A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 36- Revelations & Occupations

Hector could see with both eyes again. It was a feeling that could not be properly described. It was a sense similar to sitting down and taking off your shoes and socks after a long day of travel, though still much different.

“My journey has taken me far, and I have come within the grip of death far too many times that I care to think, though now that I am in your presence, I do not know what to ask. Norrth and the Ancient Archer of legend are one in the same. He is older than the first war. Eras past he has seen. Though he does not look over the age of thirty. Then you must be older, as he only acts out your will.” Hector said, as he tried to grasp all that was revealed.

“The term, Ancient Archer of Legend is a fitting title, for the works of Norrth have become legend. His actions, my actions, have become something of a myth. Most don’t believe the tales, and they are in fact, tales to most. Not only that, I myself have been forgotten. My existence is unknown to all. Except for you Hector, and a few others.” Hector knew that the others the Keeper referred to was the five. Malachi, Moab, Arnold, Shamus and Flynn. Even if some were blind to the fact.

“Hector, I do not expect you to understand, but I have always been. The Control Room has always been. The natural order of this world, is my order. I feel it in the wind, I see it in the trees, and I have heard from the animals, this world is in pain.

People cower in the shadows, for fear of being exposed, for their sins have been made plain to see. Others have evolved into abominations who neither hide nor restrain their sins. Their minds have changed, they can think of nothing but evil all the time. Though they may claim, they are doing nothing but what is natural to them, it is plain to see that what they do is far from natural. For though following the desires of the heart is a natural act, the desires of the heart are not always natural. If the natural has been altered or stained in any way, no matter how small, it is no longer natural.”

Hector thought and remembered his time in Violet Town. As he witnessed the beast-like people acting in such violent and in-human ways, he began to feel such anger and disgust towards them. He also remembered the tale told by Hope, regarding Tammerville. As the people had also become monsters. Anger grew in his heart, and a strong hatred developed within. “We need to stop this!” Hector said in a passion-filled voice. “This is why I have sort to find you. You must reverse this curse.”

“Do not become agitated and overzealous Hector, for I will bring justice. Also, the cursed ones, they are not your main concern, neither are they mine. For the ones who have put this curse on the world. They are the ones who must feel the hand of justice.”

With downcast eyes, looking to the floor, Hector said. “I do not doubt your ability to fix everything. To reverse the curse.” At this he placed his hand over his healed eye that once was stained by the curse. “But if you have always been in the control room, and the room has always been, then why did you leave? Why did you let the five take control? Why didn’t you stop them before all this even happened?”

“Hector, what do you know of freedom?” Said the Keeper.

“Freedom is the opposite of oppression.” Replied Hector. “It is where you are able to do whatever you please.”

“That is correct. Freedom is the byproduct of having free-will, and free-will is what I allow. If not, I would be nothing but an oppressor, and you, will be nothing but a robot.”

Hector looked blankly, for ‘robot’ was a term foreign to him. He had not heard of such a thing. However, he was able to understand what the Keeper was saying.

“Free-will is something that I allow, something I give. Even if, those who have free-will, choose to do what is destructive. I allowed those five men to enter the control room and do as they please, even if they have doomed their future. For they are not free from the consequences of their actions. For they all heard a voice calling from within their very souls, telling them to turn around and leave the mysteries of the room, and let them remain mysteries. But another call they heard.

One with lustful, tantalizing words. Tempting them with mysteries and machines. With the thoughts of being kings, with playing God. A voice they were free to hear.”

Hector thought for a moment, for all this was a lot for him to take in. He thought about the conversations he had had with Moab and Patric, and remembered some of what they had said. “Those who embraced the curse, they claimed to be free. “Free from morality.” They said. You have allowed free-will, which in turn gives freedom, but the Five, they offer freedom as well. A freedom to do as they please.” Hector said this because he was beginning to get confused by what was right and what was wrong, and although his efforts to find the Keeper had been quite strong, he had flickering moments where he was unsure of which side he should actually be on.

