A Loyal Companion

Chapter NINE: Reunion

It was too late, I couldn’t stop the change. I started to feel my skin tingled before it burned as the bones shifting under it. I writhed as my legs started to take a different shape. No... forced change was the worst, it hurt. It was only moment before I let go of Aranthias’ hand as my hand changed shape. As I dropped to the ground, I felt Aranthias’ arms were around my waist, and within milliseconds he threw me with such force towards the portal.

I landed on my two feet as Aranthias bolted out of the portal. I shook my head and looked down to my hands and feet. They were back to normal. Aranthias put his hands around my shoulders and shook me.

“Are you okay?”

I managed a slight nod, still confused and shaken with the illusion of Gin and Chloe lying lifeless in the middle of nowhere and my shapeshift. Aranthias was just in time to get me out of the portal, one more second I would be left vulnerable, unable to run until I reached my full form.

“How could you survive that for thousands of years?”

He didn't answer, but his grip started to loosen though still touching me, making sure that I wasn't going to fall over. I made sure I had a firm grip on the ground before I told him that I was okay to let go of me. I looked around and found the place was no longer covered by rocks, but dried soil instead. There was almost no trace of a battle, but I could still feel the chaos, the presence of anger, conflicts, and the smell of blood lingered in the air.

“Thank gods you’re alright! We thought we lost you” I saw the relief on Gin’s face when he saw me. I smiled and felt also relieved to see him unhurt, proofing my eyes wrong when I saw the illusion minutes before.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t leave my men behind to go after you...” I stopped his words before he finished the sentence. I wouldn’t expect him to go after me or ask him to do anything even close to that.

“You’re wise in doing so” Aranthias commented.

Gin’s eyes went to meet Aranthias’. Knowing who stood before him, Gin bowed his head paying him respect

“It’s an honour to meet you, my Lord”

“Please, warrior, the honour is mine” he offered his hand.

The safe house was filled with grief when I entered. We had lost many men in one battle, and we barely made it pass the front line of the dark army. I learned from Gin that I was away for a week, Aidan had circled Pyrii three times a day every day to look for me, Roan had also dispatched a squad to look for me, in hope that I made it out and stranded somewhere. I later learned that Gin, Tristan, Aidan, and Roan themselves had also taken turns in waiting by the perimeter line outside the portal for me.

I was very glad though when I saw Chloe sleeping peacefully. Her chest rose up and down as she breathed through that little pointy nose of hers, one of Losec’s apprentices had cast a sleeping spell to help her with the shock. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw her face full of life. I looked at the arm she almost lost at the battle ground and I silently praised Losec for the miracles he brought. The wound would leave a light scar on Chloe’s arm, but it was better than losing an arm or worse. I planted a light kiss on her forehead and went outside to catch up with the others.

“I heard you’re back” I found Aidan stood at the end of the hall where Chloe’s room was. I smiled and ran to him. He welcomed me with a tight hug.

“Oh I’m glad to see you” my voice was throaty, trying to push back my tears from bursting out. He put his forehead on mine, spread his fingers on my jaw and behind the ear before he planted a gentle kiss on my lips.

“I thought I’d never see you again when Gin told me what happened” I kept my forehead on his and managed a smile

“Me too…” I paused, “Absolon held no hope, Aidan. I didn’t know how much nightmare we’re facing until I experienced it myself”.

“Shhh… You’re here now, and you’ve found Aranthias” he whispered, and I nodded without saying a word.

“Now, c’mon I’ve heard many things about him, I would love to meet your soul mate” he said and put his arms around my shoulders and walked with me. I didn't comment, but I didn't mind the term soul-mate either.

We crossed the hallway and found Aranthias in the dining room with Faye. She gazed at Aranthias with her glowing blue eyes, her skin was white while her hair which draped her figure down to her thighs was as blue as her eyes were. She looked plain and human in a way, somehow I thought being at Aranthias’ presence had her stripped down to her actual form. I recognized that form a long time ago when her heart was broken by a man she dearly loved.

“Glad to see you are okay” she said in her melodic tone.

