A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 25- Justified?

It wasn’t long after Hector removed his handcuffs, that he unlocked Jessy’s as well. He was a good little boy. He knew to keep quiet, even though Hector could see in his eye’s that he was bursting with excitement. He could see that he just wanted to shout for joy when his handcuffs came off, and if Hector could let him have a go. But this was no time for the sharing of wisdom or skills. They had an escape to attend to.

The lock on the door, was different from the handcuffs, but similar enough that Hector just may be able to pick it as well. Hector was no expert mind you. Beginners luck played a major part in the success of the picks. However Hope seemed quite the adept in lock-picking. She was able to see the lock, then know how to unlock it by sight. Hector wondered what other skills she had. Nevertheless he was worried for her, as she was out there with them. Kaelin was her husband, but he was still a bad man. Who knows what he would do.

“Ok Jessy, here we go.” Hector said, as he attempted the lock on the door. The turning pin was a lot heavier than the ones in the handcuffs. Almost so, Hector thought the bobby-pin might break. But as luck was on his side, the lock opened.

“Yes, done.” Hector silently celebrated.

Jessy let out a smile. And before they left, when Hector was working on the lock of the door, Jessy picked up the two unlocked pairs of handcuffs, and hid them under his sash, around his waist.

‘Alright let’s go.” Hector said to Jessy.

They then slowly crept out the door, into the hallway below deck. A quick left then right to check for guards. But there was no one. ‘Perhaps they didn’t think us worth guarding, or maybe, the guard left his post. I wouldn’t be surprised if Burkus was supposed to guard us.’ Thought Hector, but Burkus hadn't returned since taking Hope.

There wasn’t much need to tread lightly, for it was quite noisy below deck. Not only was the furnace below deck, producing the hot air for keeping altitude. But there was a lot of noise from the wind blowing along the hull of the airship. Hector examined the furnace and saw a leaver which starved or fed the flames. Before traveling up the stairs to the deck, he pulled the leaver halfway. In an attempt to lower their altitude. The leaver was long and had a squeeze-grip which initiated movement. Hector had to use both hands, and all his strength to make it move. But it was done.

The airship was now on a slow and steady descent. Jessy and Hector went up the stairs that led to the deck. As Hector opened the door, pushing with all his weight, as the outside wind blew furiously against the door, they ventured out onto the deck.

The night had taken the land, and the sky was clear. Bright lights from above lit up the sky. The deck was lit up by the bluish light from the moon, as it angled between the air-balloon and the deck. The whistle of wind still blowing through their ears.

Hector looked around but there was no one on the deck. Hector had never been on an airship before, and thought he may never again. So he walked to the edge of the deck, and looked down at the land. The land was dark, and all that could be seen was the Crystal River reflecting the moonlight off the ripples of the water as it stretched to the horizon which was highlighted by the faint line of the fading twilit sun. It was a beautiful scene, despite the present circumstances.

Behind them, at the stern of the airship, was the captain’s quarters, a cabin. It had a bright, golden light at the top of the door. Which shone on the wooden deck. Hector didn’t really have a plan, about what he would do once entering the cabin. Perhaps that was one of his flaws. But Hope’s safety was his primary concern.

Hector opened the door, which like the other door, was quite difficult, combating the high winds. They entered. They were confronted with a wall. For there was a twisting narrow hallway, much in the shape of a Z. Designed to cut out and slow down the blowing gale when one would open the door. For this was the captain's quarters, no doubt home to many a map and document.

This room, after closing the door, was much quieter than the lower deck. For it was well insulated. As they crept slowly down the hallway, they began to hear the conversation between Hope and Kaelin.

“So how long have you been working for them?” Came Hope’s voice.

“Look! I’m the one asking the questions. You’re supposed to be dead.”

“You paid your debts, why didn’t you quit when I told you to?”

“Alex. It’s not as easy as that. I was in too deep. I was leading an entire fleet. I couldn’t just quit.”

“You attacked the train, stopped the Syrien treaties. You made the entire land suffocate in conflict and suspicion. Why did you do it?”

“I was just following orders.”

“Orders? By who? Who would want to create such conflict?”

“Some business man. His name was Malachi. Besides you still haven't told me how you survived. I was told you were dead.”

“What, by those beasts? Did you get them to do your dirty work?”

At that moment, they heard the sound of Hope getting slapped. “Don’t you talk to me like that, wife. Of course I couldn’t take you. Your name was drawn, you were to be taken. I refused, so they made them go and get you. But they returned saying you were dead.”

