A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 34- The Ancient Archer

Hector turned to see who had fired the arrow, though he half hoped, there to be no one standing there. But in the tall, thin pines and young oaks, at the edge of the glade, there was a figure of a man. He stood tall with a large frame. Slender, but tall, with wide shoulders. He was a large man, just a few inches short of being called a giant.

If his figure wasn’t intimidating enough, in his hand was the contraption that fired the arrow. It was not a bow or gun, neither was it a crossbow. But it was something between a crossbow and a gun. The mechanics were similar to that of a crossbow, though much more powerful, and there was no part which resembled a bow. From what could be seen, it had an oval wheel, that when armed, would sling-shot the firing-pin, shooting the arrow forward. But this was made with some strange technology that those of Tammerville or Maple-Stone had never seen.

Peering behind his right shoulder, was the hilt of a medieval sword. A short sword, as it would seem, for the end of the blade could not be seen. This man also wore a mask, concealing his identity. It was made from metal, but was no helmet, for his brown hair could be seen spiking up from top of the mask. He began to walk to where Hector, Hope and Jessy were.

Hector was afraid. “Please don’t hurt us.” He said wearily.

The man, stopped and tilted his head. He then spoke with a slightly muffled voice from the mask, “If that were my task, then you wouldn’t have even seen me.” He then continued towards them, until he reached where Hector and Hope were. “Fear not. I’m here to help.” He said.

Hector was confused. ‘Was this the Ancient Archer of legend?’ He thought. ‘Could it really be, that the one who stopped the Great War, and appeared eras past, was standing in front of me? One who has never been seen before?’

These suspicions made Hector very scared. For all accounts of the Ancient Archer, referred to his assassinations. And Hector knew he was making some big waves in terms of the future of Arccon. He thought that perhaps he himself was to be assassinated. But finally, after being deafened by his thoughts and fears, he heard what the Archer had said, that being, “I’m here to help.”

“Step aside.” Said the Archer, which Hector did. “I will help her.” He then bent over and put his hands on the wound on Hope’s neck. After a few moments, he removed his hands, and the wound had closed. Hector was speechless.

The archer then looked towards Jessy. “Hello Jessy. How are you?”

“Good.” Jessy replied.

“We must go. Follow me.” Said the Archer, picking up Hope, tossing her over his shoulder with ease.

As they walked through the unknown and uncharted woods, still north-east of Violet Town, Hector, though initially scared of this man, began to feel at ease. Unaware of their direction, Hector asked, “Where are we going? If I may ask.” However a more pressing question brought itself to Hector’s lips. “Who are you? Are you actually the Ancient Archer of legend?”

The man stopped. He turned towards Hector, “Hmm. I’m not sure. I am many things, but I don’t read much, so, I’m not sure what an Ancient Archer of legend is. Oh, and do not worry, we are going to a safe place.” Although Hector could not see this man’s face, he could have sworn that the man smiled as he spoke.

After several hours of trekking through the woods, they made it to a campsite. It wasn’t until Hector was standing in the middle of the campsite, which he realized that he indeed was in a campsite, for it was expertly hidden in the brush, far from any track or trail.

The man, gently put Hope on the ground, next to an already made, unlit campfire. He then pulled a flint from a small pouch around his waist, struck it, then immediately, the fire was lit.

Hector went and sat beside Hope, to see if she was alright. She was still unconscious, but the color in her face had returned. This made Hector smile as he drew her hair back behind her ear, which was over her face. “What was that you did to her?” Hector asked, turning towards the man who had sat down on a tree stump by the fire. “Was that some kind of magic? Of course not, magic doesn't exist. But then again, a couple months ago, I never would have thought monsters and control rooms deep underground were real either.” Hector was rambling.

The man then removed his mask. His face was one far younger than Hector had expected. Though he didn’t look young, neither did he look old. It was as though not a chilling wind, nor blazing heat, had touched his face. Not a single sign of weathering. Not from the elements, nor from a worrisome brow or burdensome heart. However his eyes were full of wisdom and sound judgement. If such things were visible.

“Here let me mend your wound.” The man said, placing his hand on Hector’s shoulder. There was a sensation much like when you place a warm, sunbaked rock on your skin. A radiating soothingness. Hector’s wound was then healed also.

“That’s amazing!” Hector said, stunned, hardly believing his eyes. But his attention had been taken, for in the corner of Hector’s eye, he noticed movement. It was Hope, she was waking up.

