A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restored 93

Chapter 93

The hum of the vacuum filled the spacious living room, drowning out the distant sounds of the city outside. I moved the nozzle over the sofa, the suction of the vacuum pulling away hidden crumbs and specks of dust.

It felt oddly comforting to be in Felix’s house now, I mean…I did live here. Plus, this was Felix’s house.

Tw like

this, working. It had been my workplace before. Now it was more. It was my home too, in a way,

The doorbell chimed, interrupting the rhythmic drone of the vacuum. I turned off the machine and made my way to the front door, wondering who could be visiting.

Liam stood there, a playful grin on his face.


when do you lock the door?” he asked, feigning offence. “Sorry, maybe Fe – Mr. Corsino did it.”

He nodded. “Hi, Flora,” he greeted, a casual confidence in his demeanor.”

“How have you been?”

“Good,” I looked down at my stained apron, “I was just cleaning.”

“Its 2. Wanna have lunch with me?”

my head

I shook my head, biting my lip in hesitation “I ate a late breakfast. So, not right now,”

“No worries, Flora.” Liam’s eyes scanned the living room briefly before settling on me. “Actually, I was hoping you’d be up for a little horror movie night. There’s a new release, and I thought it might be fun. What do you say?”

The proposition caught me off guard. 1 hadn’t expected an invitation from Liam, especially for a horror movie night.

“Uh, a horror movie?” I chuckled nervously, shifting on my feet. “I’m not sure if I’m up for that.” It sounded awfully much like a date. And I didn’t want to go on a date with him. We’d had similar interactions before. I guess he didn’t get the hint. Or maybe I hadn’t been stern enough?

Liam’s eyes sparkled, pushing and pleading. “Come on, Flora. It’s just a movie. Besides, it’s been ages since we hung out. What’s the worst that could happen? You love horror.”

“Give me a moment to think about it? I finally replied, feeling the weight of indecision on my shoulders.

“Sure thing,” Liam said, his grin undeterred. “Take your time. Ill be right here.”

I nodded. “Want someone to hang out with while you


I wouldn’t mind some company. “That’d be nice,” I commented. “Come on in.”

Liam made himself useful, too. He dusted the comers while I vacuumed. It was nice to have him around. With all the weirdness sometimes, he was still my friend.

So, what movie did you want to watch?” I asked.

“There is one about nuns and another with clowns.”

saw the reviews.”

“I think the clowns one is nicer. I s

He looked up from a corner at me, “Or we can watch anything else you want. I just wanted to hang out.”

I nodded, “Can I let you know by tonight?”

He nodded.

“You should go and have your lunch, Liam. I’ll finish up here.”

Chapter 93

“Alright, let me know!” He bid me goodbye, and walked away. A minute later, I heard Felix’s voice.

“What was Liam doing here?”


I turned around, and Felix was standing there, casually leaning against the doorway and staring at me. His face held no expression, but I had caught the irritation in his voice.

“Nothing.” I said swiftly, “He wanted to know how I was.”

“That’s all?” He looked me up and down, assessing my demeanor. I nodded. He cocked his head to the side. “Don’t lie to me, Flora.”

gaze, staring hard at a cushion on the sofa. “Now, let me work, Felix”

“I’m not lying.” I quickly averted my gaze,

He stared at me. “Come here,” he said, beckoning me with two fingers. I gulped. I set the vacuum down and walked to him with a straight face.

His fingers fisted in my hair and he pulled me to him. I winced at the sudden, pinching pain. “Felix,” I said in a whisper. His grip on my hair tightened. “Tell me, what was he doing here?”

I stared him head on. Heat was pooling between my legs. “Asking me to go out with him.”

“Yeah?” Felix smirked. With one hand still in my hair, his other hand snaked around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. “And what did you say?”

“That I’d think about it.”

He hummed in response. His hand inched down my waist, into my pants. His fingers lightly grazed the edge of my panties. He slowly moved down, his hand getting closer and closer to where I was desperate for it.

“Stop, Felix,” I hissed, “Someone might come in.”

“Who’s gonna come in? Two fingers entered me slowly. My eyes ralled to the back of my head. It was slightly painful, but I couldn’t seem to get enough. I rolled my hips to get his fingers deeper, and Felix chuckled lowly, “You’re such a slut for me, flower. Grinding on my hand.”

I stopped instantly, and he began to pull out, but I pled. “Please.”

He pushed deeper into me, “Go on, make yourself cum. That’s the only way I’m letting you cum.”

“Someone’s gonna come in,” I said again, but I couldn’t stop grinding on his hand. It felt so good, he slightly moved his fingertips, pressing on a sensitive spot. I moaned.

“Who? Liam?” Felix leaned in to nip my ear, “Let him see you belong to me.”

“I don’t belong to you.”

He pulled his fingers out of me in a single stroke. I gasped, “No, no,” I begged, “I belong to you. I belong to you. Please.”

He smirked at my plight, and it was hot and humiliating and I couldn’t get enough of it. I needed him inside me.

Slowly, slowly, Flora, I told myself. There’s plenty of time. You don’t want him to think you’re some sex–starved horny slut.

I reached up to kiss him. His mouth enveloped mine, as his tongue darted out to taste mine. He kissed me hard while I grind on his hand. When I cante, I moaned into his mouth. He pressed a chaste kiss against my mouth, “Good girl.”

I stepped out of his hold, panting slightly.

“Tell him no. Alright?” Felix ordered, his eyes narrowed like a hawk, but there was a look of victory on his face.

“I was going to.”

“Good, you’re so good, baby. He cooed at me. My cheeks turned pink at the tone of hi

My eyes widened. “Yes, Daddy.” I said nonetheless.

This voice. “Now say, yes, Daddy.

Chapter 93

He patted my head like I was a chilid, and walked away.

1 sank into the couch.

Felix hadn 1 changed a bit.

The realization struck me,

r, and i giggled to myself; I couldn’t help but find it endearing. Despite the years that had passed, he remained the same – that familiar blend of jealousy and possessiveness that had defined him back when we were younger. It was a part of him, woven into the fabric of his personality.

I recalled the moment earlier in the day when a Tommy had called me on the phone. Felix’s eyes had narrowed ever so slightly, a subtle shift in his expression that betrayed the tinge of possessiveness he couldn’t quite conceal. It was a familiar dance, a pattern I recognized from our past. And now

As I sat there, the soft sound of his footsteps approached, and he peeped in.

“I got you flowers,” he said, leaning in to place a quick kiss on my cheek. “But I forgot

at to give t

them m you cause of that fucktard

“They’re beautiful, Felix. Thank you, I replied, appreciating the gesture.

As we settled on the sola together, Felix’s arm instinctively wrapped around me.

Felix pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, his arms still wrapped around me. The possessiveness lingered, an unspoken promise that resonated in the quiet of the room.

“I’m gonna fire him.“”

I turned to my side to stare at him. “What?”

He rolled his eyes, “I won’t really. Just cause I respect his Mam.”

“He’s a nice guy.

He’s my friend.”

“A friend who just asked you on a date? He wants to fuck you, Flura.

I grimaced at his crassness. I mean, he wasn’t wrong.

“Maybe he has a crush on me.” I said, “That he was nice to me when I came here. And I don’t have a lot of fr

friends, so.

He didn’t say anything to that for a while. His lips were pursed. “Just don’t get too friendly, okay? Remember you’re mine.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I rolled my eyes at him, w

which made him frown even more. But I loved it each time he called me his. And I was his. I loved being his.

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