A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 21- The Arccon Archives

The year is 36 3E. The Great War, defined the land, and thirty-six years ago, the fighting ceased. Which gave birth to the third era. However, the war went for more like eighty years. The fighting was mainly to the north. Other lands, fighting for the city of Syre, and the surrounding land. The land was fertile, and the alpine slopes gave for a constant source of fresh water. There were also eastern coastlines, perfect for trading. You get the picture, it was ideal land. Wealth for any who owned it.

Now the fighting stopped, after a series of assassinations. Many of the frontrunners of the war, on all sides, were killed. They were all killed by a mysterious archer. Nobody had ever seen the archer, but all died from lethal wounds caused by arrows. And it was because of this unknown archer, that this land remains under the current ownership. When the wars ceased, the armies (Which was a combined army of all the land) were dissolved, and each town went their own way.

This caused the creation of the Tammerville city guard. Where its emblem (The Arrowhead) gave homage to the mysterious archer which saved the land. Rumor has it that this wasn’t the first time. Some say, that at the end of the first era, an archer emerged from the shadows, thus naming the land Arccon, as it referred to the arcing of an arrow as it flew through the sky. But such documents have long since been lost, and forgotten.

Now, the night had gone by, and it was time to keep moving. Hope and Hector, were determined to reach the Arccon Archives, and try to find some answers. Valimir, Charlie and Bliss all helped, in getting their way to Maplestone. When they woke, they began their journey, as they led them through the tunnel, which cut through the mountain. The adjoining tunnel that led away from the campsite, was huge. The roof of the tunnel spanned several stories height, and was speckled with holes letting in the light of the morning sun.

“They say that these tunnels were cut out from rivers of lava. Centuries ago.” Valimir said, his voice echoing through the vast expanse of one of several large areas, where a cave-in caused the roof the fall away, opening up the tunnel. Not completely though, there was still much earth and rock above them.

Hector thought, ‘And here we are, quite the fellowship, traversing a possibly undiscovered underground passage.’ It was exciting to say the least. Hector had readmany stories of adventurers traveling through caves quite similar to this. As theywalked, Hector could hear that Jessy was just as excited as he was. He could hearhis echoing singing, “La la la la LA LA.” He was trailing behind the pack, andCharlie was at the end keeping an eye on him. As well as egging him on, and givinghim more ideas. Like throwing rocks down the dark shafts which spotted thepath, listening for the echoing patter as they skipped down the shafts.

As they entered yet another large expanse, which they were at the top of, they could see down a deadly drop. An area of the earth, that as long been unknown and since been forgotten. And at the bottom of this expanse, was a large mass. It was huge in fact. “Look down there.” Said Hope, pointing down towards the mass.

What was it? Was it rock, or was it something else? It was impossible to tell at their distance. “What do you suppose that is?” Hector asked.

Hope began to speak. “If it is what I think it is, then we must be close to Maplestone. We should also be quiet. As a precautionary.”

“Quiet? From what?” Bliss asked. This was the first time since Hector’s arrival, which her disgruntled frown, changed, and it changed into an expression of fear.

“It is told, that Maplestone, was formed in the foot of these mountains. And within the mountains, is the long forgotten. Forgotten what? You ask. The Great Leviathan. Not much is known about it. But people say that it lays dormant. Asleep.”

Valimir snickered. “If such a thing exists, then why build a town so close by?”

“The same reason that many build their towns near volcanos. If it lays dormant, then there is no danger, and if the land is fertile, why not? Many believe that it is worth the risk.”

Hector then thought of the underwater city. It was built upon the ridge of a volcano. A volcano which reached to the surface of the water, giving air for the town. Yet if it were to erupt, the town would be destroyed.

All were covered with puzzled and scared faces, and Hope could read their thoughts and began to answer the question on their faces. She said. “When I was young, I was taught about this leviathan. It was fabled that it crawled into the cave, and fell asleep. During its slumber, it continued to grow, to the point that it became wedged in the earth. It has become, one, with the mountain. They say, that if it were to wake. It would tear down the entire mountain range. And the world as we know it, would never be the same. Now, a story such as this, is it fact, or fiction?

It is impossible to know, unless the leviathan wakes. And may we pray that it never does.”

This was indeed quite the tale. And Hector thought extensively as to whether this could be possible. But since the curse, and the discovery of the control room, anything seemed possible. So they continued through, swiftly yet quietly, as a precaution.

