A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 14- Friends And Enemies

“Hi Jane. I’m Hope, nice to meet you.” Hope said, still standing at a safe distance, as to not scare Jane.

The squeaky swing came to a halt, as Jane hopped off and turned towards Hope and Jessy. With an inquisitive tilt in her head, Jane asked.

“What do you want?”

“I’m friends with your brother, Hector.” Hope answered as she took a few steps closer to the playground.

Still concerned of these strangers, Jane backed away as to keep the space between them. But she then began to examine Hope and Jessy. She began squinting towards Hope and noticed the coat that Hope was wearing. It was a thick, grey coat with a large collar. It was of military style, and had a distinctive emblem on the left chest pocket. This was the emblem of the Tammerville city guard, which resembled an arrowhead. With further inspection, Jane noticed the distinctive patch that was on the right-hand sleeve, made of an orangey brown material. That was used to patch up a hole, which was made on a mission that Hector had undertaken. Jane new the patch well, as she was the one who stitched it on.

With a raised hand, pointing her finger at Hope, Jane said. “That’s Hector’s Jacket.”

“Yes it is.” Hope replied, “Hector gave it to me.”

Hope knelt down to Jessy and said, “Go up to Jane, let her know that were friends.”

Jessy looked towards Jane, then back up to Hope, then with a slight hesitation he began approaching Jane. He was walking slowly, but in no time he had reached her. Jessy stood there, about three feet from her, looking at her feet, and said.


Jane replied with another, “Hi.”

Jessy stood there, and began looking to the side. He then broke the ice by tapping her shoulder, saying. “Tip! Your it!” He then rushed off to the side, running around the slippery-dip, laughing at the top of his lungs with his hands flapping in the air over his head.

“NO!” Jane yelled as she quickly launched off in pursuit.

Hope then broke out a smile as she watched the two kids, who barely knew each other, running around the playground playing together, as though they were best friends.

After many hours of Jessy and Jane running around half mad, and Hope sitting on the park bench, formulating a plan, midday had come, and Jessy was becoming hungry.

“My tummy hurts. I’m hungry.” Said Jessy, as he approached Hope, in need of some food.

Hope looked up, as she was lost in thought, and saw that it was indeed midday, and that they should get something to eat. She turned to Jane and asked were they might be able to get some food. Hope asked Jane, as she knew that she was living on the land. Hope didn’t quite trust the people at the cemetery, and didn’t want to go back to them.

“Come, I’ll take you.” said Jane.

They then proceeded west through the seemingly empty town, until they made it to the western fields. Which was blooming with avenues of lush apple trees. Jane climbed one of the tallest trees, knowing the best fruit was at the top, and brought down a couple apples. However, Jessy looked perplexed.

“What is that?” Jessy exclaimed.

“That’s a apple silly.” said Jane.

River-ton was a small town by the river. Hence the name. Although Jessy was apt in the art of fishing, gutting and spotting out eatable sea-life, he had not seen an apple before. River-ton was a coastal town, with no fields or crops.

“Don’t worry, it’s good, it’s food.” Hope assured, just before taking a big bite out of one herself.

Jessy held the fruit in his hand examining it for a bit. Then wrapping his mouth around it, he took a bite. Suddenly his eyes brightened, as the explosion of sweet and sour, was a new experience for him. He was so excited, that he ate the entire thing, seeds and all.

“Don’t eat the seeds, or you’ll grow a tree in your belly!” Jane cried out. Hope laughed.

It was now about midafternoon, and a thick layer of black clouds engulfed the sky. The thickness of the clouds, just about completely blacked out the sky, making it look like evening had come. A strong icy wind began to blow through the land.

“We better get out of this wind, before we catch a cold.” Hope said, as she buttoned up her coat.

The three of them began to head back to town. But, due to the darkened sky, the beastly residents of the town began emerging from the shadows. As Hope looked down the long main street which lead east through the town, back towards the Tammerville dock, she saw that the town was awake. She froze in fear for a second, then rushed the children around the corner of a building, so the cursed people would not see them. ‘Who knows what these creatures would do to two children and a woman.’ Hope thought.

Hope peaked around the corner of the building, where she caught a glimpse of one of the cursed souls. The particular citizen she saw was larger than any human and had large, muscular arms. He was hunched over, and his clothes were torn quite badly, due to the mutation he had suffered. If the stories told by Adrien were true, then these people were capable of murder, and who knows what else.

Hope then looked across the street, were she saw a building. A sign had caught her eye, it was the arrowhead symbol that was on Hector’s jacket which she wore. Above the symbol, was writing which said, ‘Proud suppliers of.’ Next to the poster, was a wooden sign hanging, which had a picture of a pistol and a sword.

“A weapon smith!” Hope exclaimed. “We need to get over there and see what we can find. We can scarcely go forth without any protection.”

They quickly and quietly made their way across the cobblestone street, to the building. It was one of those buildings, which had only three walls, and the street side face was open, apart from a shopfront bench.

Hope vaulted over the counter, and looked around all the shelves and cabinets. Jessy and Jane followed, and when they were in there, Jessy asked. “What are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for a gun, or something.” Hope replied. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I want to be prepared.”

“Ohh!” Jessy said, slightly disinterested.

After searching the shop for some time, Hope came across a chest, which was sitting under a workbench. She examined it, and saw that it was locked.

“Here we go, if I can open this, there ought to be something useful in here.” Hope said.

Jane was worried that they were taking too much time, and that they should find a place to hide for the night, as it was getting darker. She said. “It’s locked, we’ll never find the key in time. I have to go. I have to go back home.”

“Don’t worry Jane, I know what I’m doing.” Assured Hope. Hope then pulled a bobby pin out from her hair, and began to pick the lock.

“What are you doing?” Jessy asked.

Just then, the padlock clicked open, and fell to the floor. “See, I know what I’m doing.” Hope said again.

As she lifted the lid, and peered inside, she found a rifle.

“How did you do that?” Jane asked. While Jessy, completely marveled at what he had seen, asked, “Can you teach he how to do that?”

You yourself may be asking how Hope knew how to pick locks. Well, there is a lot I have not told you about Hope. There is a lot I have not told you, about a lot of things. But in time, all will be revealed.

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