A Loyal Companion

Chapter FIVE: Tarrant

Sunrise was still three hours away, but we were on our way to the airport already, having decided to go high-tech instead of following the underground passage. Gin had a private plane waiting for us.

A young woman who was the pilot came to greet us as we exited our vehicle. It was an understatement if I said she was beautiful. She was captivating. Her olive skin was smooth, free from imperfections, her long jet black hair was bunched into a small tidy bun, her figure was well built, slender and tall, towering me, but levelled with Gin. Her green eyes met mine, followed by a polite smile. I took a deep breath and picked up the underlying scent of a shapeshifter, and the tendrils of her energy that I could pick up indicated that she was an immortal like me.

“Allow me to introduce...” Gin was cut short when she stepped forward and snapped into position.

“Ondine, it’s an honor to meet you Ma’am” I was taken aback by the mention of my name from her lips.

“You’ve done your homework, I see” I commented.

“Battle of the Red Moon, 1925. My superior spoke very highly of you” she maintained her straight soldier-like posture, I gave her a small smile.

“Danica Sommers. Luksha Engagement, 1973. The honor is mine” I offered her my hand, at the note that she had left out my rank and my human name, I also left out hers. She understood that I was no longer the person I was when I shed my human identity. Seeing that she wasn’t wearing her military uniform, I assumed she had also shed her human identity. There was a spark in her eyes as I recognized who she was and the mission she was in, then her lips curled into a smile and she gave me a firm handshake.

“Thank you, Ma’am”

“Drop the honorific. Call me Ondine” I waved my other hand at her. She stood rigidly for a moment before she took a deep breath and relaxed. Battle of The Red Moon was my last military engagement, I had not gone back in my uniform since as I decided to live the civilian life and helped Gin out.

“Very well. We’re ready for takeoff” she turned to Gin before turning back towards the plane. I waited until she disappeared into the plane before I faced Gin.

“Let me guess, newly shed?” I asked, commenting on her rigid soldier-like demeanour, usually a sign that she was either someone who always went into military service on every one of her "life", or she had only recently shed her identity that the habits from that life was still prominent.

“Danica just underwent her second fake death yesterday”

Second fake death? She's young. I’ve undergone too many fake deaths that I’ve lost count. As immortals we had to keep faking our death to avoid questions, and often, when we integrated back to the human life, we’d take the place as the offsprings of our former identities.

“She’s to be Losec’s new apprentice” Gin added.

“A healer as well?”

“A very good one” he nodded as we boarded the plane. Aidan followed quietly behind.

The afternoon sun was still illuminating Tarrant, the town just outside of Pyrii by the time we landed. The town had changed a little bit since the last time I was there. Gin led the way towards the HQ. It wasn’t exactly a fort, it was more like an old mansion used as a temporary save house. Cael’s group of sorcerers had created protective parameters around the building and had put a squad of Thralls as day watchers.

Tristan strode out of the old building in his black cloak, hands crossed in front of his chest. The young man was Cael’s most trusted sorcerer and seer. I only had met him twice in the past, once when he was first brought into Cael’s house, and second when I was visiting Nasya. Tristan was not only handsome, but he was also charming, and he knew very well of how to use his charm against the enemy. Though it wasn’t just the enemy who melt under Tristan’s charm, he had stolen Cael’s heart with it. Cael took Tristan under his wings, trained him and gave him a gift Tristan couldn’t resist… trust. Tristan soon fell into Cael’s arms and had never left his side ever since. The pair had been together for almost a century, luckily for Cael, he didn’t have to bite his lover to be able to live an eternal life, Tristan was rare breed of his kind, he was an immortal, and Cael loved Tristan the way he was… alive.

The beautiful sorcerer took the hood down and exposed his copper hair which complimented the color of his bright green eyes. His long face was proud, cold but gentle at the same time. The light brown skin shimmered under the glowing afternoon sun. It was no surprise that Cael had fallen for this beautiful being.

