A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 39- Silent As The Grave

Once it was clear that there was no way to save Jane from the grim circumstance that was her death, she was buried. Norrth and Jessy, dug the grave, Hope wiped away the blood and tidied the hair of the pale angel, and when all was done, Hector picked up the body and placed it gently to rest in the hole. All this was done without a single word. When the final handful of dirt was gently packed onto the mound, there they stood, heads downcast, as though listening to a eulogy or the final words of a priest, though they were in complete silence.

They stood in silence for about an hour. Not a single one of them could bring themselves to make even the slightest of whispers. There were no words of comfort that could be given, and words of any other kind would fall on deaf ears. This was a time that only time could heal, and all that can be done, is wait for that time of mourning to pass.

In fact, there was not a single word spoken for the next twenty-four hours. Except that of Norrth, saying, “What will that accomplish?” When Hector brought the barrel of his pistol to his own head. However it was not loaded.

The party moved at such slow pace, their footsteps heavy with sorrow. The sky was covered with thick clouds, and a chilling breeze blew through. It was as though the entire land was in mourning along with them. There wasn’t even a single morning tweet or chirp from any bird, nor the rustling of leaves from anything on land or in the shrubs. All was silent. For that whole day and night, all was silent, silent as the grave.

Early in the morning, after their traveling had commenced, Norrth said to Hector,

“You do realize what you have done Hector? Don’t you?”

Hector looked a Norrth with the full weight of Jane’s death in his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“The arrow which you fired, killing Meridian. It was reserved for another. The ramifications of which, I cannot say. But there may be a time, when I may not be able to help you.”

“I don’t care.” Hector said bluntly. “Too many of those close to me, have been hurt, or worse, in an attempt to help me. I don’t want any more help. Not from you, and not from Hope.”

“But Hector...” Hope said worryingly.

“No.” Hector said sternly. “Meridian was right. I’m no different than those beasts. It’s only a matter of time until I become one of them. I can feel it. From inside of me. A burning.” Hector looked away. “It’s only a matter of time.” He repeated.

“You will achieve naught, thinking like that, Hector.” Norrth said. “We’d best sleep on the matter, you will feel much better in the morning.” Norrth looked around. “But here is not a safe place to rest. We are only a couple hours away from the tunnel that leads under the river, and makes its way to the control room. We will rest when we reach the tunnel.”

Norrth then led the way, taking them towards the tunnel. They traveled through a green landscape, glittered with the golden light of the afternoon sun, reflecting off the droplets of the day’s tearful unhanding.

My dear sister Jane has fallen into the depths of the ultimate darkness. May she rest in peace. As I play through the events leading up to her death a thousand times in my head, I know, without exception, I am at fault. The guilt I place on myself is a crippling one. Though I have not had any kind of blame put on me by my companions. This troubles me however, it fuels my own guilty conscience as I think of a suitable punishment for myself. After all, if there is no one to punish me for my actions, then I must punish myself.

As evening fell, they reached the cave entrance. “There we go.” Said Norrth.

“We’re here at last. Not only will this tunnel take us under the river, it will lead us directly to the control room. But first, we may spend the night here. Take off your packs, and rest, for this is a safe place.” It did indeed seem to be a safe place. For the entrance was well hidden, it could only be found if one were looking for it, and knew exactly where it was. Much like Norrth’s cabin in the Westwood forest.

But Hector was not at ease. Though the group set up a campfire, and all seemed safe, Hector was discontent and restless. He could feel something inside him. Something taking form, growing. He knew this was the curse, pulsing through his veins. It was only a matter of time until this feeling of poison streaming into his brain would take physical form, and make him do something he would regret.

Hector isolated himself away from the campfire, sitting in a dark corner of the cavern. As they rested and ate, Hope couldn’t help but look Hector’s way, she did this several times. Turning to Norrth, she said, “Is he ok?” Referring to Hector and his retreative disposition. Norrth remained silent. “Perhaps he is still grieving.” She said.

Nightfall had come and those warmed by the soothing heat from the fire, fell asleep. Hector however, had no plans on sleeping through the night. ‘I have to stop those within the control room now.’ He thought. ‘If I wait until the morning, it may be too late. I would be taken by the curse that is growing within me, putting everyone in danger. I must stop them without the help of my friends, finish this before they even wake from their slumber.’

