A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 8- Under The Ocean

The rushing currents and crashing waves forced Hector deep into the depths of the sea. For he went down into a crevasse of the deep. He tried to get free from the raging currents that were pulling him down, but there was no hope for him. Hector began to let go and accept his fate. He was lost.

As he sank down he began to lose consciousness, and went in and out of blackouts, as his brain was starved of oxygen. Yet strangely, he was kept alive. Against all expectations Hector felt that his life was somehow, not slipping away, that somehow he was in no danger, he felt a wave of peace rush over him. Then he blacked out again.

Hector’s now unconscious body made its way to the ocean floor, where it came to rest on a bed of bluish luminescent seaweed. A cascade of sea life came to investigate the foreign intruder. Hector felt them crawling all over him, the tiny feet of crustaceans, and the inquisitive nudging of various fish. He was unable to move or even open his eyes, and his lungs were filled with water, yet he would not die. He was conscious enough to feel things, and his mind was very much intact.

After what felt like a week (and perhaps was), of lying there, being poked, stabbed, pricked, bitten, pulled, nudged and pinched, Hector saw a bright light. He felt his body being picked up, and carried off somewhere. For a moment he opened his eyes. Through his hazy vision, Hector saw a man, a metal man. Then he blacked out again.

What was this that snatched him from the grasp of death? With great arms, he was lifted from a watery grave, and taken. Some hulking machine, deep under the ocean. But machines care not for the life or death of a person, and so this was no machine.

Hector awoke in a strange place. He could hear the distant laughing of children playing, the various rumbling and banging of a nearby workshop, and, to his astonishment, he could actually breathe. Hector sat up and looked around. He was in a town. Hector got up and decided to walk down the street that he was laying on. The buildings were so strange in design. ‘I’ve never seen double-bolted circular windows before. But why?’ He thought. This place seemed to be quite the contrast to the colorful lights of Violet Town. As Hector was walking down the street, he could see that the people of this mysterious town were looking at him quite strangely. However, he didn’t think much of it, as he was curious as to whether his eyes were deceiving him. And to his observations, he was correct. This town was surrounded by a glass dome, and at the other side of the glass dome, was the ocean. This town was indeed under the water. Totally astonished, Hector fell on his behind. Just then, a man approached Hector.

He said. “Looks like you’re finally awake. I didn’t think you’d make it, we’ve never seen someone on the ocean floor before.”

As he helped Hector to his feet, Hector asked, “What happened to me? Where am I?”

“Well you’re in the city of Artemus. A safe haven for those weary of the future which life above the waves hold. As to what happened to you, don’t rightly know boy, but I tell you, you’re lucky we came when we did, there were a swarm of manta rays approaching.”

“Manta rays?”

“You heard me, manta rays, the most ruthless, vicious, killing machines in all the ocean. Well recently anyhow.” The man said leaning forward as he told Hector, waving his finger in the air. “But hey, you’re probably full of questions, so I’ll take you to the mayor.”

The man was right, alright, Hector was confused. He had so many questions he didn’t know where to begin. “Manta Rays?” He said once more.

“Yeah, you don’t want to get tangled in with them, they’re the greatest threat going down here. Well, they’ve only been cause of concern the last couple of years. They were once peaceful creatures, but they’ve changed. They hunt anything that resembles a human.” The man said fearfully.

The man then led Hector through the streets, past what looked to be a marketplace, with signs for selling whale oil, diving suits, seaweed and crab meat skewers, amongst various other strange delicacies. The streets were lined with bluish lights, lighting up the otherwise dark underwater streets. He then continued to take Hector up a hill that made its way to a mountain with a path which went inside. Hector was still very much amazed at the massive dome which loomed overhead. It was as though this was a new world, where the atmosphere was lined with glass, and the curvature of the earth was plain to see. And instead of the vast vacuum of space on the other side, it was something just as asphyxiating, the ocean.

After they walked passed a pub named ‘The Rusty Anchor’, were the tale telling of deep sea divers and their adventures could be heard. (No doubt the tallest of tales) They made it to the entrance of the mountain.

“What is this place?” Hector asked.

“This is where the mayor is, and this isn’t a mountain, it’s an inactivevolcano. Well that’s what they say, but how should I know, I like to keep my distance from this place, just in case it goes off.”

Hector couldn’t think of the words to say, so he just kept quiet.

The man opened the grand doors of this place and led him in. The volcano was completely hollow. There was a massive space that spanned higher then could be seen. As the door slid shut, the clasp of the lock echoed through the vast halls.

The top of this volcano must have reached all the way to the surface of the water. How else would there be air.’ Hector thought.

