not used to feeling like this. Hung up on one girl. Thinking about her constantly. Wondering what she’s doing, where she’s at, how she’s feeling.

It fucking killed me, having those rumors go around campus that I was hooking up with Natalie. I know they hurt Wren, but I couldn’t come out and say I was meeting with her instead. She’s a good girl who never gets in trouble.

I refuse to be her downfall.

Thank God all the shit that’s happened the last couple of days is about to be put to bed for good. I missed class most of the day, stuck in the admin office, either being interviewed by police detectives or waiting around for them to talk to me. They interviewed Natalie first, and she wouldn’t break, no matter how much they badgered her.

How do I know this? Shit, I was sitting right outside the room, and I could hear them coming down on her hard. No matter what they said or what tactics they used, the girl would not give.

They tried to do the same to me, making me out to be the liar, but I never gave either. Natalie finally confessed all when her mother showed up.

Then they called Maggie in. And that’s when the shit really hit the fan.

Pretty sure they’re going to arrest Figueroa this weekend. The dude is in huge trouble. I wonder if he even knows what’s about to go down.

That’s half the reason I want to leave. I’m tired of it. Sick of the drama that I was unwittingly drawn into. If I had my choice, I’d never see Figueroa again. Or Natalie.

Pushing all thoughts of the twisted love triangle out of my mind, I grab my phone and make a call to my oldest brother, Grant.

“What do you want?” is how he greets me.

“Great to hear from you too. So glad you keep in touch.” The sarcasm is heavy. This is how my brothers and I operate. We act like we can’t stand each other, but I know they’d be there for me no matter what.

“Do you need something, Crew? Or are you calling just to piss me off?”

I get right to the point. “Is the plane available this weekend?”

“You want to use it?”

“Yeah. Just tonight and then we’re coming home Sunday afternoon.”

“Ask Dad.” He sounds amused.

“Hell no.” His answer is always no when I ask him for almost anything. “That’s why I’m calling you.”

“What exactly are you doing this weekend? And where are you going?”

“Just a quick trip with a friend. We’re going to Vermont.”

I found a town that has snow, an overabundance of Christmas spirit and a luxury hotel with room service. The only rooms they had left all had single king beds. Hopefully Wren doesn’t mind.

I know I don’t.

“With a woman?”

One thing about Grant is that he treats me like I’m an actual adult, which I like. “Yes.”

“I’m warning you. Don’t do it, little brother. You’ll dazzle her with your wealth and then you’ll never be able to shake her. You’re too young to tie yourself down.”

With Wren, it doesn’t feel like I’m tying myself down. I like spending time with her. When I’m not with her, I’m thinking about the next time we’re together. Shit happens and I want to tell her about it.

I’ve never felt this way before. My parents’ relationship is more like a business deal. She tolerates him, he barely tolerates her, they don’t really talk, they cheat on each other…

I could go on and on.

My father is a controlling fucking monster. He tells people what to do and they do it. Grant got older and basically told our dad to fuck off—which he respected. Finn did much the same. Charlotte was just bartered off to the highest bidder.

And then there’s me. The baby of the family. Dear old dad has zero expectations for me. Most of the time, he forgets I exist, which is fine.

I’d rather avoid him every chance I can.

“Her parents are wealthy. She’s used to it.”

“There is nothing like our family, and you know it.”

He’s right, but fuck it.

“Is the plane available or not?”

“It’s available. I can have it headed your way in thirty minutes. The pilot is on call,” Grant says.

“I need it at the airport by around five. I want to leave by five-thirty,” I tell him.

“I’ll let them know.”

I can tell he’s about to end the call, but I stop him. “Hey, Grant.”


“Thank you.”

“Consider it your Christmas present.”

There’s a clicking sound and then he’s gone.

I call Wren next.

“I have a surprise for you,” is what I say when she answers.

“Are you actually planning a trip, Crew?”

“That’s what I told you, right?” Does she doubt me? I need to make sure she never does again.

“Yes, but I don’t know. This is all so last minute.” The worry in her voice is obvious. “And I don’t know how to tell my parents.”

“Like I mentioned earlier, tell your parents you’re going on a trip with a friend. Just for a few days.”

“With what friend?”

“I don’t know—Maggie?”

A sigh leaves her. “I guess I could. Where are you taking me?”

“I want it to be a surprise.”

“That’s sweet and all, but when I call Daddy and tell him I’m leaving for the weekend, he’s going to ask where I’m going. And I can’t say it’s a surprise, because that’s just weird.”

This girl is so damn aggravating sometimes. She worries too much about what other people think of her—especially her precious daddy.

“We’re going to Vermont,” I tell her.

“Oh really? I’ve never been! I’ve heard it’s so pretty. The mountains and the snow. Some of the towns really get into Christmas too.”

“Does that mean you’re definitely coming with me?”

“I want to.” She hesitates. “Let me call my father first and tell him. I’ll see what he says. He has to sign me out anyway so…”

That’s true. I’m eighteen and can sign myself out. Well, that and I’m a Lancaster.

When your name is on the school, they let you get away with a lot of stuff with no arguments.

“Call or text me when you’ve got an answer, okay? And hurry. I already ordered the plane,” I say.

She’s quiet for a moment. “We’re actually going to fly there?”

“I didn’t want to drive.”

“Oh my God, Crew.”

“Have you never flown private before?”

“No, never.”

“You’re in for the ride of your life then.”

In more ways than one, if I have anything to say about it.

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