A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 28- The Machine Called Earth

“You cannot find Him, He will find you.”- Anonymous. Literary extract from ‘A History Of All Things Regarding The World And Within.’

Hector had to take a seat. He could scarcely contain his frustration. Since Hope whispered those words, ‘You are full in Him.’ While he was locked in Ichabod’s torture dungeon. He had a driving passion, a guiding light, which showed him what he must do. But he seemed it was leading him to dead end after dead end.

Hector didn’t want to believe what Logan had said, for he walked up to the book, as it sat on a podium, and began reading it. The words were as he expected, seemingly nonsensical, and many words, indecipherable due to the age of the pages. However some of the phrases that he had heard, began jumping out of the pages. ‘You cannot find Him, He will find you.’ This was in a chapter of the book, named, ‘Concerning Solutions.’ Although most of what was written didn’t make sense to Hector, it wasn’t because they weren’t written in an understandable way, it was because he was reading out of context. For the information which was written, were within stories and metaphors. One could easily misinterpret the writings as being about the story, or the metaphor in which the writings are hidden.

In order to understand what is written within the covers of this book, one must throw away all previous thoughts, theories and understandings out the window. For this book, ‘A History Of All Things Regarding The World And Within’ is in fact, tough to swallow. But one must remember, if something is contrary to popular beliefs, that does not mean it is indeed wrong.

Hector spent some time reading the pages of the book. However his mind was racing and scrambled. His hands were trembling as he flicked through the pages, looking for the answers he so desperately needed. His mind was unable to focus, and he went from slow reading, to fast skimming, to random flicking of the pages. He needed answers, and he didn’t know how much time he had.

“Calm down son.” Said Logan. “The book isn’t going anywhere.”

Hector placed his elbows on the podium and placed his head into his hands. His right hand consoling his good eye. As he rubbed it with his hand, resting it, as it was straining at all the words. “Yeah, maybe your right. I should take a break. I can’t focus anyways.” Hector’s good eye was deeming to be more of a problem than his bad one. The pain of his bad eye, had almost ceased, but his good eye was giving him a persistent headache with an incessant throbbing.

Hector sat for a moment, with his eyes closed. Resting. Shamus then entered the hall, holding a silver tray, with a few delicate, silver cups. “Tea anyone?” he said, bringing it to Hector and Hope. “It’s a special blend. Clears the mind, and energizes the soul.”

“Thank you.” came their responses. The tray was also laid with various biscuits which Jessy quickly gobbled up. Stuffing two or three in his mouth at once.

Hector began reading the pages once more, his mind feeling a little clearer than before. He flicked the page over and read out-loud. ‘You must follow the son.’ “What does that mean?” Hector asked.

Logan responded, with Shamus standing by his side. “Well, that’s a tricky one. Some say that it’s a typo. Should be sun. But perhaps it is as it is. However I am not sure what it means.”

Throughout the pages, were also sections concerning the control room. This section was in a chapter named ‘A Machine Called Earth’ as it spoke of the world, as if it was a machine. However it made it clear, that this was not like any other machine. It used an example of a watch. The watchmaker makes it, then it goes on ticking away, without any further action by the watchmaker. This machine, the world, was different. This is where it spoke of the Keeper. The Keeper is keeper of the machine, constantly working it, maintaining it. Without any action from the Keeper, the machine would cease to work. In a way, the Keeper was the power source of the machine, Earth.

Shamus then spoke up, saying, “I don’t mean to discourage you, lad. But here let me show you something.” He then turned to a page of the book. “Here.” Shamus then read. “You must be lost, before you can be found.”

Hector looked puzzled.

“I’m afraid we don’t have the answers that you are looking for. This book has the answers for almost everything you could want, except for the location of the Keeper, or how to find him.”

Hector stood silently. Was this the dead end that he feared he would find? Was there no way to stop Ichabod? His shirt still showing the faded words, ‘find the Keeper.’ Yet he knew not of how.

Everyone stood silently.

