A Love In Dark Times

Chapter 3

-0ld Richard, but I don't see how that affects me, except for the fact that you are almost helping me to get rid of my drin} bottles, very soon I will have to buy more. 1 promise to get to that point, what happens is that your love is almost impossible or not impossible, it is rather an imbecilic love, you are the one who wants to complicate things or maybe things are not what they seem, it seemed to me that that mafioso with whom his girlfriend left is an old acquaintance that has to do with you, I am going to get my head together while I continue telling you the story, where were we going? They built them a house, they gave them a market and even money, better said, that misfortune went well for them, ever for Lucho who fell in love with Luisa, except for the part where he almost got sliced. -Oh yes, that is where my friend appears, who was attracted there by the news, he arrived with all his instruments analyzing the soil, he tried to look for the remains of the ranch, although nobody gave him a reason because they had already been sold for scrap, he looked at the soil, he took out pendulums, he tested the soil, and each thing he wrote it down in a small bright notebook that contrasted with his shabby clothes, although they looked expensive, he knocked at the Monroy’s door, when he opened it he greeted them like this: “Good morning, I arrived because I came because they h already been sold for scrap: -Good morning, I came because you need me, although you don't know why. The mother thought that this strange old man had come to give her some help and judging by his scanty luggage it shoul be in cash, what a joy, because the beer cupboard was almost empty, so she answered him: “Yes, sir, we are attentive to your needs: -yes, sir, we are attentive to any blessing, we are still very bad, My friend entered sitting on the sofa, which was uncomfortable, maybe because it was new or maybe that is why the carpentry had donated it, while he introduced himself saying a thousand gadgets he observed each part of the house an each of the lady's children, only when he observed Luisa he remained silent, until he said to her: “Hello, my name is Mich -hello my name is Michel, what is your name, why are you here? To which the very shy young woman answered: “My name is Luisa, this is my house and Michel is a woman's name. He laughed loudly and said smiling: -1 don't know how you were saved, that being that destroyed your house is very powerful and where I come from is a mar name. She approached him looking him in the eyes, grabbed his small white hand that contrasted with his, because it was plum big, wrinkled and blackened, maybe because of the sun, while she continued saying: -You are very strong, that's why you are very strong, that's why you are very strong. You are very strong, that's why they have been after you. Without letting go of her hand, she looked back at her mother to ask her: My lady, I realize that you had many difficulties with her, right, but fortunately someone very skillful placed some protections that have served you very well, even with the being that destroyed your house, right, now please tell me wha symptoms you had, and what did he tell you? And what did he tell you? How did he relieve you? The surprised mother clutched her hands tightly and lowered her eyes to the floor and answered: -yes, it all started when she was a baby, her crib every night at one o'clock in the morning, it squeaked like a violin, so we decided it was better for her to sleep with us, but one day when I was in the bathroom I heard that the girl was crying a l Then I went out to run, alone in the towel, when I thought I saw a very big snake with two arms with which he was lifting i daughter, I tried to scream and I could not get out but a squeak, I quickly began to pray the rosary and ask for help to the virgin, The neighbors got into the house and broke the cans that we had for walls, they were very impressed when they sz that creature, we tried to confront it with sticks and knives, but the monster was very fast, it hurt many, even me, look, (it raised its dress showing four scars in a row like a claw and the one from the cesarean section), the whole neighborhood arrived, even the priest who threw a jar of holy water on it, but nothing seemed to stop it, the police didn't come, Maybe they thought it was a trap or a mockery, everything got even more complicated when the beast out of nowhere took like thunder with which he brandished breaking the cans like paper and putting everyone at bay, except me who ran towards to prevent him from kidnapping my girl, even from the race I dropped my towel and I was all viringa, the beast threw me I lightning, and 1 could see how he broke the roof as when you cut a foam with a hot knife, I saw them above my head, The only thing I could do was to close my eyes and pray, when I felt someone put the towel on me, I opened my eyes and saw him, a strong, bearded man with a cowboy hat, who without my feeling pulled me to a corner saving me, because I could see how he was dressed on the floor and at the same time he dressed me to avoid the morbid people who are not lackin; immediately he stood in front of the beast where I could see that his yellowish eyes were now shivering, The beast with i energy lights molded like a machete, and launched itself with everything to split my savior, who very calmly took out a st. that even seemed to be made of wood like those used to train cows, and with that he stopped the attacks, disabling then to continue hitting the beast, he beat it until the beast fell on its face, he took the opportunity to take out a square bottle like the one where they keep the perfume in the movies. Then, like an old soap opera star, he took out a cigar, lit it, put it in his mouth, sucked in a puff of smoke and raised his beautiful face, exhaling a gray jet towards the destroyed ceiling and threw the lighter at the beast, which was getting up again, which prevented him from this move because it was quickly incinerated and not even the ashes were left to check this really happened or if it was a product of the imagination of those of us who remember it, the hero left but not before lifting my baby, he grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes as you did, he spoke a few words in another language, perhaps in English or Quechua, my husband arrived at that moment and thought out of anguish that the monster was ths hero, so he grabbed a club and settled it on his back, but it was as if the wood was porcelain, it broke into a thousand pieces without doing any damage, I quickly grabbed him and told him that this was our savior, When he finished with his prayers, he told us that we had to take good care of her because she would be followed forever, that the protection he ha given her was strong but not perfect, that we should please plant aloe and rue in the house, and he left without acceptin anything in return, we offered him to stay and eat, even my husband took out all the money we had to give it to him, but left on a beautiful chrome bicycle of those thin ones, the ones used by those who go up to the moors. The strange old man scratched his beard, asking him another question: -did he not tell them his name? Or did he have any symbols on his clothing? No, he told us, on his costume he had many symbols, one of them I don't forget, it was like an arrow with two small lines like an equal in its middle and it was enclosed in an oval. The old man laughed, throwing back his big head, saying as if thinking out loud: -oh! So Marco was here, he always has the gift of being close to these situations, on the other hand, I am always late, ha - ha - ha ~ ha.

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