A Love In Dark Times

Chapter 5

Hello Detective Das.

-Hello Mark, Mark, Mark Linen, what a pleasant surprise, what a coincidence to meet you at a crime scene.

-Of course, it's been a long time since we've met.

Yes, it's the truth, I've been assigned other types of cases, I've had to take some serial killers out of circulation. Sometimes demons take over bodies or minds, or sometimes they are on the loose.

-1 forgot that everything supernatural surrounds the great Marcos, even his youthful appearance, even though the first tin I saw you I was just a young man, and now that I am close to retirement, you look the same, you should share with me thy potion or the spell.

To be the best detective in the country, you need more inference, that's nothing out of this world, just eat healthy, sleep well, don't stress yourself for nothing and do fun exercise, don't punish or belittle yourself, but what do you know about that, you stick to bad drinks like a limpet, your stomach knows no limits when it comes to sweets and fatty foods, your shiny bald head shows that you are very complicated and stress yourself for nothing.

-yes it's true, at one time I had problems that felt like a mammoth's footprint, now looking back I know it wasn't that bad as a boss used to tell me “worry when you can’t get it up”, and that's happening to me, but I don’t even worry about it anymore.

You are very eloquent Das, I don't know why you smell funny, like broken elephant plates.

“What a comparison, do you know what happened here?

-yes very easy, they broke up the night.

ha-ha-ha-ha you mean the pot.

You know what happened, so why do you ask?

“I believed it until I saw you, your presence adds a touch of uneasiness, it makes one become cautious with the obvious. -Da, you're still getting complicated, like that time at the central hospital.

Marco, that's something that every day that goes by I consider that I don't pass, just like the kindergarten.

-Are you crazy? I still remember how you were crying with fright, like a scared child.

1 got a dirt in my eye, or maybe a toxic gas, it irritated my eyes and made me hallucinate.

Ves, and how do you explain how you wet your pants?

-Maybe I got water or steam or maybe I had prostate problems,

Well, there are no chemicals or steam in a kindergarten, and I would believe you now about the prostate, but back then y were twenty-five years old.

Well, you are very difficult, we'd better have a drink to celebrate this meeting, in fact, let's have a little bottle of that stuf that looks like liquid gold, to break up this night.

~You know I don't drink when 1 work.

-and when I don't, you don't either.

You, on the other hand, only don't drink when you sleep.

~You know, I still don't know what that thing from kindergarten was.

“that was a lycanthrope, better known as a werewolf, you knew it, that's why you bought those silver bullets.

“Yes, they still make fun of me at headquarters because someone told me the story, I even had to go to the psychologist many times, that's why I guess I didn’t pass, in fact, I exchanged those silver bullets for drinks.

Well, it's not like they would have been of much use to you either.

Marco, although my biggest doubt is whether that bug was really the bad guy, I don't think so, it looked as if it was lookin for something that belonged to it, that was bothering me, so much that I kept investigating that garden, discovering that children were abused there, the hardest thing was to control myself not to kill those so-called teachers, they believed th: by doing those abominations, they purified their soul, then suddenly the wolf was not the monster.

-Maybe, but I don't like talking to monsters.

Maybe Marco, you are a racist ox, you don't consider that there can be good beings, or that they behave badly because there are people like you, who shoot without asking questions.

-Das, anything is possible, although all the horrors I have seen caused by those creatures leave me with no desire to ever greet them.

-Ok Marcos you have your reasons, by the way I am right about the sword Darmela.

Please Das tell me, what do you know, finding it is my primary mission.

Ok, but first tell me what is that thing, why do you care so much about it?

It's a very bad object, one of those that Saladin Basas created twenty thousand years ago.

How did he produce it, when there was no technology.

Detective, if you know that to produce weapons you don't need robots.

-1 know Marco, but they would have to melt it.

Look Das, metallurgy is very old, even some very good techniques were lost in time and others like those of the Saladin were buried by my ancestors.

Well, I suppose that just as there are still unsolved crimes throughout history, there are many forgotten stories, and ther are things that the people should not know about, as long as they can barely meet their basic needs, they are happy and life is hard enough to make it even harder for them.

Well Marco, but tell me about the sword.

“It turns out that Saladin Basas was a kind of king with many resources who became obsessed with magic in all its colors, so he came up with the idea of melting steel by pouring human sacrifices in the molten iron broth, and when forging weapons, they tempered them with plasma instead of oils and marinated them with spells and witchcraft.