“Greetings and welcome… please forgive the lack of welcome from the host. I’m sure they would attend to you after the sun set”

“We’re here early, please lose the courtesy, Tristan. We’re family” Gin patted the sorcerer’s shoulder and motioned him to lift his head.

Tristan looked around and rose up to meet Gin’s eyes,

“I assume that the rest of you would get here by nightfall?”

“Yes, they’re taking the underground passage”

“Very well, I will dispatch a team to escort them here. Payne and the squad just checked in an hour ago, you are welcome to join them in the great hall, the other houses haven’t arrive yet, but the rest of the nightwalkers would join you at dusk” he motioned the Thralls to come and get our bags, and led us into the building.

The old building seemed to be abandoned until Cael turned it into a fort. I could hear the children’s laughter as we walked its floor. The building held joy and much love, not even the slightest evil was present in that building. I felt sad in a way, because we were about to stain that purity with blood, vengeance and rage.

We reached the heart of the fort where the laughter and joy were the strongest. I could almost taste the life back when the building was in full use. It was there, but beyond touch. Roan and the werewolf squad didn’t seem to notice the presence of the past in that room. Roan... My heart skipped a beat as he laid eyes on me. I offered him a polite nod, which he replied with his.

The squad went quiet as we walked into the room. We were a small group compared to them, the rest of the Tarkas squad were still on their way and would probably joined forces with the rest of the houses on their way. Danica went straight to the group, integrating with them with no trouble, it seemed like she knew them already.

“Long time no see” Roan approached to Gin, extending his hand.

Gin took the strong hand in his and shook it. The Captain smiled and gave a slight nod to Aidan and me. One of the qualities that attracted me to him was that Roan had a down to earth personality for a captain of such a strong pack. Unlike Payne who thought that Teal was too weak or too human, Roan thought that he was too nice, which could put himself and the rest of the troop in jeopardy.

“Good to see you again, Ondine”

“Likewise, Roan… and I believe you remember Aidan?”

“How could I forget”

Aidan smiled and bowed at the comment.

“Pleasure to see you again”

“Ah, the pleasure is mine, my friend”

Roan ran his fingers through his yellow hair, exposing flaw on his face. An axe had almost cut Roan’s head open in one of his early battles, and now he wore the mark of his defeat as a reminder to that memory. The scar ran through from the forehead down to the corner of his mouth. The last time Aidan saw him was when the wound was still opened, blood splattered all over his face and onto Aidan’s chest as he cradled the bigger man before taking him to Losec.

“You healed quite well, I see” Gin cut in.

A chuckle came from Roan’s throat.

“Master Losec is good at what he does, I wouldn't have survived without him, and I wouldn't have gotten to him in time if Aidan didn't haul my ass there" a joyful laugh followed from the big man, sending echoes throughout the hall, he was simply happy to still walk the earth.

“Are you well?” he asked me when Gin and Aidan moved away. I turned my head to face him, he had not changed, he aged a little, but he was still the same Roan, warm and genuine.

“Yes, thank you. I heard congratulation is in order. You’ll make one fine Alpha”

“Thank you” he stared at me for a moment before he motioned towards his pack.

“I should get back. It’s really good to see you again” he placed a hand on my shoulder before he went off. I watched him as he moved away, I changed my mind, he had changed, for the better.

The little forest just by the safe house was as beautiful as the one at the Tarkas. My bare feet walked the soft green grass, I was confused for a moment to find a little forest there. I couldn’t remember when was the last time I saw a garden in Tarrant, let alone a forest, it seemed to me that the town was surrounded by water. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t question the existence of a little wild life there, I could only enjoy.

I felt a gentle touch caressed my back, put my long straight hair aside to one shoulder and the man laid a kiss on my now bare neck. I could feel his warm breath against my skin, so comforting. I grabbed a handful of his soft hair and pressed his head closer to meet my skin. His fingers were at the sides of my neck, pulling me backward gently, caressing the length of my neck with his wet tongue.

