A Love In Dark Times

Chapter 26

The mountains were shaking, the landscape was turning into a multicolour as lightning, fire and lightning, the cries of wa and pain were breaking the silence, even though they were close to the village, the humans of that place saw that as a ga as a storm, that was a very agitated night tinged with tears, The only one who seemed to be smiling was that creature called “La Mancarita", she was making room in her belly to gobble up Don Carl and then it was possible that she would al gobble up that young woman, or it would be better for her because her tender flesh would surely taste better, besides th it would guarantee that she could not harm her when she came to her senses.

~You can't eat her,” shouted Don Carl, “she has magical powers, you saw that she brought that wolf back to life and improved his appearance.

-1 don't care what happened, the only thing I care about is inflicting pain, that's why I will only eat their heads.

Stop there Mancarita,” it was Estrello who arrived with Paola and other wolves, “we will make you pay for killing the alph and our brothers.

-Damn dogs, you are betraying your own by preferring these humans.

Less barking and more biting scarecrow.

The wolves attacked the scarecrow with all their ferocity without achieving much, they were soon badly wounded and we considering escape.

Luisa came to her senses and, weak as she was, she stood up to fight, remembering that the scarecrow had killed her mother.

The Mancarita felt lost and screamed with all her might, deafening her enemies, although fortunately this cry was heard I Guio, who was protecting the magic rock, ran, even stumbled once or twice, came waving a sword of light, threw himself o the wolf and almost broke it in two,

-Guio, no!" Luisa shouted, “wolves are not enemies at the moment, that furry thing is, attack that creep.

Guio decided to attack the Mancarita from the front, invoking a spear of light, this one tried to hit it with its nails, and on by one Guio cut them, he cut its hair, it seemed that he would make an extreme change, what happened was that he cou not deliver a mortal blow, when a voice boomed:

“This is not going anywhere, I am forced to intervene,” it was an old man, with a big hat, well dressed, with an opaque fac and in an attitude of permanent observation.

-Are you the sombreron,” asked Don Carl.

That's what they say," answered the old man, getting off a black horse that also looked like a dog and that was spewing fire from its mouth, “very well, let's dance.

The old man fought formidably, launching a very cold wind, which almost froze his adversaries, Guio fought against him and the others against La Mancarita who was tearing apart the wolves one by one, only Estrello and Paola were giving battle, apart from Luisa and Don Carl, they took advantage of an oversight to restart their flight.

Halfway, Luisa stopped and said to her stepfather:

Carl, we must go back and help them, the same way they did with us, we can’t run away forever, we can't leave them behind.

Don't be silly girl, they'll kill us, we can't do anything.

“We'll do something, something that will make a difference.

And if we die?

Then we'll die doing the right thing.

We'll be brave and the brave die only once.

Yes and cowards die many, if you want to go ahead, run away, I'l go back and try to avenge my mother, then I may not have the chance to find that creep.

So saying, she turned back much faster than when they fled, not noticing that Don Carl also followed her, though repeatir that they were making a mistake, which was sure to be fatal.

She arrived and contemplated the landscape, only Paola was standing fighting against La Mancarita, who seemed to be unharmed, this fright was regenerating fast, and Guio was facing the Sombrero. Luisa remembered the way she had managed to damage it, so she tried to attack it from behind and at the last moment it turned around and hit her smiling. Estrello gathered his last strength, launching himself with a bite directed to the neck of the scarecrow, he felt it coming, f hair scattered around the place were like tentacles that warned him what was happening around him, so his attack was also useless, Estrello was also shot against a tree and fell unconscious half dead transformed into a human.

“Wow, so the girl saved him and gave him the gift of change, maybe she can turn us fully human,” said Paola.

Don Carl preferred to attack the Sombreron, also from behind, he gave him his best blow that barely shook him, which served to lower his guard and Guio delivered a series of blows, managing to break his big hat, provoking the screams of this and his horse, Guio understood his weak point and destroyed that ornament, which caused the old man and his hors to disappear.

It seemed that now the scales were tipping towards them, which was far from being the case, as the Mancarita still had many tricks up her sleeve. Guio attacked her with his sword of light, she harassed him with her nails and tried to hypnoti him, Luisa tried to heal Estrello again, she remembered that she treated him with her wounds and prayed the Our Father several times, she did it again and nothing, Estrello seemed dead, the anguish invaded her, she had not been the difference, she should have fled with her stepfather, Maybe she would have gone to train with the Order of Light, with Ans and Yaqui, she cried when she realised that Guio was moving clumsily and the scarecrow was just having fun dodging her blows, as if she were a child and she wasn't wrong, she was, because La Mancarita was trying to make room in her guts to devour them all.

Out of the sky came those yellow eyes that I had already seen, they were those of Buinizen, who seemed to have returnec La Mancarita saw her and giving her a look of disdain told her:

go away, Indian, I have everything under control, these prey are mine alone.

The big snake opened its jaws and tried to gobble up the frightened snake, which, terrified, said to her:

condemned, I supposed that we are on the same side, -and gave a deafening scream very similar to that of a baby, everyone had to cover their eyes again and Buinizen closed his eyes and moved away by standing upright avoiding that noise, the scarecrow took advantage and fled the place.

Buinizen transformed into a woman, a beautiful indigenous woman and said to them:

“1 will not attack you, this ruse is already getting out of control, besides your Guio you prevented your master from finishing me off, I think that in a way I owed you my life in the same way, that damned scarecrow also owes me some, go quietly 1 will let you go, on this occasion I will look the other way, next time I will not be so generous.

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