When she opened her eyes, she smiled as she saw Hector watching intently. But as she looked around and saw the man who had saved them, she sat up and said, “Norrth?”

Hector turned towards the man. “Norrth? Are you Norrth? The one who helped Hope and Jessy?” He asked, eyes wide, shocked to be meeting him.

Looking down at Hope, he said gently. “Yes, Hello Hope. Glad you are well.” He then turned towards Hector, saying, “Yes that is me. Norrth.”

Hector remembered that it was Norrth who told Hope where to find him. And that it was before he was strapped to the chair in the cave that she was told. “Can you read the future or something?” Hector asked.

Norrth looked puzzled. “Do I look like some sort of gypsy to you?” He then drew a smile, “Here, give me your palm, and I’ll tell you your future.” Hector knew Norrth was joking, but was stumped as to why, he was in such a swell mood.

Hector took offense to this. “Do you realize we are in a grim time? This is hardly a time proper, to be making jokes.”

Norrth then leaned forward towards Hector. “Oh, you think so? Should I have made a joke when I shot that beastly woman through the head? As I see it, we are all healthy, and all is going according to plan. So if now is not the time for jokes and merry making, then I don’t know when is.”

Hector sat quietly, for he was stumped. Norrth’s logic was perfect. Norrth then answered Hector’s initial question. “Magic is something that’s in fairy tales. What

I have, is simply a skill that has been given to me.” Then looking at Hector’s eye,

Norrth said, “Though I cannot heal all wounds. But fret not, for all is going according to plan.”

“That’s twice you’ve said that all is going according to plan.” Hector said.

“Whose plan are you referring to? And who was it that gave you this skill?” Norrth smiled but did not answer, for Hope answered. She said, in a soft voice, as though just coming to the realization. “The Keeper.” She said. Norrth nodded, for she was correct.

This indeed was a revelation that brought to light more about the Keeper than ever before, more then all that is known currently about the Keeper. The Keeper was more than a mere watcher- over of the control room, watcher-over of the world. There was more. If The Keeper was able to gift such a skill to Norrth, then what was the Keeper himself, capable of?

Much was revealed also about Norrth, in turn revealing more about the Keeper. Norrth was one who followed the will of the Keeper with ceaseless precision. He was as though, an extension of the Keeper. Though he was in no way equal to the Keeper, in the same way, the hand is not equal to the head, nor the arm, equal to the mind. It simply follows instructions, doing as told. And the plans of the Keeper, are not to be faulted.

By the fire, Norrth had set up a cook-pot which was slowly heating up. After much talk as well as much quiet reflection and thought, steam began to emerge from the pot. Releasing a strong aroma of herbs and vegetables. Causing Hector and Hope to realize how hungry they actually were. They looked at each other, then with much eagerness, Hector asked, “What have you got there?”

“Oh, are you hungry?” Norrth said cheekily. “Don’t worry, there is plenty for all. He then pulled out five pewter bowls and began dishing out the thick, hearty stew.

After Hector lifted his head from his bowl, after taking several greedy mouthfuls of the stew, he said. “You dished up five bowls of this wonderfully satisfying stew, but, there are only four of us here.”

But as Hector said those words, light footsteps where heard from within the camp. As he turned, he was stunned to see who was standing there. Though a little annoyed that he hadn't asked about her when Norrth’s identity was first revealed.

Standing there, rubbing sleep from her eyes, as though had just woken up, was Hector’s little sister, Jane.

“Jane!” Hector shouted, leaping up and running towards her. He knelt down and wrapped his hands around her. “Are you ok? How are you? I shouldn’t have left you. I’m so sorry about all that you’ve gone through.”

Jane pulled her head away, as though getting more air, for Hector was smothering her. She said, “I’m ok. Norrth has been nice to me.” Her eyes had also lighted up when she saw that Hope and Jessy were there also.

“Well you best take a seat, you don’t want your meal to go cold do you?” Hector was overjoyed at this moment. He had been reunited with his sister, who had stayed safe through what was a terrible time, and Hope was healed and healthy, as was Jessy. Also, he was much closer to reaching his goal, that being finding the keeper. At that thought he said, “We must meet this Keeper.” He said with excitement, standing up from where he was.

“We will. In time that is.” Norrth said. “We will met him tomorrow. Now is the time for rest and recovery. I believe you are quite weary. Eat now, and sleep. For this is a safe place.”

There were many more questions that Hector had. Ones which had been with him since the beginning of his journey. But as Norrth said, this was not the time for ceaseless questions, which time will come once they are in the presence of the Keeper himself.

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