A Love Restored

Chapter A Love Restore 130

Chapter 130

I reach out for the music system in his car and quickly connect my phone to it. I realise only

y after I’ve st him first. I’m getting too comfortable too fast.

started playing music that I should have asked

“What kind of music do you like?” I ask him,

Julian looks over at me, casually. Oh, how I love him when he does that, randomly looking over at me for the fraction of a second, all smouldering gaze, green and blue,

“I don’t mind. Play what you want. No One Direction, please.”

“I don’t listen to One Direction” I mumble to myself. I used to, but I’ve notgrown them. Plus, I want to seem like I have mature and refined music

“Now here you go ag

go again, you say you want your freedom

Well, who am I to keep you down?

It’s only right that you should play the way you feel it

But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness”

I love Fleetwood Mac. Especially this song 1 know Julian loves them too because he was listening to this song once while getting tattooed. It had been my favourite since then. Its insane how much my life is affected by him, has always been, even though we have never been that close or connected.

“Like a heartbeat drives you mad

In the stillness of remembering what you had

And what you lost”

I look over to Julian to see if he likes the song. His face is placid, as he concentrates on driving, the long hair on top of his head flying into his eyes as he unceremoniously flicks them away with his hand. But his head is bobbing along to the music, slowly, it’s barely noticeable. But I do notice.

I wonder what other kind of music Julian likes. Maybe punk rock. Or RnB. You never know with him. He’s so refined, yet so dark and rough. Maybe he likes classical music.

“Oh, thunder only happens when it’s raining, Players only love you when they’re playing. Julian sings along to the song nonchalantly, mumbling under his breath

The sight makes me smile. He is singing. Humming, actually. But it’s nice. Sweet. Sweet baby Jesus. The way his lips move. He’s so beautiful. The way hes still casually looking onto the road, and when he looks over at me, he winks.

So, I start singing with him.

“Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions, I keep my visions to myself. It’s only me who wants to wrap around your dreams. And have you any dreams you’d like to sell?”

Julian is clearly surprised as well. He turns down the volume. “I’m surprised you know this song.”

I frown. “Why?”

He shrugs. “You seem like you like T

“I do like Taylor Swift.”

you like Taylor Swift,”

I will listen to the album Red when you leave me heartbroken.

resting on my thigh. My breath catch

He shrugs. “See. But its cute, Ginevra.” He reaches out to squeeze my knee, but then his hand travels up, resting

“Remi Alas got me into them.” I lie.

“Certainly a step up from Taylor Savili.

I scowl. “She is, quote literally, the music indu

Julian Laughs. “Yea, Ginevra, whatever you say

at me and cracks a sly

My phone rings

Tou Changing the song on any phone, so Balsum Wise by the Civil Wars is playing when I answer

en I answer Nicus call.

“Are your ok?” He impuites in greeting, then sinisis

“Of course.” I say, Julian spieces my thigh. His fingers shifting ever so slightly. ie can trace my inner thigh faintly. “Why?”

I don’t know. Why are your listening to sail songs?

Talways listen to sad songs, Nicu At the name, pillan squeezes my thigh, and I don’t kume if it’s involuntary.

1 hear Nico scoff on the other line. “Alight. Anyway, where one you? I was thinking we should get lunch together. I’m just leaving a meeting. The at the tattoo shop in 45 minutes,”

“Oh, abusit that,” I say sheepishly, as Julian turns down the music to overhear our conversation. I make a point to look at him and roll my eyes. “Tim out.

the over at yonus for slimien tough.”

“Who are you out with?” Nico asks.

My eyes Havel la Juhan. He’s parking the car now. In with Cassie,” I say

“Who’s Cassie

Fuck. Hadryt thought he would cross question. That it mukes sense because Nico knows all my friends. Its…just hins and my brother. Its a little pathetic, but I’ve never tested tune than that.

© “Cassie – uh – the gul I met at the nail salon the other day, remember? I look down at my nails. Three of them are short and two are long, and the pink

nail polish is coming off. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a nail salon. I hope he doesn’t catch my le..

“Um, saute, if vanu say so.”

Julian stares at me. ‘Hey, I’ve gotta go. See you later. Bye.” I hang up.

julian and I stare at each other for a moment, not saying anything. Finally, he’s the one to break eye contact, and he gets down from the car. I followe suit, walking behind him as he takes long strides to the school building where Len is waiting for him.

When Leo spots Julian, he runs toward him, stressed in his cute blue uniform, with his schooling and everything. What an adorable little boy. He looks so much like his father.

to He says excitedly. Julian picks him up in his arms and grins, Man, what a sight. How endearing to see a grown, dangerous mafioso be so soft and gentle with a kid. Somewhere inside me, I wonder if I could have this. A child. His child. A family.

“Hey, Leo.” He says. “Wanna go get ice cream

Lee nods enthusiastically, and Julian starts walking with Leo in his arms. He looks at me, hat walks straight past, his jaw set firmly.

Well, fack.

Chapter Coquenti


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