A Man Like None Other And The Man Decree

A Man Like None Other And The Man Decree Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Dragon Chair
“Come in, you two!”
Gu Wentian nodded slightly towards Chen Ping, it was a greeting!
In his opinion, a young descendant in his early twenties who can be called a gentleman by Lin Tianhu must be rich and powerful
in his family, so he is so respected by Lin Tianhu, not because of his strength!
Lin Tianhu and Chen Ping walked into Gu Wentian’s house. As soon as they entered, Chen Ping felt a burst of strong spiritual
energy. There were several big trees in the yard that were thick enough to hug, blocking a large area of sunlight!
Continue to walk forward, rockery and flowing water, buildings and pavilions, every place exudes a strong ancient fragrance!
”How old are these ancient trees?”
Chen Ping looked at the big trees and couldn’t help asking.
Because these rich auras are all emitted from these big trees!
”Mr. Chen, these ancient trees are all hundreds of years old. It is because of these trees that the ancient courtyard was built
Lin Tianhu explained to Chen Ping!
Chen Ping nodded slightly, and he understood why Gu Wentian, a provincial official, chose to come to this little Hongcheng to
live in his old age!
This place has abundant aura, which is really suitable for old age, and living here for a long time, after being nourished by aura,
the body will become younger and tougher!
After passing through a corridor, Gu Wentian led Lin Tianhu and Chen Ping into the hall. The entire hall was filled with antique
furniture, each with a history of hundreds of years. There was even a dragon chair carved with nine giant dragons. In the middle
of the hall!
There is a golden cushion on the dragon chair, and it seems that someone often sits on it!

Chen Ping frowned slightly at the dragon chair, and his expression became a little weird!
”You two, sit down!”
Gu Wentian waved his hands casually, and then sat directly on the dragon chair!
After Lin Tianhu and Chen Ping were seated, Gu Wentian asked the servants to pour tea!
”Master Hu, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. If you need any help from this old man, just say it!”
Gu Wentian knew that Lin Tianhu was coming, and he must be looking for him for something!
Lin Tianhu looked at Chen Ping, and Chen Ping said, “We know that the ancients love to collect, so we want to ask whether
there are spirit brushes here in ancient times, that is, the brushes used by ancient writers, and the cinnabar made from animal
” A pen?” Gu Wentian frowned slightly in thought.
”Ancient, of course we don’t want ancient things in vain. As long as there is ancient here, the price is free, and I, Lin Tianhu, will
never pay back!”
Lin Tianhu hurriedly said in order to prevent Gu Wentian from worrying.
”What did the tiger say?” Gu Wentian smiled lightly: “If I have it, it’s okay to give it to you. Does money mean anything to me?”
”Yes, yes, the ancients regarded money as dung! “Lin Tianhu nodded again and again.
”Things like writing brushes are consumables, so it is almost impossible to keep used brushes. As for the cinnabar made from
animal blood, I have never heard of it.” Gu Wentian shook his head, but then continued. Said: “But if you want to find this kind of
thing, maybe there are more Taoist temples than me here. After all, these Taoist priests need to draw talismans to exorcise
ghosts, and the brushes they use may have spirituality!”
As soon as Gu Wentian’s words fell, Chen Ping’s heart was instantly overjoyed. , he forgot about this, the brushes used by the
Taoists to exorcise ghosts and draw talismans must have spirituality, including the cinnabar used, just go directly to the Taoist
temple to find them, why bother to look around in the antique street!
”Thank you for reminding Gu!” Chen Ping got up and gave Gu Wentian a salute!

”Hahaha, you’re welcome, I just mentioned it casually!”
Gu Wentian laughed!
”Ancient, dare to ask where the dragon chair under you came from?”
Chen Ping asked.
”What? You can see how extraordinary this dragon chair is?” Gu Wentian said with a proud face, “I bought this dragon chair from
abroad with a lot of money. This is a real dragon chair, from the Ming Dynasty. This thing, the real Dragon Emperor sat on it.”
Gu Wentian gently stroked the dragon chair under him, and it was obvious that he liked it very much.

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