But the other time you told me that the witch that the police had brought was a fake, that there was no such thing. Well, it doesn't exist now, but it did exist, what happens is that some envoys have put an end to many bad things, however, sometimes nothing is absolute.

“like my neighbor who got pregnant, with the husband who had a vasectomy operation.

-Of course, an operation can fail or the neighbor can help.

Ha-ha-ha-ha, Marco, at last I hear a joke, but you are dilating me, keep telling.

Well, it is true that all the weapons that this Saladin made did not acquire powers or curses, although some of them did and they are very dangerous instruments, one of them is the sword Darmela, to melt this flaw, Basas sacrificed 66 people besides that it was covered by spells of a sorcerer called Bochad, whom I think I destroyed him.

You are confusing me again, if you say that this happened thousands of years ago and you say that now you killed that wizard, maybe it was a descendant or someone with the same name.

“how you want to consider it my dear Das, now your part.

-It's ok, a month ago I was in the prison of Pica Leiia, there a mafioso said that he had very important information about some bombs that a madman had placed all over the city, which he would only share with me, I was considering that story When 1 talked to that guy who did not look like a criminal but a drunk guy, what to say about the cell that was more luxurious than the best suite where I have stayed and the dinner, exquisite, lobster with a delicious drink, we talked abot books and movies until when we finished the dessert he confessed to me that it was a lie about the explosives, that I hac read that, that everything was orchestrated to tell me that the big boss Don Josemaria, had bought a farm in a jungle, where every night they observed a lady crying, they tried to grab her, but they ended up unconscious dawning with bruis on their bodies, The boss took cures, spiritualists, shamans and others, but none could, until a fat old man arrived and unearthed an old box, everyone thought it was the corpse of that fright, then the surprise was greater to find only that object wrapped in parchment with strange symbols. The fat sorcerer ran away without even charging, shouting like crazy “the sword Darmela”. So far he gave me his explanation, what he didn't tell me is why I had to receive that information, it true that I have been looking for that instrument since you asked me for it, I just haven't dedicated much time to it and only with people I trust, that is to say, I haven't spread the gossip.

“It must be a message for me, we don't know how much is the reach of this capo or what he could be.

“maybe it's a man -dust.

“I've never met one of those hybrids.

“Marco, I remembered another question that sometimes keeps me awake at night, what was the bug in the central hospital?

-I thought you knew, I saw how you crossed your fingers.

Well, that's what I thought, and how did those half-human and half-beast individuals come about, are they products of zoophilia?

-1 don't think a human could copulate with a bat.

Well then, what do you say, frames?

“maybe they are products of sinful relationships or curses, diseases or they are bugs from other dimensions, beings of darkness or maybe there is a completely different world that we refuse to see.

-that's what they told me once when I went to some people who claimed they levitated, but I only saw them jumping like frog, they told me that I had a blocked mental center that prevented me from seeing it, but there are things that one doe not consider and they happen, at least I did not think that a river could make you dizzy and it happened to me, or that werewolf, I saw it very real, 1 did not see a man with a dog costume or something like that.

You're right, although maybe you didn't see things as they really were, like me, maybe I didn’t see that the real monster was the director of that garden, I'm not to blame, not to make excuses, what happened is that I was trained to destroy those beasts without questioning, the only time I did it was a blunder, once I tracked some lycanthropes that razed some villages to the ground, I got to their den fighting against thousands of them or I felt like, at times I felt I couldn't take it anymore, I tried to surrender, although the only option was to fight or end up in their claws, one by one I exterminated them, except when I got to a small cave where one of them was giving milk to her cub, a beautiful black wolf cub with a white star on her forehead, the she-wolf roared at me showing her long teeth, making me almost split her with my sword was restrained by the screeching of the cub, then I left them there in the middle of that massacre in a red lake with hair, years later there were some murders near there and they say they have spotted a black werewolf with a white star on his forehead, I have tried to hunt him and each of his murders are my fault, for a moment of weakness, he is one of my burdens, someday I will hunt him down and make a jacket with his jet fur.

it's complicated, sometimes knowing what is really good or who is the real monster, sometimes what you think is right may not be, maybe we've had a blindfold and a carrot placed in front of our noses, maybe we all have some beast in us. Those are very wise words, at least rum makes you a philosopher.

ja maybe I'm a drink-man, a drink-man.

Ha-ha-ha-ha at this point you're more drink than man.

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