A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 19- What's The Plan?

If what you once hid, became unhideable, then would you care to hide it? And if you unhid the unhideable, then wouldn't it surface and become a larger part of who you are?” - Anonymous

Thoughts of the curse grew in Hector’s mind. It seemed to be spreading like wildfire. He had now learned of the severity of the curse within Tammerville, and how the town has become immobilized as if clenched in the vice of this unrelenting curse. ‘It seemed to continue to accelerate at a phenomenal rate.’ But if one were to define the curse, as the workings of the five, then the curse has many different forms. There is the mutation, body and mind, of the people of Tammerville, similar to the peoples of Violet Town, who have become slaves of their horrifying actions, unable to see right from wrong. Now, was this result of the curse? Yes. But not because the curse hindered their ability to see right from wrong, it was because the curse highlighted, made glow, surfaced the hidden parts of their lives. And if the hidden parts of your life were to be exposed, there would be no reason to hide them. Obviously there is a period of shame, but that is only temporary.

The curse, or workings of the five, in particular Ichabod, also spread to Riverton. A town in comatose. All for the selfish life preservation of Ichabod, residing within the decaying body of Malachi. Jessy, a young boy, walking the sleeping streets of the town all by himself. Isolated, orphaned, alone, all as a result of the five.

Violet Town, a city of bright lights, dazzling enough to blind ones-self from all morality. A city of industry and growth, bent on self-pleasure, at any cost. Resorting to capturing residents of Maplestone to no doubt work within the bowels of the wretched city. As the citizens of Violet Town live boundless lives, so called free, from morality.

This was what Hector knew of the curse, but he was sure that there was more than he was aware of. And only time will tell, how else the curse has affected the land. These thoughts kept Hector up during the dark, cold of the stormy night. He was also afraid of sleeping, for he was afraid of Ichabod entering his mind again. ‘I am but a man, and perhaps next time, I may answer differently to his offer.’ Thought Hector.

Now by the time Hope and Jessy woke from their slumber, the sun had risen, and the storm had passed. It was a new day, young and full of possibilities. Although Hector had a sleepless night, he was full of optimism and positivity. The sunlight had peered into the entrance of the cave, and stretched to where he was sitting. It was warm and rejuvenating. Hector had not seen the sun, or felt its warmth, for some time, and after several near-death experiences, he thought he may never again. The last time Hector had seen the sun, was standing on the Violet Town lighthouse, staring out at the myriad of colors of the sunrise, before leaping into the ocean. Although he was warmed by the now smoldering campfire, the warmth from the sun is different. It fills you with a kind of contentment. Hector could have sat there soaking up the sun for hours. But there was much that had to be done.

After standing up, and completing some morning stretches, accompanied with some yawning groans, and cracking his knuckles, (something Hector’s mother always told him never to do), He turned around, and picked up the letter that Hope had read to him. The one with the simple yet powerful words, ‘You are full in him’. Hector assumed that the ‘Him’ it referred to, was the Keeper. He reread the words, and examined the paper. They were the only words on the page, handwritten in the center. But as he turned the page around, he noticed that the page was ripped out from a book. It was the title page. The book was called, ‘A History Of All Things Regarding The World and Within’. Under the title, was the sketch of a circle. One half looked as though it was the earth, and the other looked like a gear.

After learning about the man who gave Hope this letter. Hector began to think that there was a greater purpose to this letter, being from this particular book. From what Hope had told him, Norrth, was expecting their arrival, as well as knowing where they could find him, before he was even captured. ‘I believe there is a reason that this letter was written on the back of the title page of this particular book. I believe that he wants us to find this book.’ He thought.

‘A History Of All Things Regarding The World and Within’ who was it written by? Anonymous. Hector showed his findings to Hope and asked. “Where do you reckon we can find this book? I think this may be the key all that is happening.”

Hope furrowed her brow for a while, as she thought. “My hometown, Maplestone, has a Library. ‘The Arccon Archives’ is what it’s called. It’s the biggest library in all the land. If such a book is to be found anywhere, it’d be there.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Hector said, with a smile. Arccon was the name of the land. It was separated in provinces or regions. With the divisions, Northern region of Syre. Region of Tammerville, Eastern region, or region of River-ton, and the undiscovered southern Region. Which now contains Violet Town. However Maplestone, was somewhere between the region of Tammerville and the southern region. It is an isolated town that is quite self-sufficient.

So that was their plan. To go to the Maplestone Library. There was much land to cross before reaching Maplestone. The exit of the cave, where they were, was just outside the walls of Violet Town. ‘But what else can we do? We have to find the Keeper, but how? Finding this book, is our only chance of finding him. Even if it is a long shot.’ Thought Hector.

They gathered their things, which was only what supplies Hope was carrying. That being, the two guns she had grabbed from Tammerville, and a small bag of food and water, and they began their journey.

After about two hours of traveling, they had made it through the valley, and had made it to the forest. This was the same forest that Hector had traversed on his way to Violet Town, but this time they were many miles further west. They stopped and had one last look at the hulking city of Violet Town.

“It’s so beautiful.” Hope exclaimed, staring at the luminescent city.