Hector stood up, had a possible last look at his companions, and lit a torch in the smoldering flames of the fire. Norrth had prepared torches earlier, so they could venture through the tunnel first thing in the morning. But Hector, began his journey through the tunnel in the dead of night.

The cavern in which they set up camp was quite wide and spacious, but as Hector made his way deeper within the earth, the walls quickly narrowed. He began to feel changes in his body beginning to take form. As he dashed down the earthen hallway, he began to quicken in pace. Abnormally so. He seemed to also have tapped into some seemingly limitless supply of energy, as he ran and leapt for something like two hours straight.

By this point, something else had occurred. Hector stopped. His vision was becoming increasingly sensitive. And the torch which he had to light his way, was becoming so bright, that Hector had to toss it aside and continue without it. His eyes were that sensitive, that he could still see, even though any human, would be in complete black. Hector then ran for about another two hours.


Meanwhile at the entrance of the cave, a chilling wind blew through the campsite, waking up all who slept there. It was early morning, before the sun had begun to rise, but the temperature had dropped. As it usually does, at this time.

Hope stood up, and looked passed the ashes of what was their fire, and saw that Hector was not there.

“Norrth! Hector’s gone.” She cried.

Eyes still closed, Norrth said, “I know. Well I figured he would go without us.”

“Are we going to follow him?”

“Yes.” Norrth said as he climbed out of his sleeping bag. “But we’ll have to hurry, if we hope to help Hector.”

Norrth quickly started the fire and lit the torches. “We have no time to waste.” So they ran in pursuit of Hector. Leaving the camp supplies and their packs behind.

They only had Norrth’s sword and the clothes on their backs. As they ran, Norrth, who was carrying Jessy on his back, said, “This is part of their plan. Ichabod’s last chance to claim Hector’s body. But we can’t let that happen. He’s been playing God for far too long.”

“But how will we ever catch up with Hector. He’s had a several hour head start.”

“There are many divergents and varying paths within this tunnel, but all ways lead to the control room. And I know the quickest route.” Norrth said.

But if time wasn’t already of the essence, they stopped in their tracks as they heard the voices of people entering the cave. There were the silhouetted figures of four men. Norrth drew his sword, and ran toward the men. “Continue forward! I will catch up.” He yelled back at Hope and Jessy.

Norrth knew not who these men were, as it seemed that after Hector’s act of shooting Meridian, a future had birthed that Norrth was not prepared for. However Hope and Jessy knew who they were, though Hope, not at the time.

As Norrth had spent the last century or so following the plans of the Keeper, and being prepared by him for what lies ahead, he was unsure and afraid. For the first time in over a hundred years, he could not see what was before him. This unpreparedness caused Norrth to act rashly. His plan was to slay these four men, before even knowing who they were. But as he was but meters away, Jessy yelled, “NO!” His voice echoed through the cave. “STOP!” Norrth quickly halted and knelt on one knee, placing his sword back in its scabbard.

Hope and Jessy then ran towards the people. Though it wasn’t until they were quite close until Hope could make out who the people were.

“Look! It’s the lass that was with that boy Hector.” Came one of the voices.

Hope then realized that the voice came from Shamus. Standing with him were Valimir, Charlie and after introductions, Flynn (Who she had not met previously). Hope was shocked to see Valimir, Charlie and Shamus, and doubly shocked to see them together.

“What are you all doing here?” She asked.

“We’re here to help Hector, the old chap.” Valimir said.

“That was until we were about to be run through by Mr. Tall, Dark and Scary over here.” Charlie said, motioning towards Norrth.

Norrth smiled, though no one could see it, hidden under his mask. Shamus then walked towards Jessy, patting his head and straitening the crown on the boys head. “And thank you little king. Without you shouting ‘stop’ I fear we’d been steamrolled into oblivion.”

“My apologies.” Norrth said.

“Where is the young lad anyways?” Flynn said.

“Hector’s gone ahead on his own.” Hope responded.

“Well then we mustn't waste any more time.” Said Valimir.

So they all began running as fast as they could, through the twists and turns of the cave. Norrth leading the way.

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