Shifting posture, I turned to meet the dancing flames in his eyes. The lust jumped right out of those pair of eyes, swallowing me with my need for him inside me, my skin to his, passion, rhythm, and racing heart beats. He moved his hand to my waist, and another to the back of my head, drawing me towards him, closing the gap between us and letting me feel the warmth of his half naked body. My lips met his in a fierce long kiss. I parted my lips and let his tongue danced with mine, softly biting my lips. I could feel him grew hard on my thigh as his heartbeat paced quicker, his hand moved from behind my head to the back of my collar, taking my perfectly white shirt with it as he jerked his hand down, letting the cool breeze touch my skin. I always wondered how he did that without ripping all the buttons, and without hurting me… I guess centuries of practice made it perfect.

Aidan lifted me and pinned me onto a nearby tree, sending falling leaves around us as my back met the trunk. I loved the smell of grass, the sound of leaves and branches blown by the wind. The sun warmed my bare chest as he ripped my bra. I loved the way Aidan looked at me, full of lust... it was almost feral... he was rough but gentle at the same time. After all, we had been lovers for a long time, he knew exactly what I liked and how I liked it. He would be a perfect life partner for me, if only we were meant for each other.

His mouth found its way to my hardened nipple while his hand played with the other. The other hand was still pinning both of my hands to the tree, exposing my bare front to him. He cupped my breast, flicking his tongue at the tip of it. I let out a soft moan. The sensation jolted, sending euphoria to my brain, every inch of me was begging to be touched.

Answering my plea, he went to the other breast, this time he let his breath touched my nipple. I could feel my heart pounding as the warm air touched me, I wanted those lips on me, tongue licking me. But he teased me, he let the tip of his lips so close to the nipple, touching the tip of the skin and breathe out… I moan in frustration and pleasure, the wetness between my legs grew and sent my scent through the air. He smiled, satisfied for my arousal, and planted his kiss on the teased nipple. He let himself to be a little rough, sucking, biting, and gentle pulling. I groaned and writhed, rubbing my back against the tree, wanting to free myself, spreading my touch on his smooth skin, but he held on to my hands tight, not wanting to let go. His hand travelled the side of me, to the edge my black trousers, he trailed his fingers to the front, unzipping me.

The sensation built up, pulsing to the source of my pleasure between my legs. I let the trousers slipped off, leaving me with only my maroon panties, which didn’t stay on long. I parted my legs, wanting him to touch me. His finger played at the edge of my opening, stroking it, and another teased what lies above it, sending pulses of pleasure through my entire body.


His gaze met mine, a smile curled and unexpectedly gave me what I asked. His fingers found their way inside me, thrusting deeply in me, pleasure shot through my blood stream, but I wanted more… I wanted him to fill me.

He let my free legs pushed down his pants, letting go the length of him. He stood fully erect, ready to take me, but I wanted to return the favor. With a bit more force, I freed my hands from his, and maneuvered, putting him between me and the tree. I pressed my body against his, feeling his tensed shaft between us. His hands caress my back, pulling my hair up and let the cool breeze touched the skin.

I framed my hands on his firm buttocks and gave him a tight squeeze as I bit his bare shoulder, leaving perfect imprint of my teeth without breaking the skin. I heard a soft growl came from his throat. I left a trail of wet mark as I licked my way down to nibble on his hips, before I moved to his groin. I held both his hands to his side.

My mouth met the tip of him, teasing him a little before I let my tongue travelled the length of him, sucking a little bit of skin on its way down to his sack. I felt his pulse racing faster as I took him into my mouth and sucked, giving him a little tease with my tongue. His hands were fighting to be freed, but I held on to them. I raised my gaze to meet his eyes before I swallowed him whole, sucking my way down to the root of it. I tasted the saltiness in his juices as suck him in. His hips started to move with my rhythm, thrusting himself in my mouth. I let go of his hands, and cup my hands on his balls, giving him a light massage and earned an eager groan from him. His hands went to my shoulder, fingers dug into my skin.

I felt him getting harder and tense, he grabbed my hair and pulled me back gently.