At the other side of the room was a man who had the largest top-hat Hector had ever seen, along with the complete suit to fit. As Hector approached him he began to make out his wirery beard, and his crazed eyes, as he was polishing the most grand of pistols.

“look! I’m no magician!” The man shouted. His voice filling the vast expanse of the halls. “If that’s what you want, I’ll shoot you were you stand!” He continued, as he waved his gun in Hector’s direction.

“No sir.” Hector mumbled. “I’m not really sure why I’m here.”

“Yes my lord, a hunting expedition found him, outside.” The man who brought Hector to this hall said. “Somehow he survived, even though he had no breathing apparatus with him. We don’t know where he came from, or why he’s here, so I thought it best to bring him to you, sir.”

“Yes very well puppet, you may leave. I want to speak to our guest alone.” The Mayor ordered.

The man left, and Hector was now alone with the mayor, in this intimidating room. Dark and infinite as shadows covered the walls that had to be there. The mayor stared at Hector, his eyes fixed on his direction, as he stroked his beard. He was sitting on a grand throne, three steps high, and a back rest that stretched over two stories in height.

“So why are you here boy?” The man said leaning forward in his chair.

“Well... I guess fate brought me here?”... Immediately Hector was cut off as he said,

“Hah, there is no such thing as fate, but continue.”

“Ah yes, well I’m Hector from Tammerville. About… Actually I don’t quite know how long ago it began, all these weird things started happening, and so I went out to find where they were coming from. I made it to Violet Town, and I was chased up a lighthouse. That was where I jumped into the ocean. I couldn’t swim, so I kind of drowned. But as to how I didn’t die, I have no idea. That’s how I made it here.” Hector said with his hands crossed behind his back.

“How did you get out of Violet Town without becoming one of them? Nobody ever leaves Violet town the same. Well I have noticed your eye, but that’s nothing.”

Hector just stared at him blankly.

“Sir?” Hector stammered. “Are you one of them?”

His eyes widened, “One of who?”

“Well I’m not sure, but when I was in the forest I was saved by a man, who could control the trees, He said that he was one of five, but there was one like him. I’m not sure what that means, but are you the other one he mentioned?”

“Oh, you are smart one.” The man said clapping his hand together in excitement. “And if I was this ‘one’, what would you ask of me?”

“Well, I’m not sure, I was told to find the one, and he will explain what is happening.”

In a serious tone, the man sat up and began to tell the story.

“Very well, listen up boy, I’m only going to say this once. Years ago, I was one of them, one of the five. We were but business men. We all had grand plans to be something in this world. We all wanted to change the world, bring something that was missing. Myself, and the other three, were brought together by Malachi. We all worked under him for some time, but we never really knew of his intentions.

One thing led to another, and that’s when we got into the weapon manufacturing industry. It was flourishing with the conflict within the land, just following the Great War. Town against town, all were at war. Then something changed. I should have left at that point, but as business men, we were going places.”

The man got up, and with a somewhat sinister look in his crazed eyes, he walked up to Hector. He just stared into his eyes, and with a swift motion, he grabbed Hector’s sword and pulled it out of its sheath, then in a blink of an eye, he spun around and decapitated a lone training dummy that was situated by his throne. As the seaweed-filled head fell to the ground, the man let out a thundering laugh.

“That’ll teach you, to make fun of me behind my back.” The man said to the rolling head of the dummy.

Hector just stared at him with a complete stunned expression. Hector thought to himself, ‘This man is crazy, can I even trust what he says to be true?’

I write this down quite some time after the events, but nevertheless, much has been found. The

Southern Region has revealed itself to be quite involved in the events that have taken place in the last few weeks. The region itself in fact a flourishing land surrounding the most beautiful and brightly lit city I have ever seen. Violet Town is what it’s called. On account of all the lights I assume. One notable observation is that the city of Violet Town is completely inhabited by those resembling the cursed ones in Tammerville. As I noted earlier, the curse is connected with one’s morality. But this town is one which embraces the curse. Though they would not call it such.

My journey has continued longer than any other, and I am beginning to miss home. I have never been away from Tammerville for this long before, neither have I travelled alone. I often spare a thought for those at home, namely my sister Jane. She is a small child, but I hope that someone has thought to care for her. I also wonder about Hope and Jessy and whether they are in good health.

It turns out, that the origin of the curse, and the trees, are one in the same. And there are many who wish things to stay as they are. I found myself being chased by the residents of the city. And now, I find myself in an even stranger town, at the bottom of the ocean. I cannot explain why I did not drown. Well in fact, I did drown, but why I did not die, I cannot say. I wish to return home, but I’m not sure if I have a home to return to. And this journey seems to be pulling me along at such pace, I find myself unable to turn back.

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