“Hector, I give freedom to do good or to do evil. That is freedom. This so called ‘freedom from morality,’ is actually contrary to freedom. Actually they are not free from morality, they are in fact slaves to their immorality. If they cannot do good, and all they do is evil, that is not freedom, they are slaves. If they can do nothing but progress the cultivation of their immorality, they are slaves. That is not freedom.”

“So are you saying that all the beasts and mutated peoples of Arccon are in fact slaves to the five and the curse they have created?”

“Hector, an answer to such a question is not as simple as you may expect. There is no yes or no answer that I can give. In fact, I can give you an answer of both yes and no. For yes they are slaves to the curse, although they become mutated, it is their actions which they cannot control that cause the mutation, and the curse is mealy a visual representation of their hearts. But also No, for their actions are their own. Their decisions are their own. There is an appropriate mystery that must be accepted Hector.”

“Forgive me, all this is rather confusing.” Hector said. “What role does Ichabod play in all of this?” He asked, looking at the angle of the sun, with its golden rays peering through the trees, noticing that the afternoon was beginning to slip away, and evening was at hand. A thought arose in the back of his mind, about Hope and how she was probably wondering where he and Jessy were. But more important matters were at hand.

The Keeper spoke. “Ichabod is a necessary evil. That is in fact what he is, Evil. He is a being who has not been fortunate enough to receive a body. He moves through this world, spreading lies, and making deals. Though he has not been graced with a body himself, he has spent much time within the bodies of others.

You may wonder about his purpose, but I tell you, he is necessary, for a time. Freewill cannot exist if there is only one way. Ichabod gives an alternative way. Though one must be cautious. For he can whisper lies, which, to the unprepared, seem quite alluring.”

“I believe I am beginning to understand.” Hector said. “I am beginning to understand your purpose, as well as the purpose of Ichabod. Though still not fully. But as I recall my journey, which has led me here, there has been many circumstances that I have found myself very fortunate. As I have seen that you have abilities that show that you do not require the control room to perform. I suspect these circumstances have been fortunate by your hand.” In particular Hector thought of when he was at the bottom of the ocean, when he had drowned, but he had not died. One who had power over nature and creation, would have been the only one who could have done something such as that. Though for what purpose? And this was what Hector asked. He said, “What purpose do you have for me?”

“So you have realized that more than chance has played a part on your journey. It is true, I have played a part in your survival to this point. Though perhaps not as extensively as you may think. I have indeed paved a way for you. Set you on a path. But you are not bound to that path, like a train is bound to its tracks. You are free to travel down the path I have made, or to leave and go your own way. You are not set apart, or indeed special in any way, I have not chosen you because of your greatness, nor your skill or any various attributes. Apart from one, that is.

You listen. Or should I say, you are able to hear. When you were drifting to the bottom of the ocean, you had a choice. Die, like anyone else would, following the call to the grave. Or listen to my command to live, to not die. You being here, is testament to the fact you have accepted that call to live, to survive.

But what is your purpose from here? Well you are to confront Ichabod. As you know there are two people in the control room, Moab and Malachi. But there is a third, Ichabod. Though Malachi and Moab are the ones playing God, it is Ichabod who is orchestrating all this. He must be stopped.”

“But what do you want me to do?” Asked Hector, unsure of his task. “Am I to enter the control room and kill Moab and Malachi?”

“Hector. I want you to do what you see is fit. But do not worry, do not become overburdened with this task, for you are at the end. You are also, not alone.

Though I will be leaving you this moment, I will be with you at the end. I will return when I mean to return. I will, bring victory.”

“Wait, what do you mean? Where are you going?” Hector asked. But before he got an answer, the Keeper had stood and left. Although Hector wanted to follow, he couldn’t find the strength to stand up. He became drowsy, and his vision became blurred.

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