“Same to you”

I whirled around from Aidan’s arms and took him to Aranthias.

“Meet my good friend…”

“Aidan, I believe” Aranthias offered his hand before I could finish the sentence. Aidan looked startled and unsure, but finally took his hand and shook it with a firm grip. Aranthias smiled while he looked into the other man’s fiery eyes. Not a word was passed on between the two, it seemed like they communicated with their minds.

“Great! You’ve met some of them” Gin walked into the room bringing Payne, Elliot and the two lusty demons, Yolen and Yanou.

Gin turned his eyes and smiled, seeing Faye who was still in her true form.

The introductions didn’t take too long as Aranthias already knew all of them. I was amazed on how much details of each person’s personal lives Aranthias knew about them. It startled me for a moment though when I thought about it, he was a god and at least a couple of people presence had prayed to him, and yet he stood in his humble human form, loving eyes and well mannered. Even Faye who usually was cold and unnerving was being ‘nice’. Yolen and Yanou on the other hand, didn’t like being stripped bare from their covers. The twin originally already possessed great beauty, but the charm they put on had made them irresistible, it was odd being able to finally stare at them without being overtaken by lust.

Without wasting any more time, Aranthias told them what he told me about Antheon and his plans. Panic and terror crossed the face of each one of the people presence in the room. Gin knew exactly what we were up against and how much damage would be done if Antheon set foot on the gods’ palace to claim the throne. The past warriors had trouble stopping him then, and with Antheon who was a god was at Anglo’s position, we knew we were in much more trouble than we were centuries ago.

“We cannot fight them in Absolon, we’d be beaten”

“You’re right, Payne, but we have to remember that if we fight on our ground they have the advantage of having powers ten times stronger than their usual, not to mention the damage they would do to this world” Gin answered.

“So what are you suggesting?” this time it was Faye who asked.

Gin sank back to his seat, frowning, thinking of a way out. I knew that we were in a tough situation, if we all go to fight in Absolon, most of us would be doomed, I knew that for certain as I almost lost control of myself down there, but if we fight on our ground, Gin was right that the dark army would have the advantage of multiplying their powers and could inflict too much damage on earth.

Aranthias moved to the big window towards the balcony, the light of the afternoon sun reflected on his face. He opened the double door and stood on the balcony.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I went to stand next to him.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head into the sun, arms wide open as if he was welcoming the warmth of the sun into his body.

“I’m calling my people”

I frowned at him, waiting for more explanation, but none came. I leaned back and had my elbows on the ledge, facing towards the room full of people. Only Gin had noticed that we were standing outside, but he didn’t leave his seat. The rest of them were busy arguing.

Out of the blue, I felt a gust of strong wind brushed my back, I shivered to its presence. I turned around expecting someone or something to appear, but there was nothing. Aranthias placed his hand on my left hand, I felt it burning, it wasn’t as painful as the scarlet teardrop, but it was still very hot. I cringed to the heat of it. After a few more seconds he let go of my hand. I looked down and found a mark on my palm, like a tattoo embossed on my skin. I couldn’t recognize the writing, but I recognized the shape, it was a mandala. I looked at Aranthias filled with questions.

“It’s a gift from the gods”

“What is it?”

“The gods lend you the power to withstand the darkness of Absolon”

That’s quite handy. I traced the outline of the mandala, and I felt a soft hum coming from inside me, like an energy vibrating.

I managed a smile before I went inside to sit back with the rest of the group who were still arguing. Gin looked up at Aranthias as he walked in.

“We will fight on our ground” Gin said finally.

“How about what you said? Their powers?” Elliot asked.

“We have better chance to win on our ground than in Absolon. Here we still can fight, down there I don’t know how long we can last before we can even touch the enemy. I’m taking my chances to fight them here”

Then there was silence. I had to side with Gin on this one, I doubt any of us would survive it, yet alone fight in it.

“We have to move tonight” Tristan broke the silence as he bolted through the door.

“What happened?” The sorcerer offered a bow to Aranthias to acknowledge his presence then turned back to Gin.

“They’re multiplying and are heading out this way”

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