A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: A Lancaster Prep Novel

A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime: Chapter 30

I’M SITTING IN HEADMASTER MATTHEWS’ office, slouching in the chair that sits in front of his desk, watching as he speaks on the phone with my father. He’s got it on speaker, I can hear every shitty word Reginald Lancaster has to say about me, but I don’t care.

I just want out of here. I need to talk to Wren. Clear the air with her and make sure she understands what actually happened last night.

“Normally we would suspend students caught out on campus after curfew,” Matthews says after my dad wraps up his three-minute tirade on my lack of focus and how I don’t give a damn about school or other people. “But we’re so close to finals week and winter break. I’m thinking the time off will be a good time for both your son and Miss Hartford to think about what they’ve done and come to terms with their mistakes.”

My father makes a harumphing noise. “You’re too soft on ‘em, Matthews.”

Matthews can’t win. He suspends me, and my father will be pissed. He lets me go and my father’s pissed.

“I’ll put them in detention then,” Matthews suggests, his gaze meeting mine. If I could, I’d give him the finger, but I restrain myself. “For the rest of the week.”

That’s a whoppin’ two days. Big deal.

“Whatever you think is best.” I can tell my father is done with this conversation. “Crew!”

“Yes, Sir?” God, I hate him.

“Quit fucking around and get your head on straight for once in your goddamn life. Do you understand me?”

Matthews flinches at the choice words my father uses. Such a cool, calm dude when he wants to be.


“Will do,” I tell him.

Dad ends the call, and with a sigh, Matthews punches a button, shutting off the phone. He rests his elbows on top of his messy desk, pressing his hands together. “You know I’m taking a chance with this.”

I lean forward in my chair, taking my opportunity. “And you know I’m telling you the truth. Natalie was sneaking back onto campus after meeting with Mr. Figueroa. I saw his car. I saw him inside the car. Pretty sure I saw him kiss her too.”

Matthews winces. “You sure about that?”

“Not one hundred percent.”

“You don’t think he was helping her with a paper?”

Oh sweet, idiotic Headmaster Matthews. Why is everyone in denial when it comes to Figueroa?

“It was ten o’clock at night. I don’t think he was helping her with a paper,” I tell him, my voice dry. “I don’t even think she’s in one of his English classes.”

Matthews sighs. “She’s not. I’ve already checked.”

“Told you.”

“This is a serious allegation, Crew. You could put a man’s entire career at stake if this comes out.”

“It’ll come out, because now that I’ve told you, by law, you have to report it to the authorities.” I’m feeling pretty damn good for ratting Fig out. I don’t even care if it fucks with his career. That’s exactly what it should do. “He has no business teaching here. These rumors have been going on for years. Haven’t you ever heard about them?”

Matthews sighs. “There have been rumors swirling around him for years. A friendly English teacher, who actually cares, garners a lot of attention, some of it negative. The man is an institution at this school. He’s been here longer than I have.”

“And that means it’s okay that he’s preying on underage teenage girls.” I nod. “Gotcha.”

“I want you to know no one has ever come to me about Figueroa—ever. I’ve heard rumors, but I’ve never seen actual proof.”

“Well, now you’ve got to make your report, and you’ve got your proof. Me. I saw them.” I rise to my feet. “Can I go to class now?”

“What’s your first period?”

“Honors English.” I grin, not giving a shit that I’ll see Figueroa. Might be fun, knowing that I’m destroying him, yet he has no clue.

Plus, I need to talk to Wren. Make sure she’s okay. All the rumors must be flying around campus, and I’m sure they’re all talking about me and Natalie.

Malcolm already warned me Ezra is mad, thinking I’m trying to steal his girl by meeting up with her last night.

The dumbass has no clue what’s really going on. He needs to blame that asshole Fig for stealing Natalie from him.

I leave Matthews’ office a few minutes later, spotting Natalie sitting in the admin office, I assume waiting to speak to him next. The moment her gaze meets mine, she stands, rushing toward me.

“What did you tell him?” she asks, her voice hushed as she glances over at Matthews’ secretary, Vivian, who’s watching us with obvious interest.


Natalie’s eyes widen. “What exactly are you referring to?”

“Had to rat out your lover, Nat. Sorry, but I’m tired of watching this guy destroy girls’ lives every semester. He deserves to go down.” I start to walk away, but Natalie grabs my sleeve, her grip surprisingly strong. I look back at her, shaking her hand off. “What’s wrong with you?”

Her expression is panicked. “You can’t do that. You just—you can’t.”

“Too late.”

She’s shaking her head. “When my parents find out what happened, they’re going to kill me. It’s like you didn’t even think about what you’re doing. You don’t care about anyone else. Just yourself.”

“Come on, I was telling the truth,” I remind her. I had to come clean with Matthews over what I saw. “I’m not about to take the fall for him.”

We’re basically in a stare off, and I can tell she wants to smack me. Slap my face. Stomp on my foot. Something. She’s so pissed off at me right now, but I don’t even care. I had to do the right thing.

Natalie’s entire demeanor transforms. Suddenly she’s standing a little straighter. Her expression clears. Her voice is calm. “You’re lying.” She says this loud enough for Vivian to hear her.

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“We met up last night. We hooked up. And we got caught. You just don’t want to admit it. Don’t want your precious little virgin to find out you’ve been fucking me on the side,” Natalie says, her tone as sweet as her smile.

“Miss Hartford, please watch your mouth,” Vivian reprimands.

Matthews comes out of his office, halting when he spots me and Natalie talking. “Come in, Miss Hartford. We have much to discuss.”

“Yes, we most certainly do.” The smile Natalie flashes me is smug before she turns and enters Matthews’ office, shutting the door behind her.

I storm out of the admin office, snatching the pass from Vivian before I leave, and head for Figueroa’s class.

Fucking Natalie. She’s going to tell Matthews a completely different story and make me look like a lying asshole, all to protect her precious Fig. Confirming all the rumors swirling around campus this morning.

That I was hooking up with her, not Wren.

I wonder if Wren would vouch for me. Of course, this would mean she’d have to come clean about her sneaking into my room last night, and I’m sure she wouldn’t want to do that, even though she’s a reliable witness. Matthews would believe her over all of us.

But my little birdy doesn’t get in trouble.


I’m a bad influence. I should probably leave her alone, let her be. But fuck.

I’ve had a taste. I want more.

Within seconds I’m entering the classroom, marching up to Figueroa’s desk and tossing the pass at him.

“You’re late yet again,” he says, a faint smile curling his lips.

“No thanks to you,” I bite out, wanting him to know I saw him with Natalie last night.

He’s not even paying attention to what I’m saying. “Go sit down and work on your essay. Or read. Whatever it is you need to do. And don’t talk to anyone. Understand me?”

“You’re not my boss,” I retort, annoyed. Hating how he’s making me feel like a little kid, when I know I could take this asshole.

If I ever get a chance, I’m going to kick the shit out of him. He would deserve it.

“I am your teacher, and you’ll listen to what I have to say. I’ve had enough of your backtalk these last few weeks. Sit down.” His gaze never strays from mine. “Now.”

I can feel Wren’s gaze on me and I glance in her direction, noting the pleading expression on her face. She looks sad. Of course she does. Shit’s gone sideways in a matter of hours.

I go sit down behind her, leaning over my desk, getting as close to her as I can. “I need to talk to you.”

She turns her head to the side and I stare at her profile, wishing I could kiss her. She nods but doesn’t say a word.

Fuck. This is a mess.

A complete mess.

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