“Ride me” his voice was throaty.

I brought my arms around his neck, my legs tight around his waist, feeling his hard member on lower abdomen, warm and wet against my skin. I let him support my whole weight. I never worried about my weight on him, almost all Supers had superhuman strength, including Aidan and I. I lifted myself and held my opening onto his tip, slowly letting him enter me. He was filling, thick, and long. Half way in, he couldn’t wait and thrust himself in me. I jerked up as the pleasure jolted. I used his shoulders to hold on to, and his arms below my buttocks supported me. We started to move in unison, feeding each other’s pleasure. The pace got faster, the air got hotter, my heart raced faster with the rhythm. I’m nearly there.

I felt a sudden breeze on my face and realized that we were in mid air, floating above the beautiful town surrounded by water. He had partially changed, wings grew out of his back. In the 16th century Aidan finally mastered his shapeshifting ability and was able to turn parts himself into any form, although his forms were limited to the avian family.

Adrenaline kicked in as soon as I realized how high we were flying. Not being able to fly made me feeling insecure being in that kind of height. The fear fed to my excitement. My blood pumped faster, our pelvis humped harder. Aidan gave that final thrust and brought me into orgasm. My body was shaking, voltage of extreme euphoria shot through my veins. I clung to Aidan tightly, not trusting myself of being able to hold on to him as my legs grew weak from the orgasm. He slowed his rhythm, knowing that I just climaxed. Satisfaction showed through his face.

Aidan turned around and put me on top while keeping a good hold of me to secure me. I felt him still hard in me, eager for release… but he was patient. His hands went up to cup my breasts, fondling with my nipples, which earned him another moan. I let him played with them and teased me with slow gentle thrusts. The cold air, Aidan’s fingers, his slow thrusts sent me down the path of another orgasm. I couldn’t wait much longer, I started to build a faster rhythm, pushing him deep into my womb.

As Aidan nearing to climax, he pulled me and planted another passionate kiss. His arms embracing me, legs tangling with mine, hips still thrusting. I felt a sudden lost of height, and realized that his wings were surrounding me, covering me from the fast wind caused by the speed we were falling at. Right at that moment I didn’t care about falling. I was at the edge of my climax. Aidan thrust as deep as he could and reached his, sending vibration through the inside of me. He thrust another as he was releasing himself and brought me to mine. I was screaming orgasm as we free falling through the afternoon sky.

I held on to Aidan tightly and shut my eyes, not wanting to know how fast we were falling. But he spoke to my ears,

“Open your eyes”. So I did. I saw the ground was nearing at a fast speed. My heart almost jumped out at the sight of it. But Aidan spread his wings and gained altitude before we hit any grounds. I almost thought we wouldn’t make it as I could feel the gravity was pulling us down.

He flew us back to the little forest where it all started. Settling me down on the grass. I tried to anchor my feet to the ground again, but it felt like an illusion, as if the ground was fake, and I was going to fall as soon as I set my feet on it. I shoved the thoughts aside, forcing my feet to take a firm grip and support my own weight.

“Giving a new meaning to mile high club, huh?”

I turned and found Gin leaning against a tree next to where Aidan had tossed my clothes. A naughty grin escaped Aidan’s lips, followed by a chuckle.

Gin shook his head. Aidan grabbed my hand gently as I was reaching for my clothes.

“No no no… you look better without them” and planted another kiss on my lips.

I saw Gin shook his head again from the corner of my eyes as he walked away.

“I came to say, everyone else have arrived. Be back in the house before sundown, don’t make me come out to get you” he told us as he was leaving.

Aidan broke from the kiss, looked up to the sky and brought his gaze back to me again.

“We have plenty of time before that” and another grin showed on those kissable lips.

I could live with that. I grinned at the thought of it.

I put my palm on his chest, and pushed him, knocking him into the ground, the grass framed his perfect figure. I kneeled and placed myself on top of him, straddling his hips and whispered to his ear,

“Plenty of time indeed”

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