Night was closing in, not that one could tell, for no sunlight reached the city of Artemus. “I assume you are tired. I have arranged rooms, and clean clothes for all of you.” Said Shamus. “Allow me to take you to your quarters, you may continue your search in the morning.”

Hector and his companions were quite grateful, for they were very exhausted from their travels. They followed Shamus to their rooms, were they found a hot bath and clean clothes waiting for them.

After Hector came from his bath, he got dressed into the clothes laid out on his bed. They were quite similar to the clothes he had previously, but these clothes were much finer in quality.

After tightening his suspenders and buttoning up his vest, he began tying the tie which was provided. He was a little rusty, for he had not worn a tie since he worked for the city guard. With him also, was a proper eyepatch. Much more efficient that the strip of leather he had tied around his eye before.

“Excuse me sir, there is a meal awaiting the guests, I trust you will be joining?” Came the voice of a man standing at the doorway of Hector’s room.

“Yes, of course, I’m famished. Lead the way.” Hector responded, to the assistant. Hector and his companions, were staying in an inn of sorts. It was a place with many small rooms, for sleeping, and had a great common room, where meals were held, as well as music and dance, when appropriate.

As Hector entered the common room, it was full of many of the citizens of Artemus, as well as the Masterials. Within the room, waiting for Hector as well, were Hope and Jessy. They were both clean and refreshed as was Hector.

As they sat, eating and talking, Logan approached them, and took a seat with them. “How is everyone. All is well I trust?” He said, smiling.

Hope smiled, “We are fine, the food is amazing. Thank you.”

Hector shuffled closer to Logan, as he had something on his mind. “Excuse me Logan. I can’t stop to think, why you haven’t found more answers from the book, by now. From my understanding, the Masterials spend their lives researching the book.”

“Yes, I understand your thoughts, indeed we have had the book in our knowledge for some time now, but what you must know, is time is not kind to paper. Many of the words, and pages, have ceased to be understandable. But, if we are to believe what we do know, we must trust that what we have, is enough.”

“So, do you think that, if I find the Keeper, or He finds me, I should say, do you think, He will be able to fix everything? Do you think that I’ll have a home to go back to?”

“I am quite sure, that all will be well, if He is restored as controller, or Keeper. However no one knows the ways in which the control room works. I am quite sure, that the people in the position of power, at the moment, don’t fully know the capabilities of the room.”

Hector left his questions, for he was content with what he had learnt this day. He slid back in his chair and relaxed. He ate, and drank, and was satisfied. Hope and Jessy sat at the table also, Hope making the occasional statement, or comment on the music that was playing. But Hector was silent, for the phrase, ‘A Machine Called Earth’ challenged him greatly. Hector didn’t like the idea that there is a controller, a keeper, of the world. But he figured, that up until the five took control, as they began playing god, all was well with the world. ‘Perhaps it is for the best, that someone such as the Keeper is in control.’ But his mind drew to thoughts of the conflict that has plagued the land, long before the five took control. ‘Why would someone in control, allow such things to happen?

A thought such as this, seems quite reasonable, but there is still much that Hector must come to know, which in light of such things, will lay these thoughts to rest.

Hector soon fell asleep. Sitting in his chair, listening to the music, the whirlwind of conversation and laughter, his stomach full, the room full of friendly faces, he was safe. He fell asleep. He was drowsy, and probably should have gone to his quarters to sleep. But his sleepiness came over him, swiftly and quietly.

He slept for several hours, many of the people went home to their beds, and the hall only had a handful of people who were deep in conversation, talking well into the night. There were also a few people who had drank too much, and couldn’t make it back to their homes. As well as those such as Hector, where slumber had come over them.

Hector woke, and as he opened his eye, he was yet to recall the troubles which burdened him. He let out a yawn, and a smile, as he rubbed his eye. But something did wake him. For he was well into a deep sleep. Although he did not remember the sound which had woken him, it would come swiftly, to remind him, and fill his heart with dread.

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