“Yeah, it is. But don’t get deceived by the lights. That there is the home of all that is evil in this world.” Hector said.

Hector led them across the wall of trees, until he picked up the beginnings of a trail. As he led them down the trail, it eventually opened up into a road. “How did you know this way would lead to a road?” Hope asked.

Hector responded, “I was taught well of many things by Valimir, my mentor. Although the majority of our work as the ‘black coats’ of the city guard, were within the city, he taught me many other valuable skills. Including reading the land, spotting trails and such. He had a strong belief, that preparation was the key to success. He thought it best to be prepared for any and every circumstance. Although there was no possible preparation for what has happened. This curse was one thing that no one could see coming.”

“I wonder if this is the road that was used when Maplestone was being invaded, and people getting taken.” Hope said, pondering.

“Hmm, well if it is, then it should lead straight to where we want to go.” Said Hector.

And that was what they did, follow the road. They followed the road for several hours, and Jessy was now hitching a ride on Hector’s back. He was a small child, and had small legs. He would have been taking two, even three strides for every step they were taking. He had now leaned his head onto Hector’s shoulder and was resting.

As the sun moved behind the trees to their side, its light was diminished. And Hector could feel Jessy clench his arms tighter around his neck as he looked into the dark thicket beside them. As children’s imaginations sometimes get the better of them, it’s easy to become afraid of something lurking within the unknown. But with Ichabod and Moab at the wheel of nature, anything could leap from those mysterious trees at any time. And Hector was just as afraid as young Jessy.

Now as mid-afternoon had just passed, a southern breeze had arrived. Rustling its way through the willows. Blowing through the branches of the swaying oaks and cedars. Evening was approaching, and always creeping ahead of time. Hector saw as the wind picked up the fallen leaves on the road, and swirled them about. Was another storm approaching? No. You can always smell when a storm is coming. The clouds turn a unique color when brewing up a storm, and you can sort of sense an impending downpour. It’s the smell of imminent moisture. That smell was not present.

But something was approaching. It wasn’t a storm, it was danger. In the same way you can sense a storm coming, Hector sensed impending danger. It was that feeling you get, when you know that you’re being followed. So Hector turned around, to see if he could see anything, but the earthen road was far from straight. Fear itself is something that can also be sensed. For Hector’s traveling companions knew that he sensed something was amiss.

Just then, a loud rustling was heard with advancing footsteps. And out from a small low-lying bush, came the source of the sounds. It was a dog. It stepped out onto the road, a few yards in front of them. It stood for a moment as it looked at them. Its tail was between its hind legs, and it picked up pace when it saw them. It then disappeared into the trees, on the other side of the road. Hector didn’t know much about dogs, but he knew that it took a lot to scare one.

A voice from within the trees was then heard. Hector looked around, but could not see very far into the brush. The voice said, “Hector, Hector, Hector. You’ve angered some very powerful men.”

Hector recognized that voice. It was Patric Wetherbetter, from Violet Town. He then continued, “And miss Hope, springing our friend from prison, tisk, tisk, tisk. The two of you are wanted for treason, and the punishment is death.”

As evening was approaching, and the day was becoming dark, the beastly silhouettes emerged from the forest, onto the road. There were three of them standing on the road, but who knew how many were still hidden in the trees.

“What is it you want?” Hector shouted with a slight but noticeable quiver of fear in his voice. For he knew exactly what they wanted.

“Hector, you had a chance to have it all, to live in paradise. But now you must die. Along with your two friends here.” Patric said, motioning towards Hope and Jessy.

He then stepped forward, coming into view. He was in his beastly form, horrifying and reeking of evil, tall and slender. He pulled out a sword from his belt. It was what is known as, a Cavalry Saber. It was stronger and weightier than a cutlass. It was a commander’s sword. In his other hand, was a Dueling Pistol. The other ‘men’ who were with him, raised their weapons also. Cutlasses mostly, however one had a Blunderbuss. A shot from that, would put an awful hole through you.

There they stood, face to face. The line of beastly comrades, staring them down. Hope had aimed the pistol towards them, tossing Hector the rifle. As Hector held the five shooter in his hands, all his city guard training kicked in. He was ready, but who was going to make the first move?

It was situations like this, which this rifle was designed for. The blunderbuss had but one menacing round, along with Patric’s pistol. This rifle had five shots. Hector’s finger was on the trigger, but he did not want a shootout. He did not want Hope or especially Jessy, getting injured. Or worse. The company of monstrosities, slowly moved closer and closer. Closing in on their position. They were going to be executed, they were their firing squad. At this point the wind had picked up even more. Blowing the trees side to side, rustling its way down the road. And at that moment, Hector heard a whistle sound. It was short and precise, but definite. It came from the trees, on their left. And again he heard the same sound. But coming from the right side. These sounds were followed by two quick shots. Guns were fired, taking down the two of Patric’s men. They fell to the floor. And at that moment Hector fired his rifle, nervous and shocked, hearing unknown shots. His aim was on Patric, and there his shot rested, square between his evil, yellow eyes. He dropped limply onto the dusty ground.

But where did those shots come from? Who were hiding in the woods?

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