“And you still work for them now!?” Hope shouted. “You make me sick.”

“Listen woman! Don’t push me. I’ve already grieved your death.” With that, another slap was heard, along with a thump on the ground.

“Not so hard Burkus! You idiot!” Came Kaelin’s voice.

“Sorry sir.”

“Just get out of here!” Kaelin ordered to Burkus.

By this time, Jessy and Hector had crept to the end of the hallway. Just at the entrance of where Kaelin and Hope were. They were hiding up against the wall, by the doorway. Burkus was on his way leaving the cabin, when he walked through the door way, he found himself staring straight at Hector.

With a confused look on his face, he said. “Hey... Your not-” His words were cut short when Jessy flung one pair of handcuffs on Burkus’ wrist. Then flinging the other end around the railing on the hallway wall. And with that, Hector grabbed Burkus’ pistol, from around his waist. Aiming it dead between his eyes, whispering. “Don’t say a word.”

Fear covered his face. Burkus was a large, muscular man, yet the fear of death froze him in his place. Burkus wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was smart enough to keep quiet.

Despite Burkus’ silence, there was still enough noise to cause alert in Kaelin. For like what was said, this was a quiet room, all sound such as the cut off words from Burkus, and the sound from the handcuffs on the brass railing was heard.

“Burkus? Whats happened?” Came Kaelin’s words.

At that moment Hector came through the doorway, aiming his gun at Kaelin as he entered. He was standing over Hope’s body, which was lying on the floor. To Hector’s relief, she was ok. She was clutching her cheek, scared and in pain, but ok. Her hands were still bound.

“What do you think you’re doing, boy?” Kaelin said. “You’re here to save her?”

Hector stood silent, aiming his gun at him. He then said. “She’s my wife, I can do as I please. You should just give up.”

Hector still had no words. There was a thousand things he wanted to say, but couldn’t find the right ones. Kaelin then continued.

“Look. I can see you have feelings for Alex. But there’s nothing but a life of slavery in store for you in Violet Town. There’s no way you can beat them. Your choices are submission, or death. If you want Alex, or Hope is what you know her as, to live a nice life, you should let her go and be with me. She is my wife after all.”

His words hit Hector hard. ‘Maybe he was right.’ Hector then began to look at himself through a mirror which stood at his side. He began to look at his battered and worn body, his blood-soaked eyepatch. Lowering his gun, he began to think that Kaelin was right.

Hector’s eyes then rested on the bloodied words written on his shirt. ‘Find the Keeper.’ It was then, that he remembered his purpose, to find the keeper. To make things right again.

At this point, Hector was overcome with thoughts, and at that moment, one of Kaelin’s men, came rushing through the door, saying. “Captain! We have lost altitude and have been blown off course.”

He began his words before even entering the room which they were all in. Startled, Hector turned to the doorway, and as he came through the doorway, Hector fired his pistol. Quickly he fell to the ground. Kaelin then charged at Hector, tackling him to the ground. For he was distracted, and the gun was no longer loaded.

Hector came crashing to the ground, Kaelin on top of him. He then began attacking Hector with his fists. Hector was pinned down. That was until he used the gun. Not to fire, for it was not loaded, but he swung it into the head of Kaelin.

Hector then went in for the attack, attempting to punch Kaelin, much in the same way he attacked Hector. However Kaelin was much more experienced in hand to hand combat than Hector was. He caught Hector’s fist, and twisted his arm, pulling him to the ground.

He now had Hector pinned to the ground, as he had Hector’s shoulder in a pressure lock. This was Hector’s right hand, his shooting hand. Hector was but moments away from being put out of action. If Hector had but one useful quality or skill, it was his precise shooting. And he was about to lose it.

Face down, Hector lay powerless. His arm being pulled out of its socket. Helpless. At this point, all became silent. Hector’s crying out, Kaelin’s cursing, Hope’s shouts to stop, Jessy’s crying. All became quiet. The intense pain, drowned out all sound.

That was until the sound of a gunshot. Suddenly, the pain of Kaelin’s severe arm lock ceased. The weight of Kaelin’s body then fell off Hector. Hector then got up, to see Hope standing up, holding the tiny pistol she had scavenged from Tammerville. The barrel smoking. She had shot Kaelin. Her husband.

Her face stunned, her hands shaking. Tears running down her face. Hector couldn’t begin to imagine what was going on in her head. The emotions, the thoughts. She had killed her husband. Why? To save Hector. Was he worth it? Did Kaelin deserve to die? Was Kaelin’s death justified? Thoughts that no doubt would plague her mind for some time.

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