The only words from Valimir, saying. “Just another native fairytale.”

After a few more hours of travel, they made it to the exit of the cave. When the exit became within their sight, they all ran towards the intense light of the midday sun. There they absorbed the warming rays, and had a break from walking.

“It is such a fantastic feeling that we can still experience great things within such a frightening world.” Hector said, but not to anyone directly. As Hector sat and watched his companions, he couldn’t help but smile. ‘And I think that is what we must do. We need to stop and appreciate the little things.’ Hector thought.

There was joy in the eyes of everyone, as they exited the cave and soaked up some much needed sunlight. They were sitting at the foot of the mountain, looking down at the town of Maplestone. Sitting on lush, long green grass. Bright and quenched from the storm that had passed.

Hector looked over at Hope, and she was sitting watching Jessy as he was being his usual playful self. ‘I don’t know if it was the angle of the sun, or the smile on her face and the joy in her eyes, watching Jessy running around, but I felt that when all this is over, that perhaps she’d be my wife. She braved the cave, and saved me. No one else has ever risked so much for me.’ Perhaps this was but a dream, nevertheless, it made Hector happy to think such things.

“Hey Hector?” said Charlie as he sat next to him. “I’ve been talking to Bliss, and this is as far as we go. We got the cave to look after. It’s no Tammerville, but, at least for now, it’s our home.”

“I understand. Thanks for getting us this far. And especially for saving our hides in the forest.” Hector responded, putting his arm over Charlie’s shoulder. But it was no surprise, that they would part ways. “I owe you one.”

Bliss’s voice was heard from the entrance of the cave, saying as she was looking at the sky. “It’s getting late. We need to head back.”

Charlie looked, then said to Hector. “Yeah, we better be off.”

Valimir came and shook Hector’s hand, saying. “Good luck old-chap.” He then handed him a pistol. “You might need this.”

They said their farewells, and parted ways. Bliss, Valimir and Charlie, reentered the cave and headed back to their camp. While Hope, Jessy and Hector, made their way down the hill, and onto the road heading to Maplestone.

It was just the three of them again. But it was comforting to know that they weren't the only un-mutated ones around. They entered Maplestone. Maplestone was quite different to Tammerville. The architecture was dissimilar, and instead of a waterside dock, like what Tammerville had, there was a dock, but it was for airships. Hector had never seen so many air-ships before. As the dock was the stand out landmark of the city. All the houses were single story brickwork cottages, and the airship platform was elevated and loomed over the wall of houses.

When Hector had finally succumbed from the awe of witnessing the great airship dock, home to a fleet of deflated air-ships, he realized that the streets were littered with debris. The town looked as though a great many violent incidents had occurred. However, this was of no surprise. Maplestone was the closest city to Violet Town, and from at least the time of Hope escaping the city, the people of Maplestone have been attacked and captured, by the hands of Violet Town.

“Stay close to me, this time.” Hope said, directing her words to young Jessy. Jessy nodded, and held her hand.

“Do you know the way to the Arccon Archives?” Hector asked. “If not, perhaps I can climb aboard one of those airships, to get a better vantage point.” Hector said this, more as an excuse to climb aboard an airship, than to locate the archives. Jessy’s eyes lit up also, in hopes to enter such a vessel as well.

“Of course I do. I spent most of my childhood at the archives.” Hope responded. After a pause, she then said, not directed to anyone, “I can’t begin to imagine what has happened here. So much damage.”

Hearing Hope’s statement, Hector asked. “Do you know if there is anyone still in this town?”

“I have no idea. I hope that I’ll have a home to return to after all this.”

“As do I Hope. As do I.” Hector responded.

This was her home, and to witness such damage, would have been hard. Your mind would fill with thoughts of all who you know, and what had happened to them. All the questions that you can’t answer.

In spite of such thoughts, they moved on and continued down the streets. And that was where they witnessed the great, hulking structure, known as the Arccon Archives. It was indeed huge. There were many stories, and the building stretched out in every direction. The building was made in the shape of a +. There were north, south, east and west corridors, each with its own entrance. They were all three stories in height, but the center, where all the corridors met, was much higher. It was a huge tower, which looked over the whole town. If Hector wasn’t so focused on the air-ship dock, he would have seen it, as they first entered the town.

So here they were, standing at the entrance of the north corridor. ‘Hopefully we will get the answers we are looking for. Hopefully entering this building won’t be the death of us.